



  • 中文名:夏枚生
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:海洋資源開發、工廠化養魚
  • 就職院校:浙江大學海洋生物與藥物研究所


  • ·海洋資源開發
  • ·工廠化養魚







《海洋生物資源工程化利用專題》 研究生課程



(1)Research of Key Technology and Demonstration on aquaculture wastewater restoration based on environment mineral materials.
(2)Copper-carried silicate nanometer antibacterial material research.
(3)Study on the Preparation and Characterization of nano selenium and its biological effect to broilers.
(4)Study on the Preparation and application of a new type aquaculture disinfection agent.
(5)Study on the fluidized bed spray granulation of lysine.
(6)Study on the Preparation and Application of heavy metal and Aflatoxin absorbents in animal feed.
(7)Study on molecular mechanism of nano red elemental selenium regulating cGPx in liver tissue of broilers.
(8)The Research of Key Technology and Demonstration on Breeding Water Restoration Based on Nano-Mineral Materials.
(9)Green Technology on Alumina Extraction from the Resource of Waste Coal Fly Ash.


[1] Youzhou Zhou, Liuqin Ge*, Neng Fan,Meisheng Xia. Adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution onto shrimp shell powder[J]. Adsorption Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1177/0263617418768945.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 0;影響因子: 0.754.
[2] Neng Fan, Liuqin Ge*, Youzhou Zhou,Meisheng Xia. Preparation of chitin with different degrees of deacetylation from crab shells waste and its application in the removal of Congo Red [J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018,101: 301-312.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 0;影響因子: 1.631.
[3]韓瑋,葛柳欽*,夏枚生,葉瑛.滑石粉/納米銅導電複合粉體的製備與性能表征[J].矽酸鹽通報, 2018, 37(4): 1492-1496.收錄類型:中文核心.
[1] Liu-Qin Ge, You-Zhou Zhou, Neng Fan,Mei-Sheng Xia*, Ling-Qing Dai, Ying Ye. Congo red adsorption on shell powder and chitosan-coated shell powder biosorbents: experiments and theoretical calculation [J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, 81: 291-302.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 0;影響因子: 1.631.
[2] Youzhou Zhou, Liuqin Ge*, Neng Fan, Lingqing Dai,Meisheng Xia. Cure characteristics, mechanical, thermal, and coloring properties of natural rubber/dye-loaded shell powder composites [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134, 45750.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 0;影響因子: 1.86.
[3]陳方方,呂韓,周佑洲,范能,姚志通,夏枚生*.空氣增濕去濕法處理納濾濃縮液研究[J].安全與環境學報, 2017, 17(6): 2317-2321.收錄類型:中文核心.
[1] Liuqin Ge,Meisheng Xia*, Zhitong Yao*, Qingping Sun. Ferric pyrophosphate: A versatile and alternative iron fortification compound [A]. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Food Hygiene, Agriculture and Animal Science[C]. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2016. 94 -102.
[2] Wenye Yang, Liuqin Ge, Han Lv,Meisheng Xia, Xiaosheng Ji*, Zhitong Yao*. Mechanical and thermal properties of low density polyethylene composites filled with dye-loaded shell powder [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(42).: 44118.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 1;影響因子: 1.86.
[1] Liuqin Ge, Wenye Yang, Han Lv,Meisheng Xia, Xiaosheng Ji*, Zhitong Yao*. Colorating and Mechanical Performance of Low-density Polyethylene (LDPE)/Dye-loaded Shell Powder (DPSP) Composites [J]. Fibers and Polymers, 2015, 16(6): 1294-1302.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 2;影響因子: 1.113.
[2]Mei-sheng Xia, Zhi-tong Yao*, Liu-qin Ge, Tao Chen, Hai-yan Li. A potential bio-filler: The substitution effect of furfural modified clam shell for carbonate calcium in polypropylene [J]. Journal of Composite Materials, 2015: 49(7) 807-816.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 4;影響因子: 1.494.
