《中華醫學雜誌》副總編輯,上海第一人民醫院副院長、上海交通大學泌尿外科研究所所長、上海交通大學附屬第一人民醫院泌尿外科主任、教授、博士研究生導師。上海雷射學會副理事長,中華醫學會男科學會上海分會侯任主任委員,中華醫學會泌尿外科學會常委、中國光學學會生物醫學光子學專業委員會副主任委員,國際泌尿外科學會會員,南京醫科大學外科學教授。英文版Aian Journal of Andrology、Current Urology、CMJ編委;參加國內外22家雜誌編審的工作。國家衛生部內鏡專業技術考評審員會專科內鏡專家委員會主席,國家衛生部內鏡專業技術考評審員會專家,國家自然基金終審專家組專家,上海市醫學領軍人才、上海市領軍人才。成就榮譽
Prof Shu-Jie Xia is a doctorial supervisor and the Vice President of First People's Hospital Affiliated to ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity, President of Institute of Urology of ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity, Director of the Department of Urology, First People's Hospital Affiliated to ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity. He won the Chinese Leadership Award in Endoscopy and International Leadership Award in Endoscopy. In 2010 he was granted the title of Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contribution by National Ministry of Health. He was awarded Wu Jie-Ping Medical Prize, the highest honor in Urology in China. He has enjoyed the Special Government Allowance. Prof Xia has obtained 12 national patents, and published 249 papers in international and domestic journals, including more than 50 SCI papers. He is the Editor-in-Chief of six books such as Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery,Prostate Cancer, etc. His research interests are clinical surgery and basic research on prostate, urogenital tumor, and minimally invasive surgery.