城市軌道交通技術規範 GB50490-2009(英文版)

城市軌道交通技術規範 GB50490-2009(英文版)

《城市軌道交通技術規範 GB50490-2009(英文版)》是2014年中國建築工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是中華人民共和國住房和城鄉建設部組織。


  • 中文名:《城市軌道交通技術規範 GB50490-2009(英文版)》
  • 作者:中華人民共和國住房和城鄉建設部組織
  • 出版社:中國建築工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787112169191
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
4 Operation
 4. 1 Train Operating Management
 4. 2 Passenger Transport Service
 4. 3 Maintenance
 4. 4 Rolling Stock Depots
5 Rolling Stock
 5. 1 General Requirements
 5. 2 Car Body
 5. 3 Traction and Brake
 5. 4 Vehicle Equipment
6 Gauge
7 Civil Engineering
 7. 1 Route Engineering
 7. 2 Track and Subgrade
 7. 3 Architecture
 7. 4 Structure Engineering
8 Electrical and Mechanical Equipments
 8. 1 Power Supply System
 8. 2 Communication System
 8. 3 Signal System
 8. 4 Ventilation, Air-condition and Heating Systems
 8. 5 Water Supply, Drainage and Firefighting Systems
 8. 6 Automatic Fire Alarm System
 8. 7 Building Automatic Systems
 8. 8 Automatic Fare Collection System
 8. 9 Escalator and Lift
 8. 10 Platform Screen Door


