- 軟體名稱:圖片撥號器
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:30.14MB
- 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
圖片撥號器提供兩個免費和Pro版本。我們的自由包括所有同偉大的功能,因為我們的專業版。 使用免費版本的圖片撥號器,如果你不介意的廣告。 購買圖片撥號器專業版,如果你喜歡一個廣告免費體驗。 圖片撥號器是打電話給你的朋友的最佳方式。為什麼通過名稱列表鬥爭找到您想要的朋友打電話時,你可以找他們拍照呢?圖片撥號器是一個照片撥號器,讓你的朋友的照片,使撥號一眼,然後點擊了一個自定義的滾動頁面。需要調用不同數量的比你選擇了默認,沒問題,只需輕按兩次。有時你想送朋友,而不是,只需輕按三次,看看他們的電子郵件地址和電話號碼的清單,讓簡訊傳送電子郵件或文本訊息。 特殊功能包括 - 點擊一次以撥號 - 點擊兩次,所有撥打的號碼和文字列表 - 點擊三次,電子郵件地址列表 - 人民無限數量的你的清單 - 個性化您的清單來看看 - 選擇小圖片尺寸,以顯示更多的人立刻 - 選擇大圖片尺寸,使每個人很容易找到並呼叫 - 選擇一個背景圖片,圖案或顏色 - 選擇許多相框樣式 - 選擇一個載入動畫 - 更改手機類型徽章(家庭,工作,手機,其他) ,或將其關閉 更多功能正在計畫,並將於即將推出!PictureDialer is available in both Free and Pro versions. Our Free includes ALL the same great feature as our Pro version. Use the Free version of PictureDialer if you don't mind ads. Purchase PictureDialer Pro if you prefer an ad free experience. PictureDialer is the best way to call your friends. Why struggle through a list of names to find the friend you want to call when you can just look for their picture instead PictureDialer is a photo dialer that gives you a scrolling customizable page of your friend’s pictures that makes dialing a glance and tap away. Need to call a different number than the default you selected, no problem, just tap twice. Sometimes you want to send a friend an email or text message instead, just tap three times to see a list of their email addresses and phone numbers for texting. Special Features Include - Tap One Time to Dial - Tap Two Times for a List of All Numbers to Dial and Text - Tap Three Times for a List of Email Addresses - Unlimited Number of People in Your List - Personalize Your List’s Look - Choose Small Picture Sizes to Show More People at Once - Choose Large Picture Sizes to Make Each Person Easy to Find and Call - Select a Background Photo, Pattern or Color - Choose From Many Picture Frame Styles - Select a Loading Animation - Change the Phone Type Badge (Home, Work, Mobile, Other), or Turn it Off More Features are Planned and will be Coming Soon!