


  • 中文名:基於拉曼組合放大的長距離光纖傳輸系統 
  • 外文名:Long-distance optical fiber transmission system based on hybrid Raman amplification
作者: 饒雲江[1,2] 李立[1] 賈新鴻[1] 冉曾令[1] 張田虎[1]
作者機構: [1]電子科技大學寬頻光纖傳輸和通信網技術教育部重點實驗室,成都610054 [2]重慶大學光電技術與系統教育部重點實驗室,重慶400044
題名、責任者附註: Rao Yun-Jiang Li Li Jia Xin-Hong Ran Zeng-Ling Zhang Tian-Hu(Key Laboratory of Broadband Optical Fiber Transmission & Communication Networks of Ministry of Education,University of Electronic Science & Technology of China,Chengdu 610054,China) 2(Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronic Technology & Systems of Ministry of Education,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China)
語種: Chinese 漢語
分類: 中圖分類:TN929.11
作者簡介: E-mail:yjrao@uestc.edu.cn
來源: 物理學報, Acta Physica Sinica,2010,007
標識號: ISSN:1000-3290CN:11-1958/O4
中文關鍵字光纖通信系統 自適應補償光纖傳輸 受激拉曼放大 光纖雷射器
英文關鍵字: optical fiber communication; self-adaptive compensation optical fiber transmission; stimulated Raman amplification; optical fiber laser
中文摘要 本文改進了一種實現長距離自適應補償光纖傳輸的方法.在利用光纖光柵形成的諧振腔產生雷射對信號光進行拉曼放大的基礎上,再利用雙抽運光對信號光進行拉曼放大,從而獲得更高的拉曼增益以實現更長距離的自適應補償光纖傳輸.使實驗自適應補償傳輸距離達125km(為目前國際上已報導的最長自適應補償光纖傳輸距離).實驗測量並理論分析了該長距離光纖傳輸系統的開關增益、放大的自發輻射噪聲、噪聲指數和光功率分布的特性,實驗結果與理論模型符合很好.
英文摘要 [A novel modified method for realizing long-distance self-adaptive compensation optical fiber transmission is proposed.Based on the hybrid Raman amplification achieved by combining the original bi-directional Raman pump with a second Raman amplification generated by a fiber laser formed by a fiber Bragg grating pair with high reflectivity,the signal light is amplified effectively and the longest self-adaptive compensation optical fiber transmission distance of 125 km is achieved in experiment for the first time,to the best of our knowledge.In addition,the ON /OFF gain,amplified spontaneous emission noise,noise figure and the signal power distribution characteristics of the system are studied experimentally and theoretically.The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.]


