



  • 中文名:基於事件的網路謠言研究
  • 特點:數位化
  • 分類:社會
  • 領域:公共領域


如果現在還固守傳統謠言認知和理解不放,還認為是“一小撮別有用心”的人在造謠, “不明真相”的民眾...>> 詳細
如果現在還固守傳統謠言認知和理解不放,還認為是“一小撮別有用心”的人在造謠, “不明真相”的民眾相信和傳播謠言,無異於閉目塞聽。在網路上我們看到的謠言,只是體現了謠言的新聞性。網路謠言具有雙重屬性,除了新聞性,還有社會性。網路謠言的社會性表現在,微觀上是社會公眾內心情緒的投射,或者是內心刻板成見的反應;巨觀上是一種群體選擇,反應的是群體共識和社會焦慮,是在特定的時期和社會背景下,公眾的社會心態使然。只有認識到網路謠言的社會性,才會以社會整體的視角和高度來觀察和研究網路謠言現象和網路謠言傳播,才能關注到謠言背後的內在聯繫,而不再把網路謠言視為孤立事件。
關鍵字:網路謠言 公眾事件 社會心態 社會焦慮 網路傳播


Under the environment of Internet, the transmission of rumors has been changed radically. Interpersonal communication and oral communication which used to be the basis of traditional rumors have been replaced by Internet transmission and digital content of Internet rumors. In the past rumors were "heard" by ears, now "read" by eyes. The change means Internet rumors can be extended in time and space, from private social circle to public area, from private talk to open subject, making the social...>> 詳細
Under the environment of Internet, the transmission of rumors has been changed radically. Interpersonal communication and oral communication which used to be the basis of traditional rumors have been replaced by Internet transmission and digital content of Internet rumors. In the past rumors were "heard" by ears, now "read" by eyes. The change means Internet rumors can be extended in time and space, from private social circle to public area, from private talk to open subject, making the sociality of the Internet rumors draw as much attention as its news nature among scholars. The devastating of Internet rumors not only challenged people''s cognitive limits but also attracted scholars'' research interest
In nowadays, it is out reach of reality if adhered to the knowledge and understanding of traditional rumors and believed that "a small number of people with ulterior motives" are making rumors and masses "with no idea of the truth" believe and spread rumors. Rumors we read on the Internet only reflect the news nature. However, Internet rumors are with two characters including news nature and sociality nature. The sociality nature of rumors reflects the projection of inner emotions of the public or their inner response to rigid stereotypes in micro way; or the group choice, reflecting group consensus and social suspense which come from the social mentality of the public in a particular time and social background in macro way. Only if we recognize the sociality nature of Internet rumors can we observe and study Internet rumor and its transmission and find out the inherence behind rumors without regarding Internet rumors as isolated incident
This assay have used two kinds of research methods, which are Social Network Analysis and Process-Incident Analysis. The assay discovers the correlation of 30 cases of Internet rumors through the way of Social Network Analysis and finds out that all the cases turned out to be an organic whole. As the carrier of Internet rumors, the correlation of all the public affairs reflects social suspense. The assay also projects social mentality and social suspense of overall public through visualized graphical networks from the association of 52 keywords of Internet rumors and center keywords, which the individual case of Internet rumors can never make.
Comparing these social mentalities with the report of ANNUAL REPORT ON SOCIAL MENTANLITY IN CHINA, we can find that though with different data sources and research approaches, both drew mostly the same conclusion on public social mentality in China, which shows the reliability and representative of social mentality based on Social Network Analysis. It not only reveals the social mentality or social suspense of the public but also helps read the subtext behind the Internet rumors and understand unconscious intrinsic motivation of Internet rumors transmission.
If we reveal the social existence behind Internet rumors, we can further understand the general law of transmission and diffusion of Internet rumors to take effective measures to deal with. The understanding of law of the transmission and diffusion of Internet rumors comes from the "Process-Incident Analysis" of the typical cases of Internet rumors. The analysis turns the research object from static structure to dynamic process of a number of affairs, which is to analyze the impacts on the development and trend of the entire affairs made through details in the process of Internet rumors, thus to summarize the general approach of spreading and diffusing internet rumors and put forward the development mode of the "Three Diffusion" of Internet rumors.
In the light of the development mode of "Three Diffusion", the spread and diffusion of Internet rumors can be divided into three phases including mobilization phase, transference phase and diffusion phase. Mobilization phase is to make public understood what happened and to find out what attitude the public towards the affair, thus to ascertain the development and trend of the rumors. Transference phase is to attribute Internet rumors to a social problem generally concerned by public. Though on the surface it has nothing to do with the affair itself, it reflects the prevailing social mentality and social suspense or the rigid stereotype in the public mind. Diffusion phase is to spread from one social mood to other social moods, reflecting more social problems, which is different from the single social problem of the transference phase. There will be a time window to stop the development of Internet rumors before one phase steps into the other phase, which is the best time to prevent Internet rumors from updating.
The existence of Internet rumors is of practical rationality and legitimacy, which doesn''t mean people are powerless before Internet rumors. When we cannot directly influence or control the exterior environment of Internet rumors, we should adopt "Secondary Control" strategy which is to try to understand and interpret what is happening to obtain explanatory control during the time window of the "Three Diffusion" mode, the best time to obtain explanatory control. When explaining what is happening, the following rules should be follow, including primacy of public interest principle, authorized third party disclose principle, first time response principle, information transparency principle, leeway principle, consistency principle and emotion principle. There are still some shortcomings of the existing laws applied in internet rumors, such as the applicable laws are unclear, the punishment subject is unknown; the punishment object is unclear, the flexibility of sentencing is to much and so on. Only if we perfect the legal system for Internet rumors can we punish and prevent the behavior of spreading rumors and effectively stop the transmission.
Internet Rumor, Public Affairs, Social Mentality, Social Suspense, Internet Communication


