



  • 書名:塞斯納172R飛機理論教程
  • 作者:何曉薇、向淑蘭、劉渡輝
  • 出版社:西南交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年1月1日
  • 定價:49 元
  • ISBN:9787564373436
  • 叢 書 名:飛行技術專業系列教材




Chapter 1 Aircraft Structure and Systems 1
1.1 Aircraft General 1
1.2 Aircraft Structure 2
1.2.1 Fuselage 2
1.2.2 Wings 3
1.2.3 Empennage 4
1.3 Aircraft System 4
1.3.1 Flight Control System 4
1.3.2 Landing Gear and Brake System 7
1.3.3 Cabin 9
1.3.4 Stall Warning System 15
Chapter 2 Powerplant Systems 23
2.1 Engine 23
2.1.1 Descriptive Data of Engine and Propeller 23
2.1.2 Engine Controls 24
2.1.3 New Engine Break-in and Operation 24
2.2 Engine Systems 24
2.2.1 Fuel System 25
2.2.2 Lubrication System 28
2.2.3 Ignition and Starter System 29
2.2.4 Air Induction System 30
2.2.5 Exhaust System 30
2.2.6 Cooling System 31
2.3 Engine Instruments 31
2.4 Normal Procedures of Engine 33
2.4.1 Starting Engine (with Battery) Procedure 33
2.4.2 Warm up 34
2.4.3 Magneto Check 34
2.5 Emergency Procedures of Engine 35
2.5.1 Engine Failures 35
2.5.2 Fire 36
2.5.3 Inadvertent Flight into Icing Conditions 37
2.5.4 Spark Plug Fouling 37
2.5.5 Magneto Malfunction 38
2.5.6 Low Oil Pressure 38
2.5.7 Cruise: Leaning Using Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) 38
Chapter 3 Performance 48
3.1 Limitation 48
3.1.1 Airspeed Limitations 48
3.1.2 Weight Limits 49
3.1.3 Center of Gravity Limits 49
3.1.4 Maneuver Limits 50
3.1.5 Flight Load Factor Limits 51
3.1.6 Kinds of Operation Limits 51
3.1.7 Fuel Limitations 51
3.1.8 Flap Limitations 52
3.2 Performance 52
3.2.1 Stall Speeds 52
3.2.2 Take Off Performance 53
3.2.3 Climb Performance 54
3.2.4 Cruise Performance 55
3.2.5 Landing Performance 58
3.3 Weight and Balance 59
3.3.1 Standard Airplane Weights 59
3.3.2 Loading Graph 60
3.3.3 Center of Gravity Moment Envelope 60
Chapter 4 Electrics and Avionics 66
4.1 Electrical System 66
4.1.1 Electrical Power Source 66
4.1.2 Power Distribution 67
4.1.3 Switch 68
4.1.4 Indicator 69
4.1.5 Annunciation and Protection 70
4.1.6 Circuit Breakers and Fuses 73
4.1.7 Electrical Fire in Flight 74
4.2 Lighting Systems 74
4.2.1 Exterior Lighting 74
4.2.2 Interior Lighting 76
4.3 Instrument Systems 77
4.3.1 Overview 77
4.3.2 Pitot-Static System and Instruments 78
4.3.3 Vacuum System and Instruments 80
4.3.4 Magnetic Compass 81
4.4 Radio Communication and Navigation Systems 81
4.4.1 Overview 81
4.4.2 Automatic Direction Finder 83
4.4.3 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) 87
Chapter 5 G1000 Systems 99
5.1 System Overview 99
5.1.1 System Description 99
5.1.2 PFD/MFD Control 102
5.1.3 Softkey Function 105
5.1.4 MFD Page Groups 111
5.1.5 MFD Data Bar 112
5.1.6 System Operation 112
5.2 Flight Instruments 114
5.2.1 Airspeed Indicator 115
5.2.2 Attitude Indicator 116
5.2.3 Altimeter 117
5.2.4 Vertical Deviation/Glide Slope Indicator 118
5.2.5 Marker Beacon Annunciation 119
5.2.6 Vertical Speed Indicator 119
5.2.7 Barometric Altitude Minimums 120
5.2.8 Horizontal Situation Indicator 120
5.3 Engine Indication System 123
5.3.1 Engine Page 124
5.3.2 Lean Page 126
5.3.3 System Page 127
5.4 COM/NAV Operation 129
5.5 Transponder 133
5.5.1 Overview 133
5.5.2 Operation 134
5.6 Audio Panel 135
5.7 Navigation 139
5.7.1 Navigation Map Page 139
5.7.2 Direct-to Navigation 141
5.7.3 Airport Information 144
5.7.4 Intersection Information 145
5.7.5 NDB Information 146
5.7.6 VOR Information 147
5.7.7 Nearest Airports 147
5.7.8 Nearest Intersections 149
5.7.9 Nearest NDB 150
5.7.10 Nearest VOR 150
5.7.11 Nearest User Waypoint 151
5.7.12 Nearest Frequencies 152
5.7.13 Nearest Airspaces 153
5.8 Flight Plan 154
5.8.1 User Waypoint 154
5.8.2 Flight Plan Catalog Page 156
5.8.3 Create a New Flight Plan Using the MFD 157
5.8.4 Store a Flight Plan 158
5.8.5 Edit a Store Flight Plan 158
5.8.6 Activate a Stored Flight Plan 158
5.8.7 Activate a Flight Leg 159
5.8.8 Viewing the Active Flight Plan 159
5.8.9 Stop Navigating a Flight Plan 159
5.8.10 Invert Active Flight Plan 160
5.8.11 Copy a Flight Plan 160
5.8.12 Delete a Flight Plan 160
5.8.13 Invert and Activate a Flight Plan 161
5.8.14 Trip Plan 161
5.9 Procedures 162
5.9.1 Select a Departure 163
5.9.1 Select an Arrival 163
5.9.3 Select and Activate an Approach 163
5.9.4 Remove a Departure, Arrival, or Approach 164
5.10 Annunciations and Alerts 164
5.10.1 Introduction 164
5.10.2 G1000 System Annunciations 166
Chapter 6 Normal Procedures 175
6.1 Preflight Inspection 175
6.1.1 Cabin 175
6.1.2 Empennage 176
6.1.3 Right Wing Trailing Edge 176
6.1.4 Right Wing 177
6.1.5 Nose 177
6.1.6 Left Wing Leading Edge 178
6.1.7 Left Wing 178
6.1.8 Left Wing Trailing Edge 179
6.2 Procedure prior to Starting Engine 179
6.3 Starting Engine (with Battery) 179
6.4 Procedure prior to Takeoff 180
6.5 Takeoff 182
6.5.1 Normal Takeoff 182
6.5.2 Short Field Takeoff 182
6.6 Enroute Climb 182
6.7 Cruise 182
6.8 Descent 183
6.9 Procedure prior to Landing 183
6.10 Landing 184
6.10.1 Normal Landing 184
6.10.2 Short Field Landing 184
6.10.3 Balked Landing 184
6.11 Post Landing 184
6.12 Securing Airplane 184
6.13 Starting Engine in Cold Weather 185
Appendix 188
References 193


