副所長 楊萬勤:男,漢族,1969年9月生於四川樂山,博士,教授,博士生導師,生態研究所副所長,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫人選,四川省學術與技術帶頭人後備人選,《Plant and Soil》等國內外學術刊物評審專家。1994、1997和2001年先後畢業於四川師範學院生物教育專業、西南師範大學生態學專業、西南農業大學土壤學專業,相繼獲學士、碩士和博士學位,2001年以“優秀科研人才”進入中國科學院成都生物所生態中心從事科研工作,2004年11月到四川農業大學林學院工作。主要從事亞高山/高山森林土壤生態過程及其對氣候變化的回響、農業面源污染控制與污染土壤生態修復、人工林生態等方面的科學研究。主持國家自然科學基金項目等國家級項目6項,省部級科研項目5項,主研中國科學院“百人計畫”項目等國家級和省部級科研項目10餘項。出版專著5部,研究生教材1部,發表學術論文100餘篇,其中SCI論文10篇,以第一作者或通訊作者發表論文50餘篇。培養畢業碩士生14名,在讀博士後、博士生和碩士生18名。楊萬勤
Wu F, Bao W, Li F. Appropriate nitrogen supply could improve soil microbial and chemical characteristics with Sophora davidii seedlings cultivated in water stress conditions. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Plant Soil Science, DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2011.568515
Tan B, Wu FZ, Yang W*. The dynamics pattern of soil carbon and nutrient as soil thawing proceeded in the alpine/subalpine forest. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B–Plant Soil Science, 2010, doi: 10. 1080/09064710. 2010.541489
Wu F, Yang W, Zhang J, Zhou L. Growth responses and metal accumulation in an ornamental plant (Osmanthus fragrans var. Thunbergii) submitted to different Cd levels. ISRN Ecology, 2011 (Accepted)
Wu F, Yang W*, Zhang J, Zhou L.Cadmium accumulation and growth responses of a poplar (Populus deltoids× Populus nigra) in cadmium contaminated purple soil and alluvial soil. Journal of Hazardous Material, 2010, 177: 268-273
Wu F, Yang W*, Zhang J, Deng R, Fine root decomposition in two subalpine forests during the freeze-thaw season. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2010, 40: 298-307
Wu F, Yang W*, Zhang J, Deng R, Litter decomposition in two subalpine forests during the freeze-thaw season. Acta Oecologica, 2010, 36, 135-140
Danju Zhang, Jian Zhang*, Wanqin Yang, FuzhongWu. Potential allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus grandis across a range of plantation ages. Ecological research. 2010. 25, 13 – 23.
Zhen-Feng Xu, Chuan Wan, Pei Xiong, Zheng Tang, Rong Hu, Gang, Cao, Qing Liu. Initial responses of soil CO2 efflux and C, N pools to experimental warming in two contrasting forest ecosystems, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Plant and Soil, 2010, 336: 183-195.
Zhen-Feng Xu, Rong Hu, Pei Xiong, Chuan Wan, Gang Cao, Qing Liu. Initial soil responses to experimental warming in two contrasting forest ecosystems, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China: Nutrient availabilities, microbial properties and enzyme activities. Applied Soil Ecology, 2010, 46: 291-299.
Tan B, Wu F, Yang W*. Characteristics of soil animal community in the subalpine/alpine forests of western Sichuan during onset of freezing. Acta Ecological Sinica, 2010, 30: 93-99
Wu F, Bao W, Li F, Wu N, Carbon accumulation, nitrogon and phosphorus use effciency of sophra davidii seedlings in response to nitrogen supply and water stress. Journal of Arid Environment, 2009, 73: 1067-1073.
Wu F, Yang W, Wang K, Wu N, Lu Y, Effects of Dwarf Bamboo (Fargesia denudata Yi) Density on Leaf Nutrient Dynamics and Nutrient-Use Efficiency. Pedosphere, 2009, 19: 496-504.
Wu F, Yang W, Lu Y. Effects of Dwarf Bamboo (Fargesia denudata) Density on Biomass, Carbon and Nutrient Distribution Pattern. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2009, 29: 192-198.
Zhen-Feng Xu, Ting-Xing Hu, Kai-yun Wang, Yuan-Bin Zhang, Jun-ren Xian. Short-term responses of phenology, leaf traits and shoot growth of four alpine shrubs in a timberline ecotone to simulated global warming, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Plant Species Biology, 2009, 24: 27-34.
Danju Zhang, Jian Zhang*. Soil seed bank, seed rain and regeneration of seedling pool in natural subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests. Plant Vascular Biology and Agriculture International Conference. 2009
Yang WQ*, Zhang J, Wu FZ. Effects of seasonal freeze-thaw on litter decomposition in the subalpine forest. International Symposium of Ecosystem Modeling, 2008, Hangzhou, China. p67
Wu F, Bao W, Li F, Wu N, Effects of Water Stress and Nitrogen Supply on Leaf Gas Exchange and Fluorescence Parameters of Sophora davidii Seedlings. Photosynthetica, 2008, 46: 40-48.
Wu F, Bao W, Li F, Wu N, Effects of Drought Stress and N Supply on the Growth, Biomass Partitioning and Water-Use Efficiency of Sophora davidii Seedlings. Experimental and Environmental Botany, 2008, 65: 248-255.
Feng RF, Yang W*, Zhang J, Deng RJ, Jian Y, Lin J. Effects of simulated elevated concentration of atmospheric CO2 and temperature on soil enzyme activity in the subalpine fir forest. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2007, 27(10): 4019-4026
Yang W*, Wang KY, Kellomäki S, Zhang J. Monthly variations on macronutrients in litters of three subalpine forests in western China. Pedosphere, 2006, 16(6), 788-798(SCI)