



  • 中文名:大學英語閱讀教程:第三冊
  • 作者:總主編 蔡昌卓 主編 何玲 覃浩
  • 類別:研究生專科文法類教材
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787300257624




Unit 1 My Dream, Chinese Dream
Text A China Dream of a Beijing Opera Performer
Text B The Chinese Dream Vs. The American Dream:What are the Key Differences?
Text C China is Trying New Ways of Skimming Housing-market Froth
Unit 2 Child Protection
Text A Charges against Mom Who Tried to Record Bullying are Dropped
Text B Estimated 20,000 British Men Interested in Sexually Abusing Children
Text C Sexual Abuse of Children
Unit 3 Frugality Living Style
Text A Eat-up or Not
Text B Sustainable Earth: Food
Text C Current Environmental Issues
Unit 4 Youth and Idol
Text A The New Cut-off Point for Adulthood Age
Text B The One and Little Queen Lorde
Text C Skateboarding Is a ‘Tool for Cultural Diplomacy’
Unit 5 Famous Persons
Text A Sensational Start for Lin
Text B Connecting the Dots
Text C Jack Ma: Success Story
Unit 6 Education
Text A US Education—Early Beginning
Text B Basic Education in China
Text C Formal Education
Unit 7 Culture Differences
Text A Cultural Differences? Or, Are We Really That Different?
Text B Cultural Differences in Business
Text C Conversational Ball Games?
Unit 8 Food
Text A Too Much Temptation
Text B A Brief History of Chocolate
Text C Street Food and Food Safety Standards in China
Unit 9 Caring for Our Elders
Text A Spare a Thought for “Empty Nest” People
Text B The Loneliness of China’s Elderly
Text C Caring For The Elderly
Unit 10 Modern Technology
Text A China is Shaping the Future of Global Tech
Text B Honor Mobile Phone Leading in AI Speed
Text C AlphaGo Beats a Human Go Master
Reference Answers




