



  • 書名:大學英語通識教程:中西文化閱讀4
  • 作者:劉紹忠、梁正宇、黃宇元
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年8月
  • 頁數:138 頁
  • 定價:30 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787309114454


本套教材分為4冊,每冊8個單元,每個單元圍繞一個與文化相關的主題,包括Section A和Section B兩個部分,每個部分各包兩篇文章。Section A 以思考題為主,以拓展學生的思維能力;Section B 與大學英語四、六級考試的長篇閱讀相似。Section A中每篇閱讀材料的長度控制在500—700個詞,Section B中每篇閱讀材料的長度控制在900—1200個詞,文章難度循序漸進,長度依次遞增。


Unit One Chinese Calligraphy & Painting
Section A
Passage 1 Chinese Painting
Passage 2 Chinese Seal
Section B
Passage 1 Chinese Calligraphy
Passage 2 The Four Treasures of the Study: They Record Civilization
Unit Two Ancient Chinese Architecture
Section A
Passage 1 Yongding Tulou
Passage 2 Zhaozhou Bridge
Section B
Passage 1 Temple of Confucius
Passage 2 Summer Palace
Unit Three Traditional Chinese Sports
Section A
Passage 1 Nadam Fair
Passage 2 Dragon Boat Racing
Section B
Passage 1 Recreative Gymnastics
Passage 2 Qigong
Unit Four Ancient Chinese Education
Section A
Passage 1 Confucius and Education
Passage 2 Academies of Classical Learning
Section B
Passage 1 Chinese Ancient Education
Passage 2 Imperial Examination
Unit Five Education
Section A
Passage 1 Private Colleges Are a Waste of Money for White, Middle Class Kids
Passage 2 Give Students the Right to Switch University
Section B
Passage 1 Scottish Education: Why Don't the Sums Add Up?
Passage 2 A Proposed Federal College Rating System Could Hurt Disadvantaged Students
Unit Six Arts
Section A
Passage 1 Mona Lisa
Passage 2 British Museum
Section B
Passage 1 Big Bands
Passage 2 Ballet
Unit Seven Literature
Section A
Passage 1 Of Studies
Passage 2 Three Days to See
Section B
Passage 1 Heart of a Teacher
Passage 2 Doris Lessing:British Novelist of the “Female Experience”
Unit Eight Movie and Media
Section A
Passage 1 Artificial Intelligence
Passage 2 The Times
Section B
Passage 1 The Legend of 1900
Passage 2 The Introduction of BBC


