



  • 中文名:夏北成
  • 畢業院校:北京大學理學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境生態學、環境生物學、污染生態學等
  • 任職院校:中山大學





·1984-1986 長沙市環境保護研究所






1. 《城市生態景觀格局及生態環境效應》,2010,科學出版社,北京。
2. 《城市景觀生態學與生態安全—以廣州為例》,2008,科學出版社,北京。
3. 《環境污染物生物降解》2002,化工出版社,北京。
4. 《污染生態學》,1995,廣東科技出版社,廣州。
5. 《讓城市更清潔——垃圾發電的發展與政策》(當代中國研究叢書),2011,三聯書店,香港。
6.Xia Beicheng, D.S. Treves, J.Z. Zhou, J.M. Tiedje, Soil Microbial Community Diversity and Driving Mechanisms, Progress in Natural Science, 2001, 11(11):818-824.
7. Jizhong Zhou,Beicheng Xia, David S. Treves, L.-Y. Wu, Terry L. Marsh, Robert V. O’Neill, Anthony V. Palumbo, James M. Tiedje, Spatial and Resource Factors Influencing High Microbial Diversity in Soil, Appl. Environ. Microbiol.2002, 68(1):326-334.(被引用314次)
8. Jizhong Zhou,Beicheng Xia, Heshu Huang, Anthony V. Palumbo, James M. Tiedje, Microbial Diversity and Heterogeneity in Sandy Subsurface Soils, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2004, 70(3): 1723-1734.
9. Treves D.S. ,B. Xia, J. Zhou, J.M. Tiedje, A Two-Species Test of the Hypothesis That Spatial Isolation Influences Microbial Diversity in Soil, Microbial ecology. 02/2003; 45(1):20-8.
10. Jizhong Zhou,Beicheng Xia, Heshu Huang, David S. Treves, Loren J. Hauser, Richard J. Mural, Anthony V. Palumbo, James M. Tiedje,, Bacterial phylogenetic diversity and a novel candidate division of two humid region, sandy surface soils, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35(7), 2003:915–924.
11. Tiedje, J. M.; Cho, J. C.; Murray, A.; Treves, D.;Xia, B.; Zhou, J., Soil teeming with life: new frontiers for soil science, 2001, In Sustainable management of soil organic matter, pp. 393-425(Editors: Rees, R. M., Ball, B. C., Campbell, C. D., Watson, C. A.).
12. Zhou Xu,Xia Beicheng, Defining and modeling the soil geochemical background of heavy metals from the Hengshi River watershed (southern China): Integrating EDA, stochastic simulation and magnetic parameters,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 180(1-3):542-551.
13 Zhao Huarong,Xia Beicheng, Fan Chen, Zhao Peng, Shen Shili, Human health risk from soil heavy metal contamination under different land uses near Dabaoshan Mine, Southern China, 2012, Science of the Total Environment 417(1) : 45–54.
14. Gong Jianzhou, Liu yansui,Xia Beicheng, Urban ecological security assessment and forecasting, based on a cellular automata model: A case study of Guangzhou, China, Ecological Modelling, 220 (2009):3612–3620.
15. Gong Jianzhou,Liu Yansui,Xia Beicheng. Spatial heterogeneity of urban land-cover landscape in Guangzhou from 1990 to 2005, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19:213-224.
16. Yingzhi Li,Beicheng Xia, Jiaying Zhang, Chuanhong Li, Wenzhuan Zhu,Assessing high resolution oxidation-reduction potentialand soluble reactive phosphorus variation across vertical sediments and water layers in Xinghu Lake: A novel laboratory approach,Journal of Environmental Sciences 2010, 22(7) :1–9.
17. Jiang Xueding,Xia Beicheng, Lin Wenshi, Lin Guangfa. Daily changes of spatial patterns of meteorological elements over Pearl River Delta based on GIS and MM5, Chinese Geographical Science, 2009, 19(1):69-76.
18. Zhao Huarong,Xia Beicheng, Qin Jianqiao, Zhou Xu, Zhao Peng, Shen Shili 2012, Simulation of human health risk of cadium associated spatially with soil organic carbon and pH in Dabaoshan Mine, South China, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21(3): 695-703.
19. Zhao Huarong,Xia Beicheng, Qin Jianqiao, Zhang Jiaying Hydrogeochemical and mineralogical characteristics related to heavy metal attenuation in a stream polluted by acid mine drainage: a case study in Dabaoshan Mine, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences 2012, 24(6):979-989.
20. Xie Xiao-xi, Li Yan,Xia Bei-cheng, XU Li-min, SU Yu, GU Qing-bao Hysteresis of saturation capillary pressure relations underconsecutive drainage imbibition cycles in fine sandy medium, J. Cent. South Univ. 2012, 19: 222 230.
21. Shen Shili,Xia Beicheng, Xue Feng, Cadmium effects on the photosynthetic system of Sauropus androgynus as a potential Cd-accumulator,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21, (11) :3551-3557.
22. Xu Chao,Xia Beicheng. Soil microbial activities and community diversity during the rhizoremediation of a pyrene contaminated soil, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2009, 3(3):24-36.
23. Lin Guangfa,Xia BeichengThe Relationship between NDVI, Stand Age and Terrain Factors of Pinus elliottii Forest, Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Education Technology and Training & 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2:232-236.
1. 豐富課堂教學內容探討課堂教學改革,pp376-379,大學環境類課程報告論壇論文集,2008,高等教育出版社
2. 多渠道拓展實踐教學形式探索實踐教學創新,pp253-256,大學環境類課程報告論壇論文集,2007,高等教育出版社。
3. 環境科學類專業實踐教學探討,高校教育研究,2008,13:99-100.


