



  • 書名:大學英語自主聽力指南1
  • 作者:萬江波、范燁、余建中
  • ISBN:7040193566
  • 頁數:175頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2006年6月1日
  • 開本:16開


《大學英語自主聽力指南(1)》由4個部分組成:Part A Warm-up Tasks;該部分是本單元的準備階段,提供本單元基本辭彙及句型,使學生熟悉本單元的語境,預先融入到本單元的任務話題之中,並為接下來的進一步語言訓練做好準備。該部分包含兩個內容:Language Focus和English in Use。Part B Listening Practice;該部分是針對第一部分語言點所進行的專門訓練。Part C Authentic Conversations;該部分由段會話構成,突出語料的真實性和情境的實用性,讓學生在真實語言情景中鍛鍊英語聽力。Part D Fun Time;該部分一般包含一則幽默故事,是輕鬆的英語娛樂時間,其目的是培養學生對英語語言學習的興趣,並緩解課堂訓練給學生帶來的緊張情緒。


Unit 1 Meeting People
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 2 Weather and CIimate
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 3 College Life
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 4 Describing Places
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 5 Travellng
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 6 Health
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
nit 7 Eating
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 8 Shopping
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Test Yourself(Unit 1——8)
Unit 9 The Internet
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 10 Learning a Foreign Language
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 11 Likes and Dislikes
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 12 Describing People
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 13 Habit
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 14 Friendship
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 15 Making Telephone Calls
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Unit 16 Romance
Part A Warm-up Tasks
Part B Listening Practice
Part C Authentic Conversations
Part D Fun Time
Test Yourself(Unit 9~16)


