YAN Lixin,
Professional title: associate professor
Institute: Institute for Financial Studies
Focus: Financial Security, AML/CTF/CTE (anti-money laundering/counter terrorist financing/counter tax evasion), Crisis Dissemination
Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Institute for Financial Studies, Fudan University; Executive Director of China Centre for Anti-money Laundering Studies,post-doctor of communication studies, Ph.D (2006) in economics, Master (2001) of Change Management from Fudan University, bachelor of English literature, International Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist, the very first accredited instructor for certified anti-money laundering specialists in mainland China in 2009, the China’s only member of the board of directors of the International Network AML/CFT Institute in November 2017.
He boasts of rich work experiences: university teacher, public servant, part-time media host, General Manager and Chairman of the board of directors of an import and export company. He has over 50 publications, including monographs such as Research on the Anti-money Laundering Mechanism in Banking Industry, Textbook on Anti-money Laundering, Eloquence of Leaders, translation of the Training Manual for the Accreditation of Anti-money Laundering Specialists, and research papers such as “Organizational Framework of Anti-money Laundering in European and American Countries and Its Implication to China”, “Measures of Eliminating Information Asymmetry through Media Relations”, “Theory of Black and White Sesame and the Construction of Incentive Mechanism of Anti-money Laundering in Chinese Banking Industry”, “Upgrading and Transformation of Chinese Anti-money Laundering Strategy (2013-2018) and the Construction of Its Implementation Mechanism”, “Application of Behavioral Economic Theories in Crisis Management” etc. He has completed more than 20 research projects sponsored by international organizations, national and provincial government agencies, and other business and non-business entities, such as Anti-money Laundering in Futures Industry and Chinese Practice, Report on the Anti-money Laundering in the Third Party Payment Institutions in China, Measures in Improving the Effectiveness of Anti-money Laundering Supervision in Chinese Banking Industry, Risk Assessment of Counter Terrorist Financing, International Experience and Shanghai Measures of Fighting against Money Laundering in the Free Trade Zone, Cloud Security System by Online Banking—Ways and Approaches of Managing Accounts and Capital Risks and others. He is well-known and enjoys a good reputation in the field of anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing.
● 主要科研成果:
● Major Research Achievements
1. 嚴立新(1991). 英語幽默語言及其形成.《鎮江師專學報》,1991年3月第三期.
YAN Lixin (1991), English Humor and Its Formation, Journal of Zhenjiang Teachers’ College, 1991, 3(3).
2. 嚴立新(1992). 領導的語言藝術.
YAN Lixin (1992). Eloquence of Leaders (Compiled). Nanjing University Press, 1992.2.
3. 嚴立新(2006). 歐美反洗錢組織架構的設立模式對我國的啟示 ,《歐洲一體化研究》 2005年第 6期.
YAN Lixin (2006). Organizational Framework of Anti-money Laundering in European and American Countries and its Implication to China. European Integration Studies, 2005(6).
4. 嚴立新(2006). 淺談我國反洗錢組織架構的模式選擇.《江蘇社會科學》2006年第6期.
YAN Lixin (2006). Brief Introduction to Organizational Framework of Anti-money Laundering in China. Jiangsu Journal of Social Science, 2006.06.
5. 嚴立新(2006). 歐美各國彩票業發展歷程、現狀與趨勢以及對我國的啟示. 《世界經濟情況》2006年第18期.
YAN Lixin (2006). Development of Lottery Industry in European and American Countries and Its Implication to China. World Economic Outlook, 2006(18).
6. 燕爽、嚴立新(2007). 確立我國反洗錢戰略的必要性及其原則. 上海金融中心建設與中國反洗錢戰略研討會,2007年8月28日.
YAN Shuang, YAN Lixin (2007). Necessity and Principle of Establishing the Anti-money Laundering Strategy in China, report delivered in the Seminar on The Construction of Shanghai Financial Center and Chinese Anti-money Laundering Strategy, August 28th, 2007.