[3] Zhitong Yao, Liuqin Ge, Xiaosheng Ji*, Junhong Tang*,Meisheng Xia, Yongqing Xi. Surface properties studies of bivalve shell waste by the IGC technique: probing its significant potential application in the polymer industry [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 621(2): 389-395.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 12;影響因子: 3.133.
[4] Zhitong Yao, Liuqin Ge, Wenye Yang,Meisheng Xia, Xiaosheng Ji*, Meiqing Jin, Junhong Tang*, Jürgen Dienstmaier. Finite Dilution Inverse Gas Chromatography as a Versatile Tool To Determine the Surface Properties of Biofillers for Plastic Composite Applications [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87:6724-6729.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 2;影響因子: 6.32.
[5] Yang WY, Ge LQ, Lv H,Xia MS, Ji XS*, Yao ZT*. Preparation, Characterization and Filling Effect Study of Dye-Loaded Shell Powder on the Properties of LDPE Composite[A]. 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SMTA) [C]. USA: Destech Publicat. Inc., 2015. 481-485.
[1] Zhitong Yao*,Meisheng Xia*, Liuqin Ge, Tao Chen, Haiyan Li, Ying Ye, Hao Zheng. Mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene (PP) composites filled with CaCO3and shell waste derived bio-fillers[J]. Fibers and Polymers, 2014, 15(6): 1278-1287.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 16;影響因子: 1.113.
[2] Zhitong Yao*,Meisheng Xia*, Haiyan Li, Tao Chen, Ying Ye, Hao Zheng. Bivalve Shell: Not an Abundant Useless Waste but a Functional and Versatile Biomaterial[J]. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 44: 2502-2530.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 20;影響因子: 5.79.
[3]陳濤,姚志通,朱振宏,葉瑛,鄭豪,夏枚生∗.貝殼粉體表面改性及其在聚丙烯中的套用[J].粉末冶金材料科學與工程, 2014, 19(1): 130-137.收錄類型: EI;他引次數: 6.
[4]李海晏,陳濤,張海燕,姚志通,葉瑛,夏枚生∗.中國貝類養殖對海洋碳循環的貢獻評估[J].海洋科學, 2014, 38(5): 39-45.收錄類型:中文核心.
[1] Z.T. Yao∗, T. Chen, H.Y. Li,M.S. Xia∗, Y. Ye, H. Zheng. Mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene (PP) composites filled with modified shell waste[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 262: 212-217.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 27;影響因子: 6.065.
[2] Z. T. Yao∗, T. Chen, H. Y. Li,M. S. Xia∗, Y. Ye, H. Zheng. Preparation, characterization, and antibacterial activity of shell waste loaded with silver[J]. Jounal of Material Science, 2013, 48: 8580-8587.收錄類型: SCI;他引次數: 4;影響因子: 2.599.
[3]李海晏,潘麗,陳濤,張海燕,張路,葉瑛,夏枚生*.河蚌殼生物填料的製備及其表面特性[J].中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2013,44(3): 1209-1214.收錄類型: EI;他引次數: 2.
[1] Hai-Yan Li, Ye-Qiang Tan, Lu Zhang, Yun-Xiang Zhang, Yi-Hu Song, Ying Ye, Mei-Sheng Xia;. Bio-filler from waste shellfish shell: Preparation, characterization, and its effect on the mechanical properties on polypropylene composites[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 217: 256-262. 收錄類型: SCI; 他引次數: 35; 影響因子: 6.065.
[2] 李海晏, 張海燕, 潘麗, 陳濤, 張路, 葉瑛, 夏枚生*. 機械力化學法製備河蚌珍珠層生物填料及其表面特性研究[J]. 功能材料, 2012, 43(12): 1519-1523. 收錄類型: EI; 他引次數: 5.
