


  • 中文名:夏大海
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:天津大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:腐蝕電化學
  • 職務:碩士研究生導師
  • 任職院校:天津大學材料科學與工程學院


2003年9月-2007年7月 天津商業大學 機械工程學院 工學學士學位
2007年9月-2009年7月 天津大學 材料學院 工學碩士學位
2009年9月-2012年7月 天津大學 材料學院 工學博士學位
2012年12月-2014年9月 University of Alberta 博士後
2014年10月- 天津大學材料學院 碩士研究生導師




2018年 第十五屆全國青年腐蝕與防護科技論文講評會 一等獎
2018年 全國腐蝕電化學及測試方法學術年會優秀論文 瑞士萬通電化學獎
2018年 第十一屆海峽兩岸材料腐蝕與防護研討會 青年論壇優秀論文 二等獎
2017年 “中國材料大會”優秀組織獎


1.“典型大氣環境中金屬腐蝕的影響因子及銹層演化機制的研究”, 國家自然科學基金重大項目, 2012年-2016年,參與。


Year of 2018
(62) Da-Hai Xia, Jianqiu Wang, Zhong Wu, Zhenbo Qin, Likun Xu, Wenbin Hu, Yashar Behnamian, Jing-Li Luo. Sensing corrosion within an artificial defect in organic coating using SECM. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2018, 280: 235-242.
(61)Yinghao Sun, S. Wu, Da-Hai Xia*, Likun Xu*, Jianqiu Wang, Shizhe Song, Hongqiang Fan, Zhiming Gao, Jin Zhang, Zhong Wu, Wenbin Hu. Temperature dependence of passivity degradation on UNS N08800 in near neutral crevice chemistries containing thiosulphate in chloride. Corrosion Science. 2018, 140: 260-271.
(60) Zeqing Wang, Jianqiu Wang, Yashar Behnamian, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang, Dahai Xia*. Pitting growth rate on Alloy 800 in chloride solutions containing thiosulphate: image analysis assessment. Corrosion Engineering science and Technology. 2018, 53(3): 206-213.
(59) Shizhe Song,Wanxiang Zhao, Jihui Wang, Zhiming Gao, Dahai Xia*,Field Corrosion Detection of Nuclear Materials using Electrochemical Noise Techanique. Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2018, 54(2): 340-346.
(58) Chao Ma, Bing Zhou, Dahai Xia*, Zhiming Gao, Jianqiu Wang, Zhiming Zhang, Yashar Behnamian, Wenbin Hu. In-situ Study the Corrosion Degradation Mechanism of Tinplate in Salty Water by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy.Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2018, 54(2), 216-223.
(57) 夏大海,宋揚,宋詩哲,吳思博,馬超. 酸性氯離子溶液中硫代硫酸根對800合金腐蝕機理, 2018,天津大學學報(自然科學與工程技術版), 51(6): 591-597.
(56)夏大海,宋詩哲,王吉會. 基於混沌理論的電化學噪聲譜數據解析及其在局部腐蝕檢測中的套用. 2018, 化工學報, 69(4):1569-1577.
Year of 2017
(55) Zhiming Gao, Can Wang, Weihang Miao, Renkang Zhu, Dahai Xia*. Characterization of a Stressed Passive Film Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscope and Point Defect Model, 2017, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2017, 70(5): 1337-1347.
(54) Sibo Wu, Jianqiu Wang, Shizhe Song, Da-Hai Xia*, Zhiming Zhang, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang, Weixian Jin, Wenbin Hu. Factors Influencing Passivity Breakdown on UNS N08800 in Neutral Chloride and Thiosulfate Solutions.Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164 (4) :C94-C103.
(53) Hong-Qiang Fan, Da-Hai Xia, Mou-Cheng L, Qian Li. Self-assembled (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxylsilane film modified with La2O3 nanoparticles for brass corrosion protection.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 702, 60-67.
(52) Da-Hai Xia*, Chao Ma, Shizhe Song, Weixian Jin, Yashar Behnamian, Hongqiang Fan*, Jihui Wang, Zhiming Gao, Wenbin Hu. Atmospheric corrosion assessed from corrosion images using fuzzy Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy, Corrosion Science, 2017, 120, 251–256.
(51) Ru Zhao, Dahai Xia*, Shizhe Song, Wenbin Hu. Detection of SCC on 304 stainless steel in neutral thiosulfate solutions using electrochemical noise based on chaos theory, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2017, 64(2):241-251.
(50) Dahai Xia, Bing Zhou, Jianqiu Wang, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang, Jing-Li Luo, Chen Shen*.Passivity degradation of Alloy 800 on nucleate boiling surface. Corrosion Engineering science and Technology. 2017, 52:5, 391-396.
(49) Chen Shen,Dahai Xia, Hongqiang Fan, Yashar Behnamian, A. Afacan, Stan Klimas, Jingli Luo*. Passivation Degradation of Alloy 800 in Boiling Solution Containing Thiosulphate. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 2017, 233, 13-25.
(48) Chao Ma, Shizhe Song, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang, Wenbin Hu, Yashar Behnamian, Da-Hai Xia*. Electrochemical Noise Monitoring of the Atmospheric Corrosion of Steels- Identifying Corrosion Form Using Wavelet Analysis. 2017, Corrosion Engineering science and Technology. 2017, 52:6,432-440.
(47) Da-Hai Xia*, Chao Ma, Shizhe Song, Lili Ma, Jihui Wang, Zhiming Gao, Cheng Zhong, Wenbin Hu. Assessing atmospheric corrosion of metal by a novel electrochemical sensor combining with a thin insulating net using electrochemical noise technique. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 2017, 252, 353-358.
(46) Da-Hai Xia*, Shizhe Song, Weixian Jin, Jian Li, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang, Wenbin Hu. Atmospheric corrosion monitoring of field-exposed Q235B and T91 steels in Zhoushan offshore environment using electrochemical probes. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2017, 32(6): 1433-1440.
(45)Chao Ma, Da-Hai Xia*, Yingying Zhang, Shizhe Song, Jihui Wang, Zhiming Gao, Wenbin Hu. Sensing the instant corrosivity of haze using electrochemical probes by electrochemical noise technique. Electrochemistry, 2017, 85(12): 784-789.
(44)夏大海,宋詩哲,王儉秋,駱靜利. 690和800合金在高溫高壓水中硫致腐蝕失效研究進展(綜述). 金屬學報, 2017, 53(12): 1542-1554.
(43) 夏大海*,宋詩哲,李健,金威賢.新型腐蝕電化學感測器在金屬材料大氣腐蝕現場檢測中的套用,腐蝕科學與防護技術,2017, 29(5): 581-585.
(42) 夏大海*, 宋詩哲,王吉會*,高志明,胡文彬.食品包裝用鍍錫薄鋼板的腐蝕機理研究進展,2017,中國腐蝕與防護學報,2017, 37(6): 513-518.
(41) Mei Hei, Da-Hai Xia*, Shizhe Song, Zhiming Gao. Sensing Atmospheric Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Low-Alloy Steel Using the Electrochemical Noise Technique: Effects of Weather Conditions. Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2017, 53(6): 1100-1113.

