


  • 中文名:塗垚傑
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:燃氣輪機燃燒室設計及熱聲振盪問題
  • 任職院校:華中科技大學


2017.09—2019.06,新加坡國立大學機械工程系,高級博士後研究員(Senior Research Fellow)
2016.09—2017.09,新加坡國立大學機械工程系,博士後研究員(Research Fellow)
1區期刊Applied Energy和Energy Conversion and Management傑出審稿人, SCI期刊Journal of Chemistry 客座編輯(Lead Guest Editor of Special Issue: Chemistry in Combustion Science and Technology)。


  • (1) 燃料的清潔燃燒技術(無焰FLOX燃燒、富氧/增氧燃燒、催化燃燒等)
  • (2) 燃氣輪機燃燒室設計及熱聲振盪問題
  • (3) 熱能工程設備的CFD數值仿真(流動、傳熱及燃燒等過程)
  • (4) 油氣田放空火炬燃燒器設計及最佳化


  • (1) 新加坡NRF項目,Development of an advanced platform for boilers with high combustion efficiency and low emissions,NRF-Sembcorp corporate lab, 2016.04—2020.03,參與
  • (2) 企業橫向項目,加熱爐MILD/MILD富氧燃燒技術及產品開發,2013.12—2016.12,參與
  • 2019年(截止2019.06)
  • (1) Xu, Mingchen, Yaojie Tu*, Anqi Zhou, Hongpeng Xu, Wenbin Yu, Zhenwei Li, and Wenming Yang. "Numerical study of HCN and NH3 reduction in a two-stage entrained flow gasifier by implementing MILD combustion." Fuel 251 (2019): 482-495. (Corresponding author)
  • (2) Zhou, Anqi, Hongpeng Xu, Yaojie Tu, Feiyang Zhao, Zhiming Zheng, and Wenming Yang. "Numerical investigation of the effect of air supply and oxygen enrichment on the biomass combustion in the grate boiler." Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019):
  • (3) Wang, Qingxiang, Zhichao Chen, Hui Han, Yaojie Tu, Guangkui Liu, Lingyan Zeng, and Zhengqi Li. "Detailed gas/particle flow characteristics of an improved down-fired boiler with respect to a critical factor affecting coal burnout: Vent-air inclination angle." Energy (2019).
  • (4) Wang, Zean, Wei Yang, Hao Liu, Hu Jin, Huiqin Chen, Kai Su, Yaojie Tu, and Wenlong Wang. "Thermochemical behavior of three sulfates (CaSO4, K2SO4 and Na2SO4) blended with cement raw materials (CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3) at high temperature." Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2019).
  • (5) Tu, Yaojie, Mingchen Xu, Dezhi Zhou, Qingxiang Wang, Wenming Yang, and Hao Liu. "CFD and kinetic modelling study of methane MILD combustion in O2/N2, O2/CO2 and O2/H2O atmospheres." Applied Energy 240 (2019):
  • (6) Xie, Yihao, Yaojie Tu, Hu Jin, Congcong Luan, Zean Wang, and Hao Liu. "Numerical study on a novel burner designed to improve MILD combustion behaviors at the oxygen enriched condition." Applied Thermal Engineering 152 (2019):
  • (7) Wang, Zean, Hu Jin, Kun Wang, Yihao Xie, Jian Ning, Yaojie Tu, Yingming Chen, Hao Liu, and Hancai Zeng. "A two-step method for the integrated removal of HCl, SO2 and NO at low temperature using viscose-based activated carbon fibers modified by nitric acid." Fuel 239 (2019):
  • 2018年
  • (1) Zhou, Anqi, Hongpeng Xu, Wenming Yang, Yaojie Tu, Mingchen Xu, Wenbin Yu, Siah Keng Boon, and Prabakaran Subbaiah. "Numerical Study of Biomass Grate Boiler with Coupled Time-Dependent Fuel Bed Model and Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Freeboard Model." Energy & fuels 32, no. 9 (2018):
  • (2) Zhou, Dezhi, Kun Lin Tay, Yaojie Tu, Jing Li, Wenming Yang, and Dan Zhao. "A numerical investigation on the injection timing of boot injection rate-shapes in a kerosene-diesel engine with a clustered dynamic adaptive chemistry method." Applied energy 220 (2018):
  • (3) Tu, Yaojie, Anqi Zhou, Mingchen Xu, Wenming Yang, Keng Boon Siah, and Prabakaran Subbaiah. "NOX reduction in a 40 t/h biomass fired grate boiler using internal flue gas recirculation technology." Applied Energy 220 (2018):
  • 2017年
  • (1) Tu, Yaojie, Wenming Yang, and Hao Liu. "A Refined Global Reaction Mechanism for Gently Preheated MILD Combustion of Methane." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 9 (2017):
  • (2) Tu, Yaojie, Kai Su, Hao Liu, Zean Wang, Yihao Xie, Chuguang Zheng, and Weijie Li. "MILD combustion of natural gas using low preheating temperature air in an industrial furnace." Fuel Processing Technology 156 (2017):
  • (3) Tu, Yaojie, Hao Liu, and Wenming Yang. "Flame characteristics of CH4/H2 on a jet-in-hot-coflow burner diluted by N2, CO2, and H2O." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 3 (2017):
  • 2017年以前
  • (1) Tu, Yaojie, Kai Su, Hao Liu, Sheng Chen, Zhaohui Liu, and Chuguang Zheng. "Physical and chemical effects of CO2 addition on CH4/H2 flames on a Jet in Hot Coflow (JHC) burner." Energy & Fuels 30, no. 2 (2016):
  • (2) Tu, Yaojie, Hao Liu, Kai Su, Sheng Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Chuguang Zheng, and Weijie Li. "Numerical study of H2O addition effects on pulverized coal oxy-MILD combustion." Fuel Processing Technology 138 (2015):
  • (3) Tu, Yaojie, Hao Liu, Sheng Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Haibo Zhao, and Chuguang Zheng. "Numerical study of combustion characteristics for pulverized coal under oxy-MILD operation." Fuel processing technology 135 (2015)
  • (4) Yan, Zhiqiang, Zean Wang, Hao Liu, Yaojie Tu, Wei Yang, Hancai Zeng, and Jianrong Qiu. "Decomposition and solid reactions of calcium sulfate doped with SiO2, Fe2O3 and Al2O3." Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 113 (2015):
  • (5) Tu, Yaojie, Hao Liu, Sheng Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Haibo Zhao, and Chuguang Zheng. "Effects of furnace chamber shape on the MILD combustion of natural gas." Applied Thermal Engineering 76 (2015):


  • 獲得2011年湖北省優秀學士論文一等獎


