

《基於喬姆斯基普遍語法的漢英對比研究》是2014年4月安徽大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是陳麗萍,司聯合。 本書以喬姆斯基的言語學為主題,共分四個單元,可供相關愛好及研究者學習參考。


  • 中文名:基於喬姆斯基普遍語法的漢英對比研究
  • 作者:陳麗萍、司聯合
  • 出版社:安徽大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787566407252 




Chapter 1 A Brief Review on the Contrastive Study between Chinese and English
1.1 Contrastive Linguistics: Concept and Definitio
1.2 Significance
1.3 History and Development
1.3.1 The Appearance of Contrastive Linguistics
1.3.2 Development and Maturity
1.3.3 Contrastive Researcheetween Chinese and Foreign Languages in China
1.4 Classificatio
1.4.1 Theoretical and Applied Contrastive Linguistics
1.4.2 Microscopic and Macroscopic Contrastive Linguistics
1.4.3 A Special Classification by Xu Yulong
1.5 Methods and Goals
1.5.1 Framework of Contrastive Researches
1.5.2 The Directions of Contrastive Researches
1.5.3 Differences or Similarities
Chapter 2 Universal Grammar (UG)
2.1 Universal Grammar
2.1.1 A Brief Introductio
2.1.2 General Ideas of Language by UG
2.2 Concepts of Principles and Parameters Theory(P&P Theory)
2.2.1 A Historical Review
2.2.2 The Framework
2.2.3 Movement
2.2.4 Modules of P&P Theory
2.3 The Chinese-English Contrastive Study Based on UG
2.3.1 The Feasibility of This Study
2.3.2 The Significance of This Study
Chapter 3 The Contrastive Study between Chinese and English Lecons Based on UG
3.1 Leco
3.1.1 Introductio
3.1.2 Subcategorizatio
3.1.3 S-selection and C-selectio
3.1.4 Projection Principle
3.2 The Description of English Leco
3.2.1 Phrase Structure Rules
3.2.2 Verb Phrase
3.2.3 Noun Phrase
3.2.4 Adjective Phrase
3.2.5 Proposition Phrase
3.3 The Description of Chinese Leco
3.3.1 Verb Phrase
3.3.2 Noun Phrase
3.3.3 Adjective Phrase
3.3.4 Preposition Phrase
3.4 The Contrastive Study between Chinese and English Lecons
3.4.1 CIP, QP and PartP
3.4.2 The Differenceetween Double-object Structures in Chinese and English
3.4.3 Multi-category Words in Chinese
3.4.4 Comparison on Phrase Structures of NPetween Chinese and English
3.4.5 Comparison on Phrase Structures of PPetween Chinese and English
3.4.6 Summary
Chapter 4 The Contrastive Study between Chinese and English Syntaxes Based on UG
4.1 X-bar Theory
4.1.1 X-bar Theory
4.1.2 The Structure of Lecal Phrase
4.1.3 The structure of Functional Phrase
4.1.4 Levels of Structural Representation and Movement
4.2 Government Theory
4.2.1 C-mand
4.2.2 Government
4.3 θ-Theory
4.3.1 θ-Criterion and Full Interpretatio
4.3.2 θ-Theory
4.3.3 Grammatical Functions
4.3.4 Further Types of Functional Phrase
4.4 Case Theory
4.4.1 Case Theory
4.4.2 The Case Filter
4.4.3 Visibility Hypothesis
4.5 Move α
4.5.1 NP-movement
4.5.2 Wh-movement
4.6 Binding Theory
4.6.1 Binding Theory
4.6.2 Binding Theory and Empty Categories
4.7 Bounding Theory
4.7.1 Bounding
4.7.2 Proper Government
4.7.3 Barriers
4.8 Control Theory
4.8.1 Control Structures
4.8.2 PRO and Control Theory
4.9 Contrastive Studieetween Chinese and English
4.9.1 The Head Parameter
4.9.2 Movement
4.9.3 Parameters of Case Theory
4.9.4 The Pro-drop (Null Subject) Parameter
4.9.5 Functional Categories
4.9.6 AGRo Parameters
4.9.7 Summary


