



  • 書名:國際商務環境(英文版)
  • 作者:竇衛霖
  • 出版社對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年6月
  • 定價:23.00
  • 開本:185mm×230mm/膠紙
  • 裝幀平裝
  • ISBN:9787811343663
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 字數/頁數:305千字/230
  • 適用層次:本科




Chapter OneBackground for International Business: An Overview 1
Text: Get Familiar with International Business2
Words and expressions9
Key terms10
Summary of key points13
Case study: Ford Motor Company16
Point-counterpoint: Will Warnings about the Safety of Chinese Products Reduce
Chinas Dominance in Global Manufacturing and Trade?20
Minifile 21
Webalert 23
Further reading 24
Chapter TwoThe External Environment of Business 25
Text:The Business Organization and Its Environment 25
Words and expressions33
Key terms34
Summary of key points36
Case study: Disneys Strategy in China 38
Point-counterpoint: Do Business Environment Reforms Have Great Impact
on Poverty Reduction in Africa?40
Minifile 42
Webalert 43
Further reading 43
Chapter ThreeThe Internal Environment of Business44
Text: Organization: the Internal Environment44
Words and expressions52
Key terms53
Summary of key points56
Case study: Team-Based Structures at Saab Training Systems59
Point-counterpoint: The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?60
Minifile 62
Webalert 64
Further reading 64
Chapter FourPolitical Environment Facing International Business65
Text: The Changing Political Environment 66
Words and expressions71
Key terms72
Summary of key points74
Case study: Should Government Be Running the Railways? 76
Point-counterpoint: Can a Milwaukee Smoking Ban be Enforceable?79
Minifile 82
Webalert 84
Further reading 84
Chapter FiveEconomic Environment Facing International Business85
Text: The International Economic Environment85
Words and expressions92
Key terms93
Summary of key points95
Case study: Chinese Firms Incentives for Foreign Acquisitions97
Point-counterpoint:Helping Developing Nations: Aid or Trade?98
Minifile 100
Webalert 103
Further reading 104
Chapter SixCultural Environment Facing International Business105
Text: The Challenge of Crossing Cultural Boundaries105
Words and expressions111
Key terms111
Summary of key points113
Case study: How Do You Throw Your “Meishi”116
Point-counterpoint: Does International Business Lead to
Cultural Imperialism?118
Minifile 121
Webalert 123
Further reading 124
Chapter SevenSocial Environment Facing International Business125
Text: Society and Business126
Words and expressions132
Key terms133
Summary of key points136
Case study: B&Q in China 139
Point-counterpoint: Are Clawback Clauses Really a Necessary Evil?141
Minifile 144
Webalert 145
Further reading 146
Chapter EightLegal Environment Facing International Business147
Text: Legal System in International Business148
Words and expressions155
Key terms155
Summary of key points158
Case study: Sweatshop Economies161
Point-counterpoint: Should the America Impose Religion on Secular Law? 163
Minifile 165
Webalert 166
Further reading 166
Chapter NineEthical Environment Facing International Business167
Text: Business Ethics and Corporate Codes168
Words and expressions173
Key terms174
Summary of key points176
Case study: Nestle Infant Formula 179
Point-counterpoint:Is It Ever Acceptable to Pay a Bribe in Business?182
Webalert 186
Further reading 186
Chapter TenTechnological Environment Facing International Business188
Text: Changes in Technological Environment188
Words and expressions196
Key terms197
Summary of key points199
Case study: India: A New Tiger Economy?202
Point-counterpoint: Different Viewpoint on Information Technology Forum204
Minifile 205
Webalert 206
Further reading 207
Chapter ElevenGlobal Change and Challenges of the International Environment208
Text: Global Environment of International Business209
Words and expressions214
Key terms215
Summary of key points218
Case study: Can Market Mechanisms Reduce Global Climate Change? 220
Point-counterpoint: Is Regional Planning the Solution, or the Problem?223
Minifile 228
Webalert 229
Further reading 230Chapter OneBackground for International Business: An Overview 1
Text: Get Familiar with International Business2
Case study: Ford Motor Company16
Point-counterpoint: Will Warnings about the Safety of Chinese Products Reduce
Chinas Dominance in Global Manufacturing and Trade?20
Chapter TwoThe External Environment of Business 25
Text:The Business Organization and Its Environment 25
Case study: Disneys Strategy in China 38
Point-counterpoint: Do Business Environment Reforms Have Great Impact
on Poverty Reduction in Africa?40
Chapter ThreeThe Internal Environment of Business44
Text: Organization: the Internal Environment44
Case study: Team-Based Structures at Saab Training Systems58
Point-counterpoint: The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?60
Chapter FourPolitical Environment Facing International Business65
Text: The Changing Political Environment 66
Case study: Should Government Be Running the Railways? 76
Point-counterpoint: Can a Milwaukee Smoking Ban be Enforceable?79
Chapter FiveEconomic Environment Facing International Business85
Text: The International Economic Environment85
Case study: Chinese Firms Incentives for Foreign Acquisitions97
Point-counterpoint:Helping Developing Nations: Aid or Trade?98
Chapter SixCultural Environment Facing International Business105
Text: The Challenge of Crossing Cultural Boundaries105
Case study: How Do You Throw Your “Meishi”116
Point-counterpoint: Does International Business Lead to
Cultural Imperialism?118Chapter SevenSocial Environment Facing International Business125
Text: Society and Business126
Case study: B & Q in China 139
Point-counterpoint: Are Clawback Clauses Really a Necessary Evil?141
Chapter EightLegal Environment Facing International Business147
Text: Legal System in International Business148
Case study: Sweatshop Economies161
Point-counterpoint: Should the America Impose Religion on Secular Law? 163
Chapter NineEthical Environment Facing International Business167
Text: Business Ethics and Corporate Codes168
Case study: Nestle Infant Formula 179
Point-counterpoint:Is It Ever Acceptable to Pay a Bribe in Business?182
Chapter TenTechnological Environment Facing International Business188
Text: Changes in Technological Environment188
Case study: India: A New Tiger Economy?202
Point-counterpoint: Different Viewpoint on Information Technology Forum204
Chapter ElevenGlobal Change and Challenges of the International Environment208
Text: Global Environment of International Business209
Case study: Can Market Mechanisms Reduce Global Climate Change? 220
Point-counterpoint: Is Regional Planning the Solution, or the Problem?223


