



  • 書名:國小英語同步閱讀80篇:6年級
  • 出版社:江蘇少年兒童出版社
  • 頁數:142頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:津橋書局
  • 作者:李常軍
  • 出版日期:2012年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787534664724




Passage 1 I'm not a bear
Passage 2 What is he looking for?
Passage 3 Sharing the ice cream
Passage 4"Fly"soup
Passage 5 Do you speak English?
Passage 6 English name
Passage 7 The first plane
Passage 8 Who is the winner?
Passage 9 You mustn't wrong a good man
Passage 10 A bad beginning makes a bad ending
Passage 11 Life in a British school
Passage 12 Too fast
Passage 13 In a small town
Passage 14 Changes in Shanghai
Passage 15 A police dog
Passage 16 Don't stop me
Passage 17 A good boy
Passage 18 Sending messages
Passage 19 Two and two is five!
Passage 20 At a barbershop
Passage 21 In the year 2050
Passage 22 American football
Passage 23 To see me off
Passage 24 A friendly policeman
Passage 25 Halloween
Passage 26 Wet Paint
Passage 27 A great surprise
Passage 28 Two holes in the door
Passage 29 In the same way
Passage 30 Rope or cow
Passage 31 Who is the tallest?
Passage 32 Sports Day
Passage 33 What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Passage 34 A magical tail
Passage 35 Plan for the weekend
Passage 36 Penfriend wanted
Passage 37 Asking the way
Passage 38 Enjoy your vegetables
Passage 39 A letter to a friend
Passage 40 The strongest power in the world
Passage 41 But you kick it!
Passage 42 A fox and a cock
Passage 43 Lucy and I
Passage 44 I'mjust tired!
Passage 45 A friend in need is a friend indeed
Passage 46 A rabbit killed a wolf
Passage 47 Adding feet to a snake
Passage 48 Baseball and football in the USA
Passage 49 Cities' life
Passage 50 Christmas Day
Passage 51 Computers
Passage 52 Different people,different food
Passage 53 Bill Gates
Passage 54 Einstein
Passage 55 English meals
Passage 56 What's her age?
Passage 57 It's mine
Passage 58 The lucky seed
Passage 59 We are poor!
Passage 60 What our bodies need
Passage 61 Mr Going-to-do
Passage 62 Pandas
Passage 63 Here is your money
Passage 64 Too late
Passage 65 Sports
Passage 66 One cigar a day?
Passage 67 Swimming
Passage 68 The cat and the bell
Passage 69 The father and the son
Passage 70 The fox and the goat
Passage 71 The longest word
Passage 72 The moon
Passage 73 The earth
Passage 74 You can give me two chickens
Passage 75 April Fools' Day
Passage 76 The traffic lights
Passage 77 Please give me my coat
Passage 78 Televisions
Passage 79 It's your turn to whistle
Passage 80 The emperor's new clothes