7. 張震、嚴立新(2007).“金融自由化與反洗錢關係初探:理論模型、作用機制及政策建議”. 第四屆中國金融學年會入選論文.
ZHANG Zhen, YAN Lixin (2007). Financial Liberalization an Anti-money Laundering: Theoretical Model, Functioning, and Policy Suggestions, selected to the 4th annual conference of Chinese Financial Society.
8. 嚴立新、張震(2008). 《反洗錢基礎教程》.
YAN Lixin, ZHANG Zhen (2008). Basic Course on Anti-money Laundering. Fudan University Press, 2008.05.
9. 嚴立新(2008). 信息不對稱條件下的危機主體與媒體公關.《新聞大學》(權威期刊),2008年第2期.
YAN Lixin (2008). Media Relations in the Context of Information Asymmetry, Journalism Quarterly, 2008(2).
10. 嚴立新(2008). 淺談危機公關中消解信息不對稱的策略選擇.《江蘇社會科學》, 2008年12月.
YAN Lixin (2008). Measures of Eliminating Information Asymmetry through Media Relations. Jiangsu Journal of Social Science, 2008.12.
11. 嚴立新、嚴維石(2009). 中美央行貨幣政策信息收集與運用差異分析. 《上海金融》,2009年第6期.
YAN Lixin, YAN Weishi (2009). A Comparative Study on the Collection and Analysis of Monetary Policy Information between China and US. Shanghai Finance, 2009(6).
12. 嚴立新(2010). 《銀行業反洗錢機制研究》,
復旦大學出版社,2010年10月,(獲復旦大學出版資助基金管理委員會資助:復宣字 【2009】1號)
YAN Lixin (2009). Research on the Anti-money Laundering Mechanism in Banking Industry. Fudan University Press, 2010.10 (sponsored by the Publishing Commission of Fudan University, License No.: Fuxuan 200901.)
13. 嚴立新(2010). 中國2008-2012反洗錢戰略重點解讀,《檢察風雲》 2010 No.7 P.12-13
YAN Lixin (2010). Interpretation of Chinese Anti-money Laundering Strategies from 2008-2012, Prosecutorial View, 2010 No.7 P.12-13.
14. 嚴立新(2010).“反洗錢:阻擊貪腐黑金”. 《檢察風雲》2010 No.7 P4-5.
YAN Lixin (2010). Anti-money Laundering: Fighting against Dirty Money from Corruption. Prosecutorial View, 2010 No.7 P.4-5.
15. 嚴立新(2010),黑白芝麻理論與中國銀行業反洗錢激勵機制的構建,《上海金融》,2010年第9期
YAN Lixin (2010). Theory of Black and White Sesame and the Construction of Incentive Mechanism of Anti-money Laundering in Chinese Banking Industry. Shanghai Finance, 2010 (9).
16. 嚴立新(第一作者 2011). 風險為基下的中國網路支付業與反洗錢規制.《洗錢控制》,Vol. 14 No. 1, 2011,pp. 93-101
YAN Lixin (2011).Risk-based AML regulation on internet payment services in China. Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 14 No. 1, 2011,pp. 93-101.
17. 嚴立新(2011). 從合規為本到風險為本:第三方支付行業反洗錢監管原則的必然要求.《上海金融》,2011年第6期,P45-48.
YAN Lixin (2011). From Compliance-based to Risk-based: a Natural Requirement of Anti-money Laundering Supervision for the Third Party Payment Industry. Shanghai Finance, 2011(6):45-48.
18. 嚴立新總譯·審(2011). 《國際反洗錢師資格認證培訓教程》.
YAN Lixin (2011). Translation of Training Manual for the Accreditation of Anti-money Laundering Specialists. Fudan University Press, 2011.06.