[3] 李海晏, 譚業強, 張路, 陳濤, 宋義虎, 葉瑛, 夏枚生*. 生物填料的製備及其對聚丙烯複合材料性能影響的研究[J]. 無機材料學報, 2012, 27(9): 977-983. 收錄類型: SCI; 他引次數: 4; 影響因子: 0.445.
[4] 李海晏, 陳濤, 張海燕, 姚志通, 張路, 潘麗, 葉瑛, 夏枚生*. 珍珠貝殼生物填料的製備及表面特性[J]. 矽酸 鹽學報, 2012, 40(11): 1671-1679. 收錄類型: EI; 他引次數: 10.
[5] Zhitong Yao,Meisheng Xia, Ying Ye. Dilithium dialuminium trisilicate crystalline phase prepared from coal fly ash. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2011, 21(6): 877-881.
[6] Zhitong Yao, Shengheng Tan,Meisheng Xia, et al. Synthesis, characterization and sintering behavior of indialite ceramic from fly ash. Waste Management & Research, 2011, 29(10): 1090-1097.
[7] Yao zhitong,Xia meisheng, Ye ying, et al. Kaliophilite from fly ash: synthesis, characterization and stability. Bulletin of Materials Science, 2011, 34(7): 1671-1674.
[8] Zhitong Yao, Ying Ye,Meisheng Xia. Synthesis and characterization of lithium zeolites with ABW type from coal fly ash. 2012, August. (Accepted by AIChE - Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy Journal).
[9] J.P. Cheng, X.B. Zhang, G.F. Yi, Y. Ye andM.S. Xia. Preparation and magnetic properties of iron oxide and carbide nanoparticles in carbon nanotube matrix. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, VOL. 455(1-2): 5~9.
[10] Z.T. Yao,M.S. Xia, Y. Yeand L. Zhang. Synthesis of zeolite Li-ABW from fly ash by fusion method. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009,VOL.170(2-3): 639~644.
[11]Xia, M. S., Z. R. Xu, C. H. Hu, H. M. Zhang.Effects of tourmaline addition on the dehydrogenase activity of Rhodopseudomonas palustris.Process Biochemistry. 2006, 41(1): 221~225.
[12] Cai-Hong Hu,Mei-Sheng Xia.Adsorption and antibacterial effect of copper-exchanged montmorillonite onEscherichia coli K88. Applied Clay Science. 2006, 31: 180~184.
[13]M. S. Xia, C. H. Hu, Z. R. Xu. Effects of copper bearing montmorillonite on the growthperformance, intestinal microflora and morphology of weanling pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2005, 118(3-4): 307~317.
[14]M. S. Xia, C. H. Hu, and Z. R. Xu. Effects of Copper-Bearing Montmorillonite on Growth Performance, Digestive Enzyme Activities, and Intestinal Microflora and Morphology of Male Broilers. 2004, 83 (11): 1868~1875.
[15] Yuhang Zhou,Meisheng Xia, Ying Ye, Caihong Hu. Antimicrobial ability of Cu2+-montmorillonite. Applied Clay Science. 2004, 27: 215~218.
[16] YAO Zhi-tong,XIA Mei-sheng, YE Ying. Effects of sodium carbonate and sodium chloride additives on alkaline fusion of coal fly ash. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology). 2011, 42 (5): In Chinese with English abstract.
[17] YAO Zhi-tong,XIA Mei-sheng, YE Ying. Preparation of TiO2/SiO2composite by chemical coating method. Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy. 2010, 15 (5): 474-478In Chinese with English abstract.
[18] LI Xiuti, YAO Zhi tong, SUN Jie, ZHANG Lu,XIA Meisheng, YE Ying. Study on preparation and surface modification of precipitated silica obtained from fly ash. Journal of Functional Materials. 2010, 6(41): 939-942, 947In Chinese with English abstract.
