A friend, while defined( vt.定義) as simply as someone to whom you are connected through esteem(n.尊敬,尊重) or affection(n.友愛), is a person of great importance. Friends from your support network for rough times, expose you to new people, situations, options(n.選擇權), and points of view, not to mention provide the social, intellectual(adj.智力的), creative, and other kinds of essential stimulation(n.鼓舞,激勵). The first Sunday in August was proclaimed(v.宣布) National Friendship Day by the United States Congress in 1935, and has been commemorated as such annually(並且年復一年舉行同樣的慶祝活動). Use International Friendship Day to reach out to your friends, whether you do so by setting up a face-to-face meeting, calling, writing, sending cards, flowers, or gifts. There is an endless variety of ways to let your friends know just how much they are appreciated, the most important of which is to be a good friend all year round. That may mean putting up with idiosyncratic(adj.特殊的,不可理喻的) behavior, attitudes contrary to your own, and generally exhibiting a lot of patience and encouragement for that person. But to take full pleasure in and take advantage of all those aspects is to know the genuine meaning of friendship.
1. Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends. (命運替你選擇親戚,你自己選朋友。)
2. Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others’ heart through appropriate.------Socrates, Ancient philosopher(不要靠饋贈去獲得朋友,你必須奉獻你誠摯的愛,學會怎樣用正當的方法來贏得別人的心。------蘇格拉底
3. True friend is like sound health. The value of it is seldom known until it is lost.(真正的友誼猶如健康,只有失去時才會意識到它的價值。)
4. Two persons can’t long be friends if they can’t forgive each other’s little failings.(如果兩個人對於彼此的小缺點不能相互原諒,他們的友誼便不能持久。)
5. No man is the whole of himself; his friends are the rest of him.(任何人自己都不是完整的;他的朋友是他的其餘部分。)