



  • 中文名:大學特色英語:藝術篇
  • 作者:劉文媛 石秀紅
  • 出版社:天津大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年9月1日
  • 頁數:300 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787561844625, 756184462X
  • 外文名:Colloge Specially English -arts
  • 語種:簡體中文




Unit 3
Text A Qualities of a Good Dance Teacher
Text B Michael Jackson: An Incomparab.le Dancer
Text C Famous Dances in Famous Places
Unit 4
Text A Japan's Latest Dance Craze
Text B The World of Latin Dance
Text C The Argentine Cowboy Dance
Chapter3 Music
Unit 1
Text A The History of Classical Music
Text B Pop Music That's Always on Top
Text C Beatles Changed the Face of Music
Unit 2
Text A American Favorite Styles of Music
Text B Jazz-Art without Rules
Text C Haunting Sound of the Bagpipes
Unit 3
Text A Luciano Pavarotti
Text B The Music I Love
Text C Declan Galbraith: Angel
Unit 4
Text A How Jazz Began
Text B The Early Story of Stevie Wonder
Text C Rock Music
Chapter 4 Movie & TV
Unit 1
Text A Chuck Jones' Beautiful Life
Text B Movie Reviews
Text C Dialogue in The Incredibles
Unit 2
Text A A Fair Lady Forever: Audrey Heburn
Text B Walt Disney: It All Started with a Mouse
Text C Does Fame Bring Happiness?
Unit 3
Text A The USA Film Festival
Text B The Opera House in Santa Fe
Text C How to Edit Movies
Unit 4
Text A A Brief History of the Oscar
Text B Acting
Text C The History of Chinese Cinema-Shanghai as the Center of the Modern Film Industry