[19] SUN Jie, YE Ying,XIA Meisheng, YAO Zhitong, CHEN Xue-gang. Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Cryptomelane from Reduction-Ammonia Leaching Residue of Ocean Manganese Nodules. ACTA MINERALOGICA SINICA. 2010, 30 (4): 423-428. In Chinese with English abstract.
[20] YAO Zhi-tong, LI Hai-yan,XIA Mei-sheng, YE Ying, ZHANG Lu.Hydrothermal synthesis of sodalite from coal fly ash and its property characterization. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2009, VOL. 19(2): 366~371.In Chinese with English abstract.
[21]Lu Tian,Li Haiyan,Zhang Hongmei,Yao Zhitong,Xia Meisheng. Study on Degradation of Methylene Blue by Tourmaline/H2O2System.Non-Metalic Mines. 2009, VOL. 32(2): 64~67. In Chinese with English abstract.
[22]YAO Zhitong,LU Tian,LI Haiyan,XIA Meisheng,ZHANG Lu,YE Ying,ZHANG Weirui. Degradation of Chelating Cu(Ⅱ)-ETHYLENEDIAMINETETRAACETIC Acid Wastewater And Its Reaction Mechanism By Tourmaline/H2O2System.Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society. 2009, 37(4): 543~547. In Chinese with English abstract.
[23]CHEN Xuegang,LU Shuangshuang,XIA Meisheng,YE Ying. Progress in Preparation and Applications of Basic Magnesium Chloride Whisker.Materials Review. 2009, VOL. 23(7): 52~55. In Chinese with English abstract.
[24]LI Hai-yan,HU Xiang-dong,YAO Zhi-tong,XIA Mei-sheng. Application of Zeolite Enhanced Activated Sludge Process in a Pond of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Culturing.Fisheries Science. 28(5), 2009, 255~258. In Chinese with English abstract.
[25] Zhang Lu, Chen Xuegang, Yao Zhitong,Xia Meisheng, Ye Ying. Study on Suspension Graft Polymerization of MMA onto Nano-sized Basic Magnesium Chloride Whisker Surface in Methanol/Water Disperse Medium. China Plastics. 2009, 23(4): 44~48.In Chinese with English abstract.
[26] Zhang Lu, Chen Xuegang, Yao Zhitong, Ye Ying, Xia Meisheng. Study on the Radical Grafting Polymerization of MMA onto Basic Magnesium Chloride Whisker Surface. Journal of Inorganic Materials. 2009, 24(4): 859~863. In Chinese with English abstract.
[27]Cai-Hong Hu,Hai-Ping Liu,Xiang-Dong Hu,Yong Xu,Mei-Sheng Xia. Effects of Montmorillonite on the Intestinal Barrier Function and Tight Junction Protein of Caco-2 Cells in Response toEscherichia coliK88.Chinese Journal of Cell Biology.2008,30(4): 504~508. In Chinese with English abstract.
[28] HU Xiang-dong, LU Tian,XIA Mei-sheng,HU Cai-hong, YAO Zhi-tong. Coated sodium sulphate-hydrogen peroxide-sodium chloride adduct improves the quality of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus culture water. Marine Fisheries Research. 2008, 29(4): 29~33.
[29] CHEN Xue-gang,XIA Mei-sheng, WANG Li-dan, YE Ying. Laboratory Removal of Pb from Natural Medicine Mineral Montmorillonite by Microwave Irradiation.Acta Mineralovica Sinica.2008, 28(3): 285~288. In Chinese with English abstract.
[30]HU Cai-Hong,XU Yong,XIONG Li,XIA Mei-Sheng,XU Zi-Rong. Effects of Copper-bearing Montmorillonite on Intestinal Microflora and Digestive Function ofNile Tilapia(Oreochromis Niloticus).Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica.2008,32(6): 881~888. In Chinese with English abstract.
[31] C.H. Hu,Y. Xu,M.S. Xia, L. Xiong and Z.R. Xu. Effects of Cu2+-exchanged montmorillonite on growth performance, microbial ecology and intestinal morphology ofNile tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture, 2007, 270, (1-4): 200~206.
