



  • 書名:國際商務英語寫作模板——商業報告
  • 作者:黃劍
  • 出版社:中國水利水電出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年01月
  • 頁數:260 頁
  • 定價:18 元
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:978-7-5084-7097-9




Chapter 1 Orientation to Business Report
1.1 When do You Write a Report?
1.2 What do You Write a Report to Do?
1.3 For Whom is a Report Written for?
1.4 What is a Business Report?
Chapter 2 Classification and Structure of Business Report
2.1 Classification of Business Report
2.1.1 Why Classify?
2.1.2 Different Classification System
2.2 Structure and Elements of Formats of Business Report
2.2.1 Report in the Form of Memo
2.2.2 Report in the Form of Letter
2.2.3 Formally Structured Report
2.3 Frequently-Required Business Report
2.3.1 Minutes
2.3.2 News Release
2.3.3 Progress Report
2.3.4 Proposal
2.3.5 Justification Report
2.3.6 Job Description
2.3.7 Feasibility Report
2.3.8 Policies and Procedures
2.3.9 Instructions
2.3.10 Annual and Quarterly Report
2.3.11 Market Investigation Report
2.4 Exercises
Chapter 3 Writing Procedures and Developing Strategies for Business Report
3.1 Three Steps to Complete Business Report
3.1.1 Planning
3.1.2 Writing
3.1.3 Editing and Revision
3.2 Developing Strategies of Business Report
3.2.1 Definition
3.2.2 Process
3.2.3 Classification
3.2.4 Comparison and Contrast
3.2.5 Cause and Effect
3.2.6 Tables and Graphs
3.3 Exercises
Chapter 4 Style and Language of Business Report
4.1 Style of Business Report
4.1.1 Qualities of an Effective Business Report
4.1.2 Stylistic Features of an Effective Business Report
4.2 Linguistic Features of Business Report
4.2.1 Linguistic Feature on Lexical Level
4.2.2 Linguistic Feature on Syntactic Level
4.2.3 Linguistic Features on Paragraphic Level
4.3 Punctuation
4.4 Exercises
3.1.1 Planning
3.1.2 Writing
3.1.3 Editing and Revision
3.2 Developing Strategies of Business Report
3.2.1 Definition
3.2.2 Process
3.2.3 Classification
3.2.4 Comparison and Contrast
3.2.5 Cause and Effect
3.2.6 Tables and Graphs
3.3 Exercises
Chapter 4 Style and Language of Business Report
4.1 Style of Business Report
4.1.1 Qualities of an Effective Business Report
4.1.2 Stylistic Features of an Effective Business Report
4.2 Linguistic Features of Business Report
4.2.1 Linguistic Feature on Lexical Level
4.2.2 Linguistic Feature on Syntactic Level
4.2.3 Linguistic Features on Paragraphic Level
4.3 Punctuation
4.4 Exercises


