



  • 書名:國際商法(雙語版)
  • 作者:韓永紅、李婷婷
  • ISBN:9787115439949
  • 頁數:236頁
  • 定價:49.8元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年1月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Part Ⅰ The Legal Environment of International Business
Chapter 1 International Business and the Risks2
1.1 What is International Business 2
1.2 The Environment of International Business4
1.3 History of International Business7
1.4 Risks of International Business9
Chapter 2 International Business Law and International Organizations15
2.1 International Law15
2.2 International Business Law16
2.3 International Organizations 23
Chapter 3 National Laws and Legal Systems33
3.1 Major World Legal Systems33
3.2 National Laws Governing International Business Transactions36
Part Ⅱ International Sale of Goods
Chapter 4 Overview of International Sale of Goods44
4.1 Fundamentals of International Sale of Goods44
4.2 Procedure of International Sale of Goods46
4.3 Risks in International Sale of Goods48
Chapter 5 Introduction to International Sales Contracts52
5.1 Fundamentals of Contracts52
5.2 Laws and Practices on International Sales Contracts.61
Chapter 6 Legal Issues on International Sales Contracts81
6.1 Formation of International Sales Contracts81
6.2 Seller’s Obligations Under International Sales Contracts87
6.3 Buyer’s Obligations Under International Sales Contracts93
6.4 Risk of Loss 96
6.5 Excused Performance972
6.6 Remedies for Breach of Contract99
Chapter 7 International Transportation of Goods115
7.1 Transportation of Goods by Sea115
7.2 Transportation of Goods by Air128
7.3 Transportation of Goods by Rail and Road131
7.4 Multimodal Transportation of Goods134
7.5 Marine Cargo Insurance134
Chapter 8 Payment in International Sale of Goods143
8.1 Modes of International Payment143
8.2 Fundamentals of Negotiable Instruments147
8.3 The Bill of Exchange149
8.4 Letters of Credit152
Part Ⅲ International Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter 9 Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing170
9.1 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights170
9.2 International Intellectual Property Organizations and Treaties178
9.3 Regulations on International Licensing181
9.4 Regulations of International Franchising187
Part Ⅳ Settlement of International Commercial Disputes
Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration200
10.1 Methods of International Commercial Disputes Settlement200
10.2 Settlement of International Commercial Disputes through Arbitration.202