[32] C.H. Hu, Y. Xu,M.S. Xia, L. Xiong, Z.R. Xu. Effects of Cu2+-exchanged montmorillonite on intestinal microflora, digestibility and digestive enzyme activities of Nile tilapia. Aquaculture Nutrition. 2007, 1365~2095.
[33]Zhang Hongmei,Xia Meisheng,Hu Caihong. Effect of Nano-Selenium on the Activities of Glutathione Peroxidase AndTypeDeiodinase in the Liver of Weanling Pigs.Journal of Biomedical Engineering. 2007, 24(1): 153~156. In Chinese with English abstract.
[34]Yao Zhitong,Xia Meisheng,Hu Caihong. Application of envelope sodium sulphate-hydrogen oeroxide-sodium chloride adduct on earthern pond breed aquatics of trionyx sinensis.Feed Industry. 2007, 28(4): 53~56. In Chinese with English abstract.
[35] HU, Cai-hong, WANG, Xu-hui, ZHANG, Sai-jun, XIN, He-ping,XIA, Mei-sheng. Effect of Nano-Seleniam on Growth Performance and Immune Function of Weanling pigs. Bulletin of Science and Technonogy. 2007, 23(2): 215~224. In Chinese with English abstract.[36]XIA Mei-Sheng,HU Cai-Hong,XU Yong,ZHAO Wen-Yan. Adsorption of Aeromonas Hydrophila by Copper-bearing Montmorillonite Clays.Journal of Inorganic Materials.2007, 22(4): 652~656. In Chinese with English abstract.
[36]YAO Zhi-tong,XIA Mei-sheng,ZHANG Hong-mei,HU Cai-hong. Effects of Tourmaline on Growth in Nitrifying Bacteria and Formation and Maturation of Biofilm.Fisheries Science. 2007, 26(8): 461~464. In Chinese with English abstract.
[37]XIA Meisheng, JIN Mingjian, PAN Jinmin, XU Yong, HU Caihong, YE Ying. Biological Effects of Layered Double Hydroxide on Chlorella Pyrenoidosa.Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society. 2007, 35(9): 1237~1242. In Chinese with English abstract.
[38] XU Yong, HU Cai-hong,XIONG Li,XIA Mei-sheng. Effects of flavomycin on growth performance, microbial ecology and immunity ofNile tilapia. Journal of Northwest A & F University(Nat.Sci.Ed.). 2007, 35(9): 29~35. In Chinese with English abstract.
[39]XIA Mei-sheng, HU Cai-hong, ZHAO Wen-Yan. Study on the antibacterial mechanisms of copper-bearing montmofillonite. Acta Microbiologica Sinica. 2006, 46(3):432~435. In Chinese with English abstract.
[40]HU Cai-hong,XIA Mei-sheng,XIONG Li,XU Zi-rong. Effects of Aeromonas hydrophila Adhesion on Membrane Characteristics of Caco-2 Cells in vitro.Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science.2006,26(3): 281~287. In Chinese with English abstract.
[41]XIA, Mei-sheng, HU, Cai-hong, et al.Effect of Nano-selenium on Growth Performance and Antioxidant Function of Weanling Pigs. Nonruminant Nutrition. 2006, 42(3): 28~30. In Chinese with English abstract.
[42]Cai-Hong Hu,Mei-Sheng Xia,Li Xiong,Zi-Rong Xu. Effects of Montmorillonite on Bacterial Adhesion to Caco-2 Cells.Chinese Hournal of Cell Biology.2006,28(1): 76~78. In Chinese with English abstract.
[43]Xia, M. S., Z. R. Xu, C. H. Hu, H. M. Zhang.Effect of tourmaline on liquid water clusters and dehydrogenase activity of rhodopseudomonas palustris. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society. 2005, 33(8): 1006~1011. In Chinese with English abstract.
