



  • 書名:多媒體互動:商務談判英語口語實例大全
  • ISBN:9787802185715
  • 頁數: 417頁
  • 出版社: 中國宇航出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年6月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32




Part 1 談判準備 Negotiation Preparations
Unit 1 約定談判對象 Making an Appointment with Your Business Associate
Unit 2 請求拜訪 Asking for Visit
Unit 3 電話預約 Making an Appointment by Telephone
Unit 4 安排會面 Arranging an Appointment
Unit 5 約定會面 Making an Appointment
Unit 6 確認約會 Confirming an Appointment
Unit 7 推遲約會 Delaying an Appointment
Unit 8 變更約定 Changing an Appointment
Unit 9 不能赴約 Being Unable to Keep an Appointment
Unit 10 取消約會 Cancelling an Appointment
Unit 11 市場調查 Market Research
Unit 12 了解商務文化和習俗 ⅠKnowing Business Cultures and Customs Ⅰ
Unit 13 了解商務文化和習俗 Ⅱ Knowing Business Cultures and Customs Ⅱ
Unit 14 怎樣做市場調查 How to Carry out Market Research
Unit 15 資信調查 Ⅰ Credit Investigation Ⅰ
Unit 16 資信調查 Ⅱ Credit Investigation Ⅱ
Unit 17 外商到達 Arrival of Foreign Businessmen
Unit 18 與客戶寒暄 Greeting the Clients
Unit 19 客戶接待 Receiving the Clients
Unit 20 閒聊 Small Talk
Unit 21 在酒店 At the Hotel
Unit 22 宴請 Inviting to Dinner
Unit 23 接待訪客 Receiving Visitors
Unit 24 未約定的拜訪 Abrupt Appointment
Unit 25 初次接觸 First Contact
Unit 26 接待國外客戶 Meeting Foreign Guests
Unit 27 建立貿易關係 Entering into Trade Relations
Unit 28 進一步接觸 Further Contact
Unit 29 建立業務關係 Establishing Business Relations
Unit 30 說明來意 Explaining the Purpose
Unit 31 帶領參觀 Showing Around
Unit 32 參觀展室 Visiting a Showroom
Unit 33 介紹公司 Introducing the Company
Unit 34 介紹工廠 Introducing the Factory
Unit 35 參觀工廠 Visiting the Factory
Unit 36 商務午餐 Business Lunch
Unit 37 部門介紹 Introducing a Department
Unit 38 談話要點 Outlining One?蒺s Talk
Unit 39 日程安排 Discussing the Time Schedule
Unit 40 會議議程 Agenda
Unit 41 開始談判 Beginning a Negotiation
Unit 42 自我介紹 Self-introduction
Unit 43 介紹外商 Introducing Foreign Counterparts
Unit 44 了解產品 A Good Idea of Product Range
Unit 45 介紹產品 Introducing Products
Unit 46 產品的競爭力 Products Competitive Edge
Unit 47 貨幣升貶 Appreciation and Devaluation of Currency
Unit 48 與新客戶談判 Talking with New Customers
Unit 49 與老客戶談判 Talking with Old Customers
Unit 50 在商品交易會上 At a Trade Fair
Unit 40 會議議程Agenda
Unit 41 開始談判Beginning a Negotiation
Unit 42 自我介紹Self-introduction
Unit 43 介紹外商Introducing Foreign Counterparts
Unit 44 了解產品A Good Idea of Product Range
Unit 45 介紹產品Introducing Products
Unit 46 產品的競爭力Products Competitive Edge
Unit 47 貨幣升貶Appreciation and Devaluation of Currency
Unit 48 與新客戶談判Talking with New Customers
Unit 49 與老客戶談判Talking with Old Customers
Unit 50 在商品交易會上At a Trade Fair
part 2 談判內容 Negotiation Conetnts
Unit 51 開始會談Starting a Talk
Unit 52 詢價Making Inquiries
Unit 53 要求報價Asking for an Offer
Unit 54 報價Making an Offer
Unit 55 報怨價格過高Complaining about High Price
Unit 56 合理價位Reasonable Price
Unit 57 實盤Firm Offer
Unit 58 虛盤Non-firm Offer
Unit 59 報盤有效期Validity of the Offer
Unit 60 還盤Making a Counter Offer
Unit 61 商談供貨Talking About Supply
Unit 62 要求降價Asking for Price Reduction
Unit 63 調整價格Adjusting the Price
Unit 64 公道的市場價格A Fair Market Price
Unit 65 定價策略Pricing Techniques
Unit 66 折中Compromise
Unit 67 無貨可供Goods Unavailable
Unit 68 詢問數量Asking About Quantities
Unit 69 價格讓步Making Concession in Prices
Unit 70 拒絕降價Rejecting Reducing the Price
Unit 71 貨物訂購Placing an Order
Unit 72 貨物質量Quality of Goods
Unit 73 貨物數量Quantity of Goods
Unit 74 堅持自己的價格Insisting on One’S Prices
Unit 75 索取樣品Asking for Samples
Unit 76 產品介紹Introduction to Products
Unit 77 產品推銷Product Promotion
Unit 78 產品描述Product Description
Unit 79 圖案設計Talking About Designs
Unit 80 試訂Trial Order
Unit 81 產品質量Talking About Quality
Unit 82 續訂Submitting Further Order
Unit 83 性能介紹Function Introduction
Unit 84 要求給予更多折扣Asking for More Discount
Unit 85 要求佣金Requesting for Commission
Unit 86 拒絕給予更多佣金Refusing to Give More Commission
Unit 87 大量訂貨提供折扣A Discount for Large Orders
Part 3 談判事宜 Negotiation Issues
Part 4 談判實務 Negotiation Practice


