



  • 書名:大學商務英語聽說教程
  • 作者:朱濤
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2005年8月1日


作 者: 朱濤 著
出 版 社: 復旦大學出版社
ISBN: 9787309045932
版次: 1
頁數: 199
裝幀: 平裝
開本: 16開
所屬分類: 圖書>外語學習>大學英語


《大學商務英語聽說教程》以虛擬的跨國公司為背景,選擇與該公司相關的業務題材和典型案例,配以背景知識介紹、單詞註解、聽力技巧和口語提示,聽說相結合,融會貫通。 《大學商務英語聽說教程》是一本集專業性、實用性、科學性和趣味性於一體的商務英語大學教材,適用於在校學生、自學者以及從事與本專業相關工作的人員。


Unit One When in Rome:Cross Cultural Communication
PartⅠ All Ears for Business
Listening Strategy Capturing KeyWords
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Hong Kong Unemployment
Additional Listening India and China Talk
Home Listening China Growth
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
Managing in a Global Environment
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Two How to Lead
PartⅠ AllEars for Business
Listening Strategy Identifying Liaison
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Korea Looks for New Hyundai Buyers
Additional Listening German Economy
Home Listening The World's Billionaires
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
Choosing a Leadership Style
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Three Advertisement Makes a Difference
PartⅠ All Ears for Business
Listening Strategy Identifying Cause and Effect
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Seven TaxHavens Come under Fire
Additional Listening(1) A Resolution to Lift Sanctions against Iraq
Additional Listening(2) China,ASEAN in TariffCut Deal
Home Listening Bush ReviewsUS SteelTariffs
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Four Trade and Transactions
PartⅠ AllEars for Business
Listening Strategy Identifying the Topic
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Nigerian PrivatisationsDeal Collapsed
Additional Listening(1) KaiserAlum inum Files for Bankruptcy Protection
Additional Listening(2) Parmalat to Decide on Bankruptcy
Home Listening Enron Files for Bankruptcy
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
Making a Claim
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Five Communication in Action:Conflict Management
PartⅠ All Ears for Business
Listening Strategy Identifying What is Going on
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task EU-Latin America Trade Relations
Additional Listening(1) Cigarette Sale in Ireland Fell
Additional Listening(2) Cocoa Prices Soar
Home Listening Kodak's Fight for Image
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
Service Recovery
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Six Apply for a Job
PartⅠ AllEars for Business
Listening Strategy Identifying the Relationship of the Speakers
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Taiwanese Boy Band in China
Additional Listening(1) Psychometric Test Becoming Popular in Recruitment
Additional Listening(2) Large Passengers Hit Airline Profits
Home Listening UK Recruitment Demand Highest in Two Years
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
Computer Retailing
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Seven Bargaining Business
PartⅠ All Ears for Business
Listening Strategy Detecting Implied Meaning
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Vivendi's Trouble
Additional Listening(1) A Beginning to Business Reorganization
Additional Listening(2) Investment Spurt Poses No Threat
Home Listening Rupert Murdoch
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Eight How to Persuade Effectively
PartⅠ All Ears for Business
Listening Strategy Identifying the Speaker's Attitude
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Nokia Profits Rise
Additional Listening(1) The First Mobile Phone Virus Discovered
Additional Listening(2) How Fast do We Go with 3G
Home Listening How Fund Investors Hurt Themselves
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Nine How to Present a Project
PartⅠ All Ears for Business
Listening Strategy Making Summary
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task Lucky Magazine
Additional Listening(1) Cyber Shopping
Additional Listening(2) Warning for TV Shopping Channels
Home Listening Online Groceries
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
A Marketing Project
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Unit Ten IT Bliss or IT Bubble
PartⅠ All Ears for Business
Listening Strategy Drawing an Inference
Warm-up Exercises
Listening Task IBM's Turnaround
Additional Listening(1) Enron's Scandal
Additional Listening(2) Google to Go Public
Home Listening Microsoft's Case
PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World
Company Acquisition
What's What and Who's Who
Tell Me a Tale
Freak Out
Role Play
Answers for Reference


