



  • 中文名:地下工程專業英語
  • 作者:王偉、劉莉莎
  • 出版社:武漢理工大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787562955542


本書為高等學校地下工程類專業套用型本科系列教材之一,以培養學生英語專業文獻閱讀和翻譯能力為主要目標。全書共分四個部分:第一部分為專業英語的基礎知識,主要介紹了專業英語的辭彙特點、文體特點、結構特點及翻譯的方法與技巧;第二部分為地下工程專業英文文獻的選編,結合地下工程所涵蓋的業務範圍,集中選取了20篇英文文獻,同時還選編了20篇閱讀材料,作為讀者進一步學習相關專業英語知識的輔助材料。第三部分為科技論文的寫作,主要介紹了科技英語的基本知識與常用寫作格式。第四部分為辭彙表,匯總了選編英文文獻中的生詞與主要專業辭彙,同時還彙編了相關建築工程規範中的專業術語辭彙表,使讀者能準確掌握專業辭彙的標準英語表達方式。 本書可作為地質工程、岩土工程、土木工程、城市地下空間工程、管廊工程、隧道工程等專業的本科生與研究生的教材或課外閱讀材料,也可供從事相關專業的工程技術人員、管理人員和教師使用與參考。


Part ⅠThe Basic Knowledge
Unit 1The Basic Characters of English for Special Purpose
1.1The Characters of Words and Expressions辭彙特點
1.2The Characters of Style文體特點
1.3The Characters of Structure結構特點
Unit 2The Translation of English for Special Purpose
2.1The Translation of Words詞語的翻譯
2.2The Translation of Sentences句子的翻譯
2.3Translation about Quantity數量的翻譯
Part ⅡCollection of English Literatures about Underground Engineering
Unit 3Introduction to Geological and Underground Engineering Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 4Development of Underground Engineering Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 5Applications and Practices of Building Information Modeling Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 6In Situ Tests Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 7Rock Mechanics and Classification Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 8Soil Science Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 9Groundwater Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 10Foundations Ⅰ Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 11Foundations Ⅱ Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 12Excavation Supporting Ⅰ Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 13Excavation Supporting Ⅱ Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 14Excavation Supporting Ⅲ Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 15Ground Treatment Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 16Geological Disasters Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 17Tunnelling Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 18Techniques in Underground Engineering Ⅰ Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 19Techniques in Underground Engineering Ⅱ Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 20Hydraulic Engineering Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 21Monitoring in Underground Engineering Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials
Unit 22Numerical Methods in Underground Engineering Text Words and Phrases Notes Exercises 參考譯文 Reading Materials Part ⅢWriting of Scientific and Technical Papers
Unit 23Stylistic Rules of Papers 23.1Composition about Papers in Periodical期刊類論文的組成 23.2Science Report科技報告
Unit 24Titles and Signatures 24.1Normal Format of Writing Title標題書寫的常用格式 24.2Sign and Information of Author署名和有關作者信息 24.3Abstract 摘要
Unit 25Writings and Organizings of the Main Tests 25.1The Grammar in Common Use常用語法 25.2The Sentence Pattern in Common Use常用句型 25.3The Forms of Omitting省略形式 25.4The Example Sentence and Explanation about Writing寫作例句與說明 Part ⅣWords and Phrases
Unit 26Words and Phrases of Literatures Unit 27Words and Phrases of Engineering Codes Reference