[44] XIA Meisheng,ZHANG Hongmei,HU Caihong,XU Zirong. Regulation effects of tourmaline on seawater pH value.Chinese Journal Of Applied Ecology,2005,16(10):1972~1975. In Chinese with English abstract.
[45] HUCai-hong,XIA Mei-sheng, XIONG Li, XU Zi-rong.Effects of Cu2+-bearing montmorillonite onAeromonas hydrophilaadhesion to epithelial cells ofNile Tilapi. Journal of Fisheries of China. 2005, 29(5): 619-623. In Chinese with English abstract.
[46]XiaMeisheng, Zhang Hongmei, Hu Caihong, Xu Zirong.Effect of Nano-selenium on growth performance and antioxidant function of broiler chick. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica. 2005, 27(4): 307~310. In Chinese with English abstract.
[47]XiaMeisheng, Sun Haixiang, Hu Caihong.Effects of Propionate on Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Synthesis in Pig Hepatocytes. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica. 2005, 27(3): 261~262. In Chinese with English abstract.
[48]Xia meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhang Hongmei, Xiong Li, Xu Zirong. Effects of tourmaline-treated-water on the growth and the activity of alkaline phosphatase of caco-2 cell. Chinese Journal of Cell Biology. 2005, 27(3): 358~362. In Chinese with English abstract.
[49] HuCaihong,Xia Meisheng, Zhang Hongmei.Effects of propionate on cholesterol metabolism in finishing pigs. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica. 2005, 27(2): 163~166. In Chinese with English abstract.
[50] Hu Caihong, Xia Meisheng, Jiang Xia, Sun Haixiang,et al. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of HMG-CoA Reductase Gene in Porcine Liver. Chinese Journal of Animal Science. 2005, 41(2): 16~18. In Chinese with English abstract.
[51]Xia Meisheng, Hu Cai-hong, Xu Zirong, Ye Ying. Efficacy of Modified Palygorskite to Ameliorate the Toxic Effects of Aflatox in B1 in Broilers. Chinese Journal Veterinary Science. 2005, 25(1): 107~110. In Chinese with English abstract.
[52] Xu Baohua,Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Xu Zirong. Effect of Nano-selenium on tissue selenium content and GHS-PX activity of broilers. Acta zoonutrimenta sinica. 2005, 17(1): 49~53. In Chinese with English abstract.
[53]Xia Meisheng, Xu Zirong, Hu Caihong, Ye Ying. Efficacy of Modified Palygorskite to Ameliorate the Toxic Effects of Aflatoxin B1 in Ducks. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. 2005, 36(1): 21~27. In Chinese with English abstract.
[54]Xia Meisheng, Zhang Hongmei, Hu Caihong.Effect of Nano-Selenium on meat quality of pigs. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric. & Life Sci.), 2005, 31(3): 263~268. In Chinese with English abstract.
[55]XIA Mei-sheng, PAN Jin-min, HU Cai-hong, XU Zi-rong. Effect of Nano-selenium on growth performance,type-I deiodinase in liver and serum thyroid hormones of broiler chicks. Jour.of Northwest Sci-Tech Univ.of Agri.and For.(Nat.Sci.Ed.). 2005, 33(4): 24~28. In Chinese with English abstract.
[56] Song Baoqiang, Sun Haixiang,Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Xu Baohua. Induction of cGPx mRNA expression andactivityby nano selenium in broiler liver. Chinese Journal of Animal Science. 2004, 40(11): 13~15. In Chinese with English abstract.
[57]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Xu Zirong. Effects of fructooligosaccharide on the metabolism of L-tryptophan mixed population of pig fecal bacteria. Chinese Journal of Animal Science. 2004, 40(1): 11~13. In Chinese with English abstract.
