



  • 中文名:國外經典醫學教材改編/影印系列:病理學
  • 作者:陳杰 鄭傑
  • 出版社:北京大學醫學出版社
  • 頁數:472頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:119.00
  • 外文名:Textbook of Pathology
  • 類型:學習考試與留學指導
  • 出版日期:2009年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7811164868





作者:(美國)翟啟輝 周庚寅


Introduction to Pathology
What is Pathology?
How to Sfudy Pathology?
Diagnostic and Research Techniques in Pathology
What Do Pathologists Do?
The History and Evolution of Pathology
Pathology in China
Chapter 1
Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptations
CellularAdaptations to Stress
Cell Injury and Cell Death
Cellular Aging
Chapter 2
Tissue Repair: Regeneration, Healing, and Fibrosis
The Regeneration
The Nature and Mechanisms of Action of Growth Factors
Extracellular Matrix and Cell-Matrix Interactions
Cell and Tissue Regeneration
Repair by Connective Tissue
CUtaneous Wound Healing
Fracture Healing
Pathologic Aspects of Repair
Chapter 3
Hemodynamic Disorders
Hyperemia and Congestion
Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Chapter 4
Acute and Chronic Inflammation
Overview of Inflammation
Acute Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation
The Possible Outcomes of Inflammation
The Significance of the Inflammatory Response
Chapter 5
Diseases of the Immune System
Autoimmune Diseases
Rejection of Transplants
Immune Deficiency Diseases
Chapter 6
Definition and General Morphology
Differentiation and Anaplasia of Tumors
Growth and Spread of Tumors
Effects of Tumor on Host
Identification Between Benign and Malignant Tumors
Nomenclature and Classification of Tumors
Chapter 7Genetic. Environmental and Nutritional Diseases
Chapter 8 Cardiovascular System
Chapter 9 The Lung
Chapter 10 The Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 11 The Liver, Gallbladder. Biliarv Tract, and Pancreas
Chapter 12 The Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems
Chapter 13 The Kidney and Its Collecting System
Chapter 14 The Male Genital System
Chapter 15 The Female Genital System and Breast
Chapter 16 The Endocrine System
Chapter 17 The Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 18 The Nervous System
Chapter 19 Pathology of Infectious Diseases
Chapter 20 Parasitosis




An infarct is an area of ischcmic necrosis caused by occlusion of either the arterial supply or the venous drainage in a particular tissue. Tissue infarction is a common and extremely important cause of clinical illness. More than half of all deaths in the United States are caused by cardiovascular disease, and most of these are attributable to myocardial or cerebral infarction.Pulmonary infarction is a common complication in several clinical settings, bowel infarction is frequently fatal, and ischemic necrosis of the extremities (gangrene) is a serious problem in the diabetic population.
Nearly 99% of all infarcts result from thrombotic or embolic events, and almost all result from arterial occlusion. Occasionally, infarction may also be caused by other mechanisms, such as local vasospasm, expansion of an atheroma secondary to intraplaque hemorrhage,or extrinsic compression of a vessel (e.g., by tumor).Uncommon causes include vessel twisting (e.g., in testicular torsion or bowel volvulus), vascular compression by edema or entrapment in a hernia sac, or traumatic vessel rapture. Although venous thrombosis can cause infarction,it more often merely induces venous obstruction and congestion. Usually, bypass channels open rapidly afterthe occlusion fbrms, providing some outflow from the area that, in turn, improves the arterial inflow. Infarcts caused by venous thrombosis are more likely in organs with a single venous outflow channel (e.g., testis and ovary).




Introduction to Pathology
What is Pathology?
How to Sfudy Pathology?
Diagnostic and Research Techniques in Pathology
What Do Pathologists Do?
The History and Evolution of Pathology
Pathology in China
Chapter 1
Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptations
CellularAdaptations to Stress
Cell Injury and Cell Death
Cellular Aging
Chapter 2
Tissue Repair: Regeneration, Healing, and Fibrosis
The Regeneration
The Nature and Mechanisms of Action of Growth Factors
Extracellular Matrix and Cell-Matrix Interactions
Cell and Tissue Regeneration
Repair by Connective Tissue
CUtaneous Wound Healing
Fracture Healing
Pathologic Aspects of Repair
Chapter 3
Hemodynamic Disorders
Hyperemia and Congestion
Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Chapter 4
Acute and Chronic Inflammation
Overview of Inflammation
Acute Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation
The Possible Outcomes of Inflammation
The Significance of the Inflammatory Response
Chapter 5
Diseases of the Immune System
Autoimmune Diseases
Rejection of Transplants
Immune Deficiency Diseases
Chapter 6
Definition and General Morphology
Differentiation and Anaplasia of Tumors
Growth and Spread of Tumors
Effects of Tumor on Host
Identification Between Benign and Malignant Tumors
Nomenclature and Classification of Tumors
Chapter 7Genetic. Environmental and Nutritional Diseases
Chapter 8 Cardiovascular System
Chapter 9 The Lung
Chapter 10 The Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 11 The Liver, Gallbladder. Biliarv Tract, and Pancreas
Chapter 12 The Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems
Chapter 13 The Kidney and Its Collecting System
Chapter 14 The Male Genital System
Chapter 15 The Female Genital System and Breast
Chapter 16 The Endocrine System
Chapter 17 The Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 18 The Nervous System
Chapter 19 Pathology of Infectious Diseases
Chapter 20 Parasitosis


