- 書名:大學英語系列教材•大學英語課堂限時閱讀
- 作者:宋元祁 覃朝憲
- 出版日期:2002年5月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:7562426066
- 外文名:In-class Timed Reading
- 出版社:重慶大學出版社
- 頁數:132頁
- 開本:16
- 品牌:重慶大學出版社
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Unit Seven
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Unit Eleven
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Key to Reading Comprehension
How do we find the temperature of anything?When a boy is ill,a doctor usllally takes his temperature。He puts a thermometer under his tongue.A minute later,the doctortakes it OUt。and:looks at it.Why does he do this?
The temperature ofthe bo:Cs body usually riseS when he is i11.The thermometer mea-sures this temperature.Sometimes the temperature is quite high.This shows the doctorthat the boy is very i11.A doctol~~s thermometer is made of glass.There are some figures on the glass.The glass itself is a tube and there is some mercury in the tube.The boy‘stongue makes the mercury wallll,so it expands.The top ofthe mercury rOllS up the tube.It reaches a place near one of the figures and stops there.rnle doctor Call see the top ofthe mercury,and he call see the figure near it.This figure shows him the boy’S tempera-ture.
When the mercury is heated,it expands.Other thalgs also expand when they areheated.The mils oIq the:railway expand Oil a hot day.Sometimes you may notice spacebetween the ends of the rails.The wheels of the train make noises when they cross thespaces.On a cold day,the ends ofthe two rails do not meet;but Oil a hot day,each railexpands.Then the two ends get ileal“together.Telegraph wires expand in.SUiTimer.Theyget longer.Then the wire between two posts gets lower in the middle.
Very often a machine is made in different pieees.Then we have to fit the pieces together.Perhaps there is a metal ring,and the ring has to go on a tube.It is not bigger and 80 it doesn’t easily go on.But we can heat the ring first.Then it will expand.Then we eltn easilyput it in its pml~~r place Oil the tube.When it eools,it will eonWaet.It will retllm to its oldsize,and then it will tohjt in the tube.So we have only to wait until it cools;then the workis done.
Some men once tried to drive a ring on a tube.They hit it hard and so,of course,it broke.They got another rkng and hit that harder than the other.It also broke。”Very badmetal!“they cried angrily.Another man saw themthrowmg the pieces away.He came tO look and heated another nng.It expanded,and easy went into its place Oil the tube tightly.