

大橋弘(OHASHI, Hiroshi),博士學位,畢業於西北大學。日本東京大學教授。主要研究方向為產業組織理論、競爭政策、經濟政策等。


  • 中文名:大橋弘
  • 外文名:OHASHI, Hiroshi
  • 國籍日本
  • 畢業院校:西北大學


平成5年3月 東京大學經濟學部經濟學科 畢業
平成7年3月 東京大學大學院經濟學研究科 碩士畢業
平成12年6月 西北大學 博士畢業
平成12年7月 不列顛哥倫比亞大學經營學部助教授
平成15年6月 東京大學大學院經濟學研究科助教授
平成19年4月 東京大學大學院經濟學研究科 準教授
平成24年4月 東京大學大學院經濟學研究科 教授
令和2年4月 東京大學公共政策大學院 院長


  • Price Effects of Target Ratcheting: A Progress Report on Medical Devices (with D. Isogawa), Japanese Economic Review, 70(3):331-340, 2019
  • Market Structure and Product Quality: A Case Study of the 2002 Japanese Airlines Merger (with N. Doi), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62:158-193, 2019
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Management Using Auction Mechanism for Reducing PV Curtailment in Distribution Systems, (with H. Kikusato, Y. Fujimoto, S. Hanada, D. Isogawa, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019
  • Effects of Consumer Subsidies for Renewable Energy on Industry Growth and Welfare: Japanese Solar Photovoltaic System (with S.Myojo), Journal of Japanese and International Economics, 48:55-67, 2018
  • The Effects of Domestic Mergers on Exports: A Case Study of the 1998 Korean Automobile Industry, (with Y. Toyama), Journal of International Economics 107:147-64, 2017
  • Empirical Analysis of the National Treatment Obligation Under the WTO: The Case of Japanese Shochu Liquor (with N. Doi), Journal of Japanese and International Economics, 46: 43-52, 2017
  • Treatment of Monopolization in Japan and China (with Lin Ping), in R. Blair and D. Sokol (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics Vol. 2, Ch 9: 188-233, Oxford Univ. Press, 2015
  • Effects of re-invention on industry growth and productivity: evidence from steel refining technology in Japan, 1957–1968 (with T. Nakamura), Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 21(4): 411-26, 2012
  • Intra-plant diffusion of new technology: Role of productivity in the study of steel refining furnaces (with T. Nakamura), Research Policy, 41(4): 770-779 2012
  • Competition Policy in Japan (with Steve Harris), in R.I.McEwin (Ed), Intellectual Property, Competition Law and Economics in Asia,Ch 9: 197-216, Hart Publishing, 2011
  • Did U.S. Safeguard Resuscitate Harley-Davidson in the 1980s? (with T. Kitano) Journal of International Economics, 79(2): 186-97, 2009
  • Effects of Transparency in Procurement Practices on Bidding Behavior: The Experience of Municipal Public Works, Review of Industrial Organization, 34(3): 267-85, 2009
  • Effects of Technology Adoption on Productivity and Industry Growth (with T. Nakamura), Journal of Industrial Economics, 56(3), 470-4992008
  • International Consumption Patterns among High-income Countries: Evidence from the OECD data (with István Kónya), Review of International Economics, 15(4): 744-757, 2007
  • Indirect Network Effects and the Product Cycle: U.S. Video Games, 1994 - 2002 (with Matt Clements), Journal of Industrial Economics, 53(4):515-42, 2005
  • Learning by Doing, Export Subsidies, and Industry Growth: Japanese Steel in the 1950s and 60s, Journal of International Economics 66:297-323, 2005
  • Choice of Air Cargo Transshipment Airport: An Application to Air Cargo Traffic to/from Northeast Asia (with Tae Oum, Tae-Seung Kim, and Chunyan Yu), Journal of Air Transport Management 11:149-59, 2005
  • The Role of Network Effects in the U.S. VCR Market, 1978-86 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 12(4): 447-494 2003 (lead article)
  • Econometric Analysis of Price Index for Home Video Cassette Recorders in the U.S., 1978-1987 Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 12(2): 179-97 2003
  • Anticipatory Effects of Voluntary Export Restraints: A Study of Home Video Cassette Recorders Market, Journal of International Economics, 57(1):83-105 2002