Year of 2016
(40) Dahai Xia, Shizhe Song, Y. Behnamian. Detection of corrosion degradation using electrochemical noise (EN): review of signal processing methods for identifying corrosion forms, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, (2016)51:7, 527-544.
(39)Zhiming Gao, Zeqing Wang, Yinghao Sun,Sibo Wu,Chao Ma, Yu Zhu,Dahai Xia*.Passivity degradation of nuclear materials in reduced sulfur environments: A review,Transactions of Tianjin University, 2016, 22: 189-201
(38) Dahai Xia*, Sobo Wu, Yu Zhu, Zeqing Wang, Yinghao Sun, Renkang Zhu, Jingli Luo. Hydrogen-enhanced Surface Reactivity of X80 Pipeline Steel observed by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. Electrochemistry, 84(4), 238–242 (2016)
(37) Zhiming Gao, Xibo Lu, Dahai Xia*, Lixia Yag, Renkang Zhu, Yashar Behnamian. Pitting Corrosion Mechanism of Alloy 800 in Simulated Crevice Chemistries Containing Thiosulfate. Electrochemistry, 84(8), 585–596 (2016)
(36) Yongjia Wei, Dahai Xia*, Shizhe Song*. Detection of SCC of 304 NG Stainless Steel in an Acidic NaCl Solution Using Electrochemical Noise Based on Chaos and Wavelet Analysis. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2016, 52(6), 560–575.
(35) Dahai Xia*, Y. Behnamian, L. Yang, H. Fan, R.-K. Zhu, J.-L. Luo, Y.-C. Lu, S.Klimas. Semiconductivity of steam generator tubing alloys in simulated crevice chemistries containing lead and sulphur, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 2016,51:1,37-50.

