


  • 書名:國家寶藏·第一季 
  • 作者:於蕾 
  • 出版社:人民文學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2022年1月 
  • ISBN:9787020118175 




  1. 編委會
  2. 在閱讀中開拓心靈,實現古今對話
  3. 我們有多年輕?上下五千年!
  4. 故宮博物院 The Palace Museum
  5. 王希孟《千里江山圖》卷 Scroll of A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains by Wang Ximeng
  6. 各種釉彩大瓶 Large Vase with Polychrome Glazes
  7. 石鼓 Stone Drums
  8. 湖北省博物館 Hubei Provincial Museum
  9. 越王勾踐劍 Bronze Sword of Emperor Goujian
  10. 雲夢睡虎地秦簡 Bamboo Slips (Qin Dynasty) of Shuihudi,Yunmeng County
  11. 曾侯乙編鐘 Chime-bells from the Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng State
  12. 河南博物院 Henan Museum
  13. 婦好鴞尊 Fuhao Owl-shaped Bronze Zun
  14. 賈湖骨笛 Bone Flute
  15. 雲紋銅禁 Bronze Jin with Cloud Design
  16. 陝西歷史博物館 Shaanxi History Museum
  17. 葡萄花鳥紋銀香囊 Silver Sachet with Grape, Flower and Bird Patterns
  18. 杜虎符 Bronze Tiger-shaped Tally of Du Region
  19. 懿德太子墓壁畫《闕樓儀仗圖》 Wall Paintings of Watchtowers and A Procession of Honor Guards from the Tomb of Crown Prince Yide
  20. 遼寧省博物館 Liaoning Provincial Museum
  21. 宋人摹顧愷之《洛神賦圖》 Song Dynasty Copy of Gu Kaizhi's Nymph of the Luo River Ode
  22. 銅鎏金木芯馬鐙 Wooden Horse Stirrups Covered with Gold-gilded Bronze
  23. 《萬歲通天帖》 Tang Dynasty Copy of a Calligraphy by Wang Xizhi and His Clansmen
  24. 湖南省博物館 Hunan Museum
  25. 長沙窯青釉褐彩詩文執壺 Green Glazed and Brown Colored Porcelain Ware with Poems from Changsha Kiln
  26. 辛追墓T形帛畫 T-shaped Silk Painting from Xin Zhui's Tomb
  27. 皿方罍 Bronze Square Vessel of Min Family
  28. 上海博物館 Shanghai Museum
  29. 商鞅方升 Bronze Square Sheng of Shang Yang
  30. 朱克柔緙絲《蓮塘乳鴨圖》 Silk Tapestry with Kesi Weaving Design of Ducks in A Lotus Pond
  31. 大克鼎 Bronze Da Ke Ding
  32. 浙江省博物館 Zhejiang Provincial Museum
  33. 萬工轎(清末民初朱金木雕) Wangong Sedan Chair Made in Ningbo
  34. 落霞式『彩鳳鳴岐』七弦琴 Afterglow-style “Caifeng Mingqi” Seven-stringed Guqin
  35. 玉琮(新石器時代良渚文化玉琮王) Cong
  36. 南京博物院 Nanjing Museum
  37. 大報恩寺琉璃塔拱門 Glazed Arch of the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
  38. 《坤輿萬國全圖》 Great Universal Geographic Map
  39. 竹林七賢與榮啟期磚畫 Molded-brick Relief of Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove and Rong Qiqi