[58]Xia Meisheng, Xu Zirong, Hu Caihong, Ye Ying, Zhou Yuhang. Effects of Cu2+-Bearing Montmorillonite on Escheichia coli and Diarrhea in Weanling Pigs. Chin J Vet Sci. 2004, 24(1): 79~81.
[59] Ye Ying, Zhou YuHang,Xia Meisheng, HU Caihong, Ling Hongfei. A new type of inorganic antibacterial material: Cu-bearing montmorillonite and discussion on its Mechanism. Journal of Inorganic Materials. 2003(3): 569~574. In Chinese with English abstract.
[60] Yao, Zhitong, Ye, Ying,Xia, Meisheng, Hu, Caihong. Application of Functional Mineral-Tourmaline to Wastewater Treatment in Aquaculture.FISHERY MODERNIZATION.2007,34(5), 18-20.
[61] Yao, Zhitong, Ye, Ying,Xia, Meisheng. Application of environmental mineral material in aquaculture.CHINA FEED.2008,(5), 30-32, 35.


[1]夏枚生, 葉瑛, 李海晏, 陳濤, 張海燕, 潘麗. 一種片狀文石碳酸鈣的製備方法[P]. 中國專利: 102583482A, 2012-07-18. 專利狀態: 授權.
[2]夏枚生, 葉瑛, 陳濤, 李海晏, 張海燕, 潘麗. 一種醛改性貝殼微粉的製備方法[P]. 中國專利: 102604433A, 2012-07-25. 專利狀態: 授權.
[3]夏枚生, 葉瑛, 李海晏, 陳濤, 張路. 一種對聚丙烯具有高β成核作用的貝殼粉填料及其製備方法[P]. 中國專利: 102532716A, 2012-07-04. 專利狀態: 授權.
[4] 夏枚生, 陳濤, 葉瑛, 朱振宏, 金詩迪, 張斌. 一種抗霉的環氧樹脂組合物[P]. 中國專利: CN102816500A, 2012-12-12. 專利狀態: 公開.
[5]夏枚生, 葉瑛, 李海晏, 張路. 一種以貝殼為原料製備多肽的方法[P]. 中國專利: CN102115487A, 2011-07-06. 專利狀態: 公開.
[6]夏枚生, 葉瑛, 李海晏, 譚盛恆, 張路, 姚志通. 一種以貽貝殼為原料製備功能性碳酸鈣的方法[P]. 中國專利: 101920982A, 2010-12-22. 專利狀態: 授權.
[7] Ye Ying,Xia Meisheng, Zhou Yuhang. Copper-carried montmorillonite solid and liquid disinfectant and preparation process.ChinaPatent Application Number: 01145558.6.
[8] Ye Ying,Xia Meisheng, Zhou Yuhang. Copper-bearing sepiolite, palygorskite solid and suspension liquid fungicide and its preparation method.ChinaPatent Application Number: 02110937.0.
[9]Xu Zirong, Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Deng Yuesong. Process for preparing feed nano additive to adsorb fungal toxin from feed.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 02111097.2.
[10]Xu Zirong,Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong. Green synthesis process of betaine hydrochloride.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 02111098.0.
[11] Xu Zirong, Deng Yuesong,Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong. Efficient nano water improver and its preparing process.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 02111099.9.
[12] Xu Zirong, Ye Ying,Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong. Feed nano additive with health-care and growth promoting functions and its preparing process.ChinaPatent Application Number: 02111100.6.
[13] Ye Ying, Wang Pu,Xia Meisheng. Adsorbent based on montmorillonite for purifying blood and its preparing method.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 03115017.
[14]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Xu Zirong. Trimethyl-N-oxide feed additives preparation.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 03129074.
[15]Hu Caihong, Pan Jinmin,Xia Meisheng, Zhang Hongmei. Culture medium for promoting bacteria fast reproduction.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200510050296.
[16]Hu Caihong, Pan Jinmin,Xia Meisheng, Zhang Hongmei. Culture medium for promoting proliferation of microalgae papidly.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200510050297.