Year of 2015
(34) Dahai Xia, J.-L. Luo, Corrosion Behavior of Alloy 690 in Simulated Alkaline Water Chemistries Containing Sulfur at 300 ℃. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2015. 31 (3): p. 467-475.
(33) Dahai Xia, R.-K. Zhu, Y. Behnamian, J.-L. Luo, C.-J. Lin, S. Klimas, Understanding the interaction of thiosulfate with Alloy 800 in aqueous chloride solutions using SECM. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2015. 744(0): p. 77-84.
(32) Dahai Xia, Y. Behnamian, X.-Y. Chen, J.-L. Luo, S. Klimas, A mechanistic study of sulfur-induced passivity degradation of Alloy 800 in a simulated alkaline crevice environment at 300 °C. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, (2015) 19:3567–3578.
(31) Dahai Xia, J.-L. Luo, Passivity Degradation of Alloy 800 in Simulated Crevice Chemistries. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2015. 21: p. 234-243.
(30) Dahai Xia, Y. Behnamian, Electrochemical noise: a review of experimental setup, instrumentation and DC removal. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2015. 51(7): p. 593-601.
(29) Dahai Xia, H.-Q. Fan, L.-X. Yang, Y. Behnamian, J.-L. Luo, Y.-C. Lu, S. Klimas, Semiconductivity Conversion of Passive Films on Alloy 800 in Chloride Solutions Containing Various Concentrations of Thiosulfate. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015. 162(9): p. C482-C486.
(28) Dahai Xia, J.-L. Luo, Z.-M. Gao, B.-Y. Yuan, L. Li, C. Wang, Monitoring the Diffusion Layer During Passive Film Breakdown on Alloy 800 with Digital Holography. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2015, 28(9), 1170–1174.
(27) Dahai Xia, Y.-F. Sun, C. Shen, X.-Y. Chen, H.-Q. Fan, J.-L. Luo, A mechanistic study on sulfur-induced passivity degradation on Alloy 800 in simulated alkaline crevice chemistries at temperatures ranging from 21 °C to 300 °C. Corrosion Science. 2015,100,504-516.
(26) Dahai Xia, Sun, Y.F., Fan, H.Q., Characterization of passive film formed on 304 SS in simulated alkaline water chemistries containing sulfur at 300℃. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2015. 21: 554-561.
Year of 2014
(25) Ke Wang, Jihui Wang, Huihui Wang, Congwei Fu, Dahai Xia*, Xin Zheng, Lihua Dang, Jiangbo Shi. Corrosion detection of tinplate cans containing coffee using EIS/EN sensor. Journal of Central South University. 2014, 21 (1): 76-82.
(24) Dahai Xia, Huihui Wang, Ke Wang, Congwei Fu, Jihui Wang. A novel electrochemical noise sensor applied to detect food safety. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2014, 50 (6): 599-602.
(23) Bing Luo, Da-Hai Xia *. Characterization of pH Effect on Corrosion Resistance of Nuclear Steam Generator Tubing Alloy by In-situ Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 2014, 30(1), 59-66. [羅兵,夏大海.物理化學學報, 2014, 30, 59.]
(22) Da-Hai Xia, Ren-Kang Zhu, Yashar Behnamian, Chen Shen, Jing-Li Luo, Yu-Cheng Lu, Stan Klimas. pH Effect on Sulfur-Induced Passivity Degradation of Alloy 800 in Simulated Crevice Chemistries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (2014), C201-C214.
(21) Dahai Xia, Lixia Yang. A mechanistic study on semiconductivity conversion of passive films under varying sulfate to chloride concentration ratios. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 2014, 30(8): 1465-1473. [夏大海,楊麗霞.物理化學學報, 2014, 30, 1465.]
(20) Jianbo Shi, Jihui Wang, Ke Wang, Dahai Xia. Electrochemical noise study on the corrosion behavior of 304NG stainless steel in high temperature water. Electrochemistry. 2014. 82 (8): 647-653.
(19) Da-Hai Xia, Yashar Behnamian, Hao-Nan Feng, Hong-Qiang Fan, Lixia Yang, Chen Shen, Jing-Li Luo*, Yu-Cheng Lu, Stan Klimas Semiconductivity conversion of Alloy 800 in sulphate, thiosulphate, and chloride solutions. Corrosion Science, 2014, 87, 265-277.
(18) Hongqiang Fan, Dahai Xia, Lixia Yang, Jingli Luo, Mahesh D. Pandey, Yucheng Lu, Stan Klimas. Memory effect and recoverability of passive film degradation of Alloy 800 in simulated crevice chemistry. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014, 280: 57-61.

