- 軟體名稱:墳墓掃雷
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:150.17MB
- 支持版本:iOS7.0及以上
墳墓掃雷(Grave Matters)是一款恐怖新作,玩家在遊戲當中扮演的是以為名為亨利伯克的掘墓人,他需要帶著可愛的狗搭檔,在月黑風高夜中潛入到機器人墓地,並且從墓中挖掘並收集能量塊,不過這個工作可沒這么容易,如果挖錯了墓地,就會驚醒那些沉睡的殭屍機器人,殭屍機器人可不那么友善,它會將吵醒它的人拉入墳墓中,之後的事就沒人知道了。遊戲的玩法與經典的遊戲《掃雷》有些類似,在一些墳墓中會有相關的提示,提醒玩家能量塊被埋葬在什麼地方。 遊戲採用的是濃重的朋克風格畫面,而且在對於環境的渲染上遊戲表現的還是很到位的,恐怖氛圍將會籠罩著玩家。 "Undoubtedly the BEST grave digging, undead steampunk, robot apocalypse, puzzle game ever!" - John Doe "It’s Dead good!" - Jane Doe "Arrrrgggghhhh!" -Wilhelm Official Selection - The Very Big Indie Pitch @ PocketGamer Connects London 2014 - IndiePrize @ Casual Connect San Francisco 2014 LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, BOYS AND GIRLS, THIS, IS GRAVE MATTERS! Take up the mantle of mysterious grave digger, Harey Burke, a loveable rogue who must collect energy cells from the robot graveyard to survive. Puzzle your way through a near infinite amount of Minesweeper-inspired levels, using your sense of logic and reasoning (and perhaps one or two nifty tools) to avoid disturbing the crazed Steamborgs who lurk six foot under, ready to pull Harey Burke to his doom. A nerve-racking, adrenaline fuelled challenge, but you will be pleased to know that you do not face it alone. You’ll be accompanied by Bobby, a steam-powered, four-legged companion who when the time comes will be there to sacrifice his life for yours. Set in a macabre steampunk 3D world, Grave Matters is a unique sensory and intellectual experience, only for the most discerning individuals. Can you Dig it I’m most certainly sure you can!