



  • 書名:大學藝術英語1
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • 頁數:212頁
  • ISBN:7307051818
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 作者:羅虹 李道順
  • 出版日期:2006年10月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 品牌:武漢大學出版社有限責任公司





Chapter 1 Olympic Mascots
Chapter 2 Art Appreciation
Chapter 3 Dressing Fashion
Chapter 4 Watercolor Painting
Chapter 5 Greek Sculpture
Chapter 6 American Music
Chapter 7 Environmental Design
Chapter 8 Religious Architecture
Chapter 9 Famous Paintings
Chapter 10 City Design
Keys to the Exercises




In China’s traditional culture and art,the fish and water designs are symbols ofprosperity and harvest.And SO Beibei carries the blessing of prosperity.A fish isalso a symbol of surplus in Chinese culture,another measure of a good year and agood life.The ornamental lines of the water—wave designs are taken from well-known Chinese paintings of the past.Among Fuwa,Beibei is known to be gentle andpure.Strong in water sports,she reflects the blue Olympic ring. Jingjing makes children smile——and that’s why he brings the blessing of happi?ness wherever he goes.You can see his joy in the charming naivety of his dancingpose and the lovely wave of his black and white fur.As a national treasure and a pro-tected species,pandas are adored by people everywhere.The lotus designs inJingjing’s headdress,which are inspired by the porcelain paintings of the Song Dy-nasty(AD 960一AD 1 234),symbolize the lush forest and the harmonious relationshipbetween man and nature.Jingjing is charmingly naive and optimistic.He is anathlete noted for strength who represents the black Olympic ring.


Unit 1 Olympic Mascots
Ⅰ Text A: The Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Ⅱ. Text B : A Brief History of the Olympic Mascots
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Simple Present Tense
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: Application Form

Unit 2 Art Appreciation
Ⅰ. Text A: Looking at Art
Ⅱ. Text B: Chinese Knots
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Past Progressive Tense
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: A Short Letter

Unit 3 Dressing Fashion
Ⅰ Text A: Fashion Style
Ⅱ. Text B: Shape
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: R6sum6

Unit 4 Watercolor Painting
Ⅰ Text A: The Development of Watercolor Painting in America
Ⅱ. Text B: Colonial Artists
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Passive Voice
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: Certificate

Unit 5 Greek Sculpture
Ⅰ Text A: The Art of Greek Sculpture
Ⅱ. Text B: The Romans Preserved Greek Culture
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Modal Verbs
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: Business Card

Unit 6 American Music
Ⅰ. TextA: Jazz (1)
Ⅱ. TextB: Jazz (2)
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Consistency of Subject and Predicate
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: An Application Letter

Unit 7 Environmental Design
Ⅰ Text A: The Ornamental Aesthetics
Ⅱ. Text B: On Garden
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Present Participle
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: E-mail

Unit 8 Religious Architecture
Ⅰ. Text A: Byzantine Art
Ⅱ. Text B: Gothic Art
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: Business Letter

Unit 9 Famous Paintings
Ⅰ . Text A: Why Vincent van Gogh Painted Sunflowers
Ⅱ. Text B: Claude Monet and Serial Paintings
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Relative Pronouns
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: General Rules of Formal Invitation

Unit 10 City Design
Ⅰ. Text A: City Reforms in the
United States
Ⅱ. Text B: City in the
United States
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ. Grammar: The Relative Adverbs
Ⅴ. Guided Writing : Poster and Postcard
Key to the Exercises