Year of 2013
(17) Jihui Wang, Congwei Fu, Zhiming Gao, Dahai Xia*. Corrosion process detection of tinplate in deaerated functional beverage by EIS. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2013, 19: 235-240.
(16) 夏大海,王吉會,蔣宇軒,李娜,周超.環氧酚醛/鍍錫薄鋼板體系在功能飲料中的腐蝕行為.天津大學學報,2013,46(6):503-509.
(15) Jiangbo Shi, Dahai Xia, Jihui Wang, Chao Zhou, Yanhong Liu. Investigation on the degradation process of coated tinplate by phase space reconstruction theory. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2013, 19: 092-097.
(14) Chao Zhou, Jihui Wang, Shizhe Song, Dahai Xia*, Ke Wang, Chen Shen, Bing Luo, Jiangbo Shi. Degradation mechanism of lacquered tinplate in energy drinks by in-situ EIS and EN. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed, 2013, 28(2):367-372.
(13) Dahai Xia, Chao Zhou, Yuhuan Liu, Jihui Wang, Congwei Fu, Ke Wang, Ming Li. Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of SA508-4 Low Carbon Alloy Steel, Electrochemistry, 81 (2013) 262-268.
(12) Xin Zheng, Da-Hai Xia *, Huihui Wang, Congwei Fu. Detection of the corrosion degree of beverage cans using a novel electrochemical sensor, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2013 60(6): 153–159.
(11) Dahai Xia, Shizhe Song, Renkang Zhu, Yashar Behnamian, Chen Shen, Jihui Wang, Jingli Luo, Yucheng Lu, Stan Klimas. A Mechanistic Study on Thiosulfate-enhanced Passivity Degradation of Alloy 800 in Chloride Solutions, Electrochimica Acta, 111 (2013) 510-525.

Year of 2012
(10) Dahai Xia, Shizhe Song, Wenqi Gong, Yuxuan Jiang, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang. Detection of corrosion-induced metal release from tinplate cans using a novel electrochemical sensor and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Journal of Food Engineering. 2012, 113, 11-18.
(9) Dahai Xia, Jiangbo Shi, Wenqi Gong, Rongji Zhou, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang. The significance of correlation dimension obtained electrochemical noise. Electrochemistry. 2012, 80 (11): 907-912.
(8) Dahai Xia, Shizhe Song, Jihui Wang, Huichao Bi, Yuxuan Jiang, Zhewen Han. Corrosion behavior of timplate in NaCl solution. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012, 22: 717-724.
(7) Dahai Xia, Jihui Wang, Shizhe Song, Huichao Bi, Yuxuan Jiang, Zhewen Han. Corrosion behavior of tinplates in a functional beverage. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 2012. 28 (1): 121-126. [夏大海, 宋詩哲, 王吉會, 畢慧超, 韓哲文. 物理化學學報, 2012, 28, 121.]
(6) Dahai Xia, Shizhe Song, Jihui Wang, Huichao Bi, Zhewen Han. Fast evaluation of degradation degree of organic coatings by analyzing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2012, 18(1): 15-20.
(5) 夏大海,宋詩哲,王吉會,畢慧超.飲料金屬包裝實罐產品的腐蝕檢測.化工學報,2012,63(6): 1797-1802.
(4) Dahai Xia, Shizhe Song, Jihui Wang, Jiangbo Shi, Huichao Bi, Zhiming Gao. Determination of corrosion types from electrochemical noise by phase space reconstruction theory. Electrochemistry Communications. 2012, 15: 88-92.
(3) Yao Che, Zhewen Han, Bing Luo, Dahai Xia*, Jiangbo Shi, Zhiming Gao, Jihui Wang*. Corrosion Mechanism Differences of Tinplate in Aerated and Deaerated Citric Acid Solution, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2012, 7 (11): 9997-10007.
(2) Bing Luo, Antao Xu, Yanshu Liang, Zhen Huang, Zhixia Qiao, Dahai Xia, Shengsheng Zhang, Zhancai Li, Fan Zhang, Peng Chen. Evaluation on protective performance of organic coatings by analyzing the change rate of phase angle at high frequency. 2012, International Journal of Electrochemical Science 7(9), pp. 8859-8868.
Year of 2011
(1) Dahai Xia, Jihui Wang, Shizhe Song, Bo Zhong, Zhewen Han. The corrosion behavior of lacquered tinplate in functional beverage. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 233-235, 1747-1751.


