



  • 書名:大學物理雙語導論
  • 作者:王輔忠、陳景莉
  • ISBN:9787115358325
  • 頁數:76頁
  • 定價:18元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年8月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Part 1 TEXT
HAPTER 1 Newton’s Laws 1
1.1 Inertial frame and Non-inertial frame 2
1.2 Newton’s Three Laws of Motion 2
1.3 Units in Physics 3
1.4 Fundamental Forces 4
Exercises 5
CHAPTER 2 Momentum Conservation and Mechanical Energy Conservation 6
2.1 Momentum and Impulse 6
2.2 The Law of Momentum Conservation 7
2.3 The Law of Mechanical Energy Conservation 7
2.4 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions 8
Exercises 8
CHAPTER 3 Rotational Motion 10
3.1 Angular velocity vector 10
3.2 Angular momentum 11
3.3 Moment of Inertia and Torque 11
3.4 Conservation of Angular Momentum 12
3.5 Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force 12
Exercises 13
CHAPTER 4 Simple Harmonic Motion 14
4.1 Simple Harmonic Motion 14
4.2 Superposition of Two Simple Harmonic Motion 15
4.2.1 Same Direction, Same Frequency 15
4.2.2 Fourier Analysis of Periodic Motion 16
CHAPTER 5 Wave Motion 18
5.1 Some Basic Concepts of Wave 18
5.2 Huygens' Principle 19
5.3 Energy Transport and the Amplitude of a Wave 20
CHAPTER 6 Interference of Light 21
6.1 Optical Path 21
6.2 Interference of Light 21
6.3 Principle of Young’s experiment 22
6.4 Thin-film Interference 23
Exercises 24
CHAPTER 7 Diffraction of Light 25
7.1 Diffraction of Light 25
7.2 Single Slit Diffraction 25
7.3 Diffraction Grating 27
Exercises 28
CHAPTER 8 Polarization of Light 29
8.1 Polarization by Use of a Polaroid Filter 29
8.2 Polarization by Reflection 30
8.3 Polarization by Refraction 30
8.4 Applications of Polarization 31
CHAPTER 9 Electric Fields 33
9.1 The Electric Field Concept 33
9.2 Electric Field Intensity 33
9.3 Another Electric Field Strength Formula 34
9.4 Electric Field Lines 35
Exercises 36
CHAPTER 10 Electromagnetic 37
10.1 Electromagnetic Field 37
10.2 Lorentz Force Law 37
10.3 Faraday's Law of Induction 38
10.4 Lenz’s Law 39
Exercises 39
CHAPTER 11 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 41
11.1 The Blackbody Radiation 41
11.2 The Photoelectric Effect 43
CHAPTER 12 Semiconductor Lasers 45
12.1 Some Semiconductor Physics 45
12.2 Laser Diode 46
12.3 How the Laser Effect Works 46
CHAPTER 13 Introduction to Relativity 48
13.1 Special Relativity 48
13.2 General Relativity 49
13.3 Some Idea on Special Relativity—How do You Measure a Fish 49
13.4 “RELATIVE” and “ABSOLUTE” 52
CHAPTER 14 Nuclear Science 55
14.1 Nuclear Structure 55
14.2 Radioactivity 56
14.3 α Decay 56
14.4 β Decay 57
14.5 γ Decay 57
14.6 Half-life 58
14.7 Reactions 58
Part 2 Vocabulary
第 一章 牛頓定律 61
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 61
第 二章 動量守恆和機械能守恆 62
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 62
第三章 轉動 63
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 63
第四章 簡諧運動 64
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 64
第五章 波動 65
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 65
第六章 光的干涉 66
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 66
第七章 光的衍涉 68
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 68
第八章 光的偏振 69
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 69
第九章 電場 71
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 71
第十章 電磁場 72
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 72
第十一章 量子力學初步 73
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 73
第十二章 半導體雷射器 74
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 74
第十三章 相對論初步 75
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 75
第十四章 核科學 76
英語辭彙 English Vocabulary 76


