埃迪·艾克夫 Eddie Acuff(1903.6.3--1956.12.17),美國電影演員,生於密蘇里州,有舞台經驗
1935《Miss Pacific Fleet》
1936《化石森林》(The Petrified Forest)
1936《絲絨爪》(The Case of the Velvet Claws)
1937《Back in Circulation》
1937《Love is on the Air》
1937《The Singing Marine》
1937《She Loved a Fireman》
1937《復仇的代價》(What Price Vengeance)
1937《轅門》(The Outer Gate)
1937《黑暗軍團》(Black Legion)
1938《Youth Takes a Fling》
1938《The Invisible Menace》
1939《Meet Dr. Christian》
1940《卡車鬥士》(They Drive By Night)
1941《夜困摩天嶺》(High Sierra)
1941《The People vs. Dr. Kildare》
1941《Robin Hood of the Pecos》
1942《Blondie for Victory》
1944《Hat Check Honey》
1945《時鐘上》(The Clock)
1945《怪人》(Wonder Man)
1945《叢林俘虜》(The Jungle Captive)
1946《飛行的大蛇》(The Flying Serpent)
1946《Chick Carter Detective》 (1946) serial
1947《仙女下凡》(Down To Earth)
1948《Bungalow 13》
1949《Johnny Allegro》