大型扇蜚螊(Rhipidoblattina magna Zhang, 1997)是採集於志新盆地的岩石標本。
- 中文名:大型扇蜚螊
- 外文名:Rhipidoblattina magna Zhang, 1997
- 產地:志新盆地
- 保存單位:國家岩礦化石標本資源共享平台
Tegmen elongate distinctly long with the ratio of length to width being 4:1. Vein sc straight, branching into 2 at middle and ending in costal margin; vein R slightly convex before the middle and then becoming straight,with 15 comblike branches; radial area about half the tegmen width; vein M divided into 2 branches, the former branching 3 times and forming 4 branches with many secondary branches near apex; the later with 3 branches; vein CuA first branching of vein M, anal area not high; vein A with 10 branches; tegmen without intercalary veins and crossveins.