



  • 中文名:國小英語快樂閱讀(五年級第1輯)
  • 作者:李洪波、劉峰、[澳]陸文法
  • 出版社:遼寧師範大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787565212949


《國小英地汗船語快樂閱讀(幾龍符五年級 第道洪嘗再1輯)》中的內容全部取材於國外原版語篇,上至天文地理下至生活百態,內容豐富,語言地道,旨在為中國小蘭烏殼學生提盛朵遷講供一個學英語的範本,打察局舟開一扇視窗,幫助他們全面獄謎了解國外同齡人的學習和生活。


Unit 1 Animals
Grandpa's Farm
Cats as Pets
You May not Know about Ducks
Unit 2 School Life
The First Day of School
A Short Letter
New Classmate
Unit 3 Family and Friends
My Room
My Friend and My Pet
My Family
Unit 4 Daily Life
Chocolate from My Sister
Going to a Zoo
I Have a New Bike
Unit 5 Man and Nature
Great Trees
Slow Snails
The Clouds in the Sky
Unit 6 Social Life
Things about Me
Great Gifts
We Share Toys
Unit 7 Food and Drinks
We Like Eating Fruits
Eating Out
The Best Drink-Plain Water
Unit 8 Time and Plans
My Day
Meal Time Song
The Cleaning Day
Unit 9 Colors and Clothes
The Meaning of Colors
What to Wear?
Winter Clothes and Summer Clothes
Unit 10 Feelings and Hobbies
Unit 11 Seasons and Weathers
Unit 12 Festivals and Holidays
Unit 13 People and Their Jobs
Unit 14 Humor and Jokes
Unit 15 Science in Our Life
Unit 16 Around the World


