

埃德蒙茲社區學院(Edmonds Community College)位於華盛頓州市區的林恩伍德市(Lynnwood),是一所公立社區學院,成立於1967年,在校學生人數9,537。




埃德蒙茲社區學院(Edmonds Community College)位於華盛頓州市區的林恩伍德市(Lynnwood),是一所公立社區學院,成立於1967年,在校學生人數9,537。


Academic Experience: Workload is manageable, not overly stressful. This includes work, school, and study time.
Academic Experience: Curriculum is a little hard for a Community College
Academic Experience: I am working on my Mechanical Engineering. I am also working on transferring next year and pursue my bachelor degree. As I work harder, Edcc is also doing their best to make sure i success by making my best effort everyday, in class or outside of class, on the field.
Academic Experience: There are great programs like MESA and RISE that keeps you motivated and shows you different things you can do with being a STEM student.
Campus Resources: The faculty here are pretty friendly. It just depends on where you go and who you go to, I guess. The cafe's faculty here are one of the rudest though...
Campus Resources: You have access to anything you want. Teachers and instructors are always there for you to help. Sports; always open tryout to any person. Library is also a good play to spend time of doing ur hw and/or studying.
Campus Resources: Wifi for every students but sometimes it is very slow. Also we can print for free within 20 pages a week
Campus Resources: they have a lot of computer labs that students can use any time they want.


