- 中文名:墜入你的愛河
- 作者:涼風四D
- 小說類型:純愛
- 連載平台:晉江文學網
日更或隔日更~但是文章比較慢熱,目前正在加快進度中~原版的V大為主,英俊的V大為輔!老鄧永遠都是那個老鄧,原本的那個老鄧。PS:我討厭負分,所以,如果不喜歡就請打零分或者直接離開就好~請不要偏偏要打個負分來破壞我的積極性~任何可以破壞我心情的事物,都是我厭惡的存在~如果喜歡本文的話,請點擊首頁的【收藏此文章】,或者章節頂部的【收藏此章節】~謝謝合作~以上!—I wanna fly, looking in your eyes Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you liveMy world has twice as many stars in the sky Because you live, I live Because you live there's a reason why I carry on when I lose the fight I want to give what you've given me always 偶的海賊王同人文:要收藏啊~謝謝 新坑:火影同人: