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  • 書名:外貿英語函電實訓教程
  • 作者:王紅紅
  • ISBN:7111336097, 9787111336099
  • 頁數:132頁
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年4月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《外貿英語函電實訓教程》緊緊圍繞國際貿易和對外貿易的主要業務流程,精心安排教學內 容,以任務驅動為導向,遵循“夠用為度”的原則,重點設計了Basic Knowledge Of Business LeRer Writing、Establishing Business Relations、Enquiries and Replies、Sales Letters、Firm Offers and Counter-Offers、Orders、Packing、Terms of Payment、Transport and Insurance和Complaints and Claims 9大教學模組。每個模組在強調明確的教學目標和各類函電的重要性的同 時,均輔以典型範文、大量例,口語和常用語彙,以專業規範的語言深入淺出 地闡釋眾多基本概念、關鍵語彙與寫作技巧,旨在通過“學巾做”強化學 生對基術知識的理解,並且隨附題型多樣的實訓項目,意在利用“做中學” 強調學生對實用技能的掌握。
《外貿英語函電實訓教程》結構清晰、體例簡潔、重點突出、通俗易懂,適合高職高專院校 國際貿易專業商務英語專業的學生學習,也適合有志於從事國際貿易或 對外貿易的人士參考與借鑑。


Module 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing
1.1 Functions of Business Letters
1.2 Forms of Business Letters
1.2.1 Full Block Form :
1.2.2 Modified Block Form with Indented Style
1.2.3 Modified Block Form
1.2.4 Simplified Form
1.3 The Structure of Business Letters
1.3.1 Parts of a Business Letter
1.3.2 The Ways of Writing All the Above Parts
1.3.3 Addressing Envelopes
1.4 Writing Principles and Language Features of Business Letters
Module 2 Establishing Business Relations
2.1 How to Establish Business Relations
2.2 How to Write a Letter for Establishing Business
2.3 Specimens of Aiming at Establishing Business Relations
Module 3 Enquiries and Replies : -
3.1 Guidelines for Writing Enquiry Letters
3.2 Forms of Enquiries
3.3 Specimens of Enquiries and Replies
Module 4 Sales Letters, Firm Offers and Counter-offers
4. 1 Sales Letters
4.1.1 The Purpose of Writing Sales Letters
4.1.2 Two Functions of a Sales Letter
4.1.3 The Principles of Writing a Sales Letter —— A1DA
4.1.4 A Specimen of a Sales Letter
4.2 Firm Offer & Counter-offer
4.2.1 Firm Offer and Non-finn Offer
4.2.2 Counter-offer
4.2.3 Specimens of Firm Offers and Counter-offers
Module 5 Orders
5.1 Orders
5.1.1 Format of an Order
5.1.2 Specimen of Orders
5.2 Acknowledgements
5.2.1 Forms of Acknowledgements
5.2.2 Specimens of Acknowledgements
5.3 Specimen of a Sales Contract / Confirmation or Purchase Contract / Confirmation
Module 6 Packing
6.1 Factors Which influence the Nature of Packing
6.2 Functions of Packing
6.3 How to Write a Letter on Packing
6.4 Specimens of Packing
Module 7 Terms of Payment
7.1 Three Main Methods of Payment
7.2 The Time of Opening an L/C
7.3 Specimens of Letter of Credit
Module 8 Transport and Insurance
8.1 Transport
8.1.1 writing Purpose
8.1.2 The Structure and Content of a Letter on Transport
8.1.3 Specimens of Transport
8.2 Insurance
8.2.1 Necessities of Insurance in International Trade
8.2.2 Functions of Insurance
8.2.3 Various Kinds of Risks
8.2.4 The Structure and Content of a Letter on Insurance
8.2.5 Specimens of Insurance
Module 9 Complaints and Claims
9.1 Complaint
9.1.1 How to Write a Complaint Letter
9.1.2 How to Write Reply to a Complaint Letter
9.1.3 Specimens of Complaints
9.2 Claim
9.2.1 How to Write a Claim Letter
9.2.2 How to Reply to Claims
9.2.3 Specimens of Claims


