



  • 中文名:大學英語閱讀教程(第二版)(第4冊)
  • 作者:顏健生、范振輝
  • 出版社中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年01月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀平裝
  • ISBN:9787300206516




本套修訂版教材由南京大學楊治中教授擔任總顧問、總設計, 南京大學王海嘯教授、東南大學李霄翔教授擔任總顧問,廣西師範大學副校長蔡昌卓教授擔任總主編,並邀請廣西師範大學、桂林理工學院、賀州學院、桂林航天工業學院、廣西師大灕江學院等多所高校的專家和教授對教材進行編寫。


Unit 1 Medicine and Health
Text A Ebola: Mapping the Outbreak
Text B How Not to Catch Ebola
Unit 2 Family Affection
Text A Family Learning
Text B Home Schooling: Why More Black US Families Are Trying It
Unit 3 Psychological Probe
Text A Mental Health Needs Are an Emergency
Text B Living with a Depressed Loved One
Unit 4 Leadership
Text A Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
Text B Leadership Qualities That Matter the Most: Lessons from Davos 2014
Unit 5 Looking into Future
Text A Link Between Climate and CO2 Is Far from Clear
Text B Second Time Around for American-Made Watches
Unit 6 Discovery
Text A What Is a Tech Accelerator — And Which Are the Best in Europe?
Text B Six Fresh Ways to Find Your Passion
Unit 7 Saving Our Resources
Text A Ecological Value Key to Geopark Assessment
Text B Switch to Natural Gas Won’t Reduce Carbon Emissions Much, Study Finds
Unit 8 Journey of Life
Text A Superstition Means Fewer Babies in Year of the Sheep
Text B Booming Numbers of Chinese Kids Taking US Summer Trips
Unit 9 Environment Protection
Text A How to Be Environmentally Friendly
Text B China’s Environmental Crisis
Unit 10 View of Success
Text A Why the Best Success Stories Often Begin with Failure
Text B S tarting from the Bottom: Why Mexicans Are the Most
Successful Immigrants in America
Reference Answers