[17]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhu Xingyi, et al.Water purified agent for aeration, sterilizing of aquatic product culture and equipment thereof.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200510061569.
[18]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Ye Ying, et al.Compound palygorskite homing pigeon health-care sand.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200510061663.
[19]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Yao Zhitong. Chromium supplementing feed additive having controlled slow release type chromium, its preparation and use method.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050070.
[20]Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Zhu Xingyi. Magnesium supplementing feed additive having controlled slow-release type magnesium, its preparation and use method.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050079.
[21]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Yao Zhitong. Manganese supplementing feed additive having controlled slow-release type manganese, its preparation and use method.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050080.
[22] Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Xiong Li.Iron replenisher with control released iron and its preparing method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050081.
[23]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhao Wenyan. Controlled release type copper supplementing and its preparing method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050082.
[24] Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Zhang Hongmei.Controlled slow release type rare-earth feed additive and its preparation and use method.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050084.
[25]Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Zhang Hongmei.Zinc replenisher with control released zinc and its preparing method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050085.
[26]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhao Wenyan. Preparation method and purpose of copper-carried silicate antimicrobial agent.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050244.
[27]Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Zhao Wenyan. Preparation method and purpose of zinc-carried silicateantimicrobial agent.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050245.
[28] Ye Ying, Han Chenhua, Chen Xuegang, Cheng Jipeng,Xia Meisheng, et al. Process for preparing spinel type ferrite with manganese nodule and cobalt-bearing crust as raw materials.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050317.
[29]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhang Hongmei, Song Baoqiang.Water treatment method using tourmaline as catalyst.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050458.
[30]Xia Meisheng, Jin Mingjian, Hu Caihong, et al. Preparation method and use of bioactive sing-compound arsenic.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610053114.
[31] Hu Caihong, Xu Yong,Xia Meisheng, et al.Preparation method and use of single, compound arsenic with bio-effect.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610053115.
[32] Hu Caihong, Xu Yong,Xia Meisheng, et al.Method for preparing platinum metal bunch with biological activity, and use thereof.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610053117.
[33]Hu Caihong, Xu Yong,Xia Meisheng, et al.Active elementary selenium and its preparation method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610053166.
[34]Hu Caihong, Xu Yong,Xia Meisheng, et al.Selenium-complement agent, and prepn. method and use thereof.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610053172.
[35]Xu Yong, Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, et al.Slow-released type iodine complement agent, and prepn. method and use-thereof.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610053173.
[36]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Xiong Li. Load type molecular iodine complementary agent, and its prepn. method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050318.
[37]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhu Xingyi. Load type super-fine iron powder iron-complementary agent, its prepn. method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050321.
[38]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhang Hongmei.Load type super-fine copper-powder copper-complementary agent, its prepn. method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050322.
[39]Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Yao Zhitong. Load type super-fine zinc powder zinc-complementary agent, its prepn. method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050323.
[40]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Pan Jinmin. Sulfur-supported feedstuff addictive and preparation method thereof.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050246.
[41]Xia Meisheng, Hu Caihong, Zhu Xingyi, et al.Functional biomembrane carrier, its preparation method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050459.
[42]Hu Caihong,Xia Meisheng, Zhang Hongmei.Controlled release type butyric acid, its preparation method and use.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200610050112.
[43]Ye Ying,Xia Meisheng, Wu Daidai, et al. Preparation method of size controlled hollow silicon oxide microsphere.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200710068432.
[44]Xia Meisheng, Ye Ying, Wu Daidai, et al. Method for preparing sheet alumina using coal series kaolin rock or flyash as raw material.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200710068433.
[45] Ye Ying,Xia Meisheng, Wu Daidai, et al. Method for preparing modified silicon oxide using coal series kaolin rock or flyash.ChinaPatent Number: ZL 200710068434.
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(1)新型畜禽營養再分配劑研製及產業化技術研究,獲 1998年浙江省科技進步二等獎;