19. 嚴立新(2013). 中國反洗錢戰略(2013-2018)的升級轉型及其實施機制的建立.《管理世界》(權威期刊),2013年第9期,P1-8.
YAN Lixin (2013). Upgrading and Transformation of Chinese Anti-money Laundering Strategy (2013-2018) and the Construction of Its Implementation Mechanism. Management World. 2013(9): 1-8.
20. 嚴立新(2013). 行為經濟學理論在危機管理中的套用研究.《管理世界》(權威期刊),2013年第11期,P180-181.
YAN Lixin (2013). Application of Behavioral Economic Theories in Crisis Management. Management World, 2013(11): 180-181.
21. 嚴立新、童文俊(2013),自由貿易區洗錢與反洗錢:國際經驗與中國對策,袁志剛主編《中國(上海)自由貿易實驗區新戰略研究》,2013年11月,P226-246
YAN Lixin,TONG Wenjun (2013). International Experience and Shanghai Measures of Fighting against Money Laundering in the Free Trade Zone, in YUAN Zhigang edited. Research into the New Strategies in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone of China. 2013.11:226-246.
22. 嚴立新(2015 第一作者). 貪官贓款漂白朮——洗錢手法篇.《檢察風雲》,中國檢察出版社,2015/ 07
YAN Lixin (2015). The Laundering of Dirty Money by Corrupted Officials—Methods. Prosecutorial View, 2015.07.
23. 嚴立新(2015 第一作者). 貪官贓款外逃途徑——跨境外逃篇. 《檢察風雲》,中國檢察出版社,2015/ 07
YAN Lixin (2015). The Flight of Dirty Money by Corrupted Officials—Cross-border Dirty Money Flight. Prosecutorial View, 2015.07.
24. 嚴立新(2015 第一作者). 當貪腐“傍上”洗錢——貪腐機理篇.《檢察風雲》,中國檢察出版社,2015/ 07.
YAN Lixin (2015). Money Laundering and Corruption—Mechanism of Corruption. Prosecutorial View, 2015.07.
25. YAN Lixin, TONG Wenjun (2016). Money Laundering and Anti-Money Laundering in Free Trade Zones: International Experience & Shanghai Strategies <New Strategic Research on China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone>——by World Century Publishing Corporation 2016
26. 嚴立新 (2017 第一作者). 有效遏制地下錢莊洗錢問題的策略研究.《上海金融》,2017/ 9 P57-61.
YAN Lixin (2017). Measures of Effectively Controlling Underground Financing. Shanghai Finance, 2017(9):57-61.
● Major Research Projects
1、 上海市浦東新區殘疾人就業問題及對策研究,2005/07-09.
Employment Issues and Measures of the Handicapped in Pudong New District of Shanghai, 2005/07-09.
2、福利企業減免稅金形成的淨資產:監管及處置. 2005/07-09.
Supervision and Disposal of the Net Capital from Tax Exemption for Welfare Enterprises, 2005/07-09.
2、 轉型國家政府維持社會公正的反洗錢責任機制及啟示,全國哲學社會科學規劃辦公室,2007/07-2008/09.
Mechanism of Anti-money Laundering for Social Equity in Transition Countries and Its Implication, sponsored by the National Office for Philosophy and Social Science, 2007/07-2008/09.
Presided over the project: Introduction and Localization of Anti-money Laundering Specialists Accreditation System, 2009/05-2010/06.
Presided : Anti-money Laundering in Futures Industry and Chinese Practice, sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education, 2009/12-2010.
Presided : Anti-money Laundering and Malicious Cashing in the Third Party Payment Institutions in China—a Case Study of Alipay, 2010/08-12
1、 主持復旦大學人文社會科學跨學科研究重大項目《反洗錢從業資格認證體系的建設及國際比較》,2011/6-2013/6
Presided : Construction of Anti-money Laundering Specialist Qualification Accreditation System and Its International Comparison, sponsored by Fudan University, 2011/6-2013/6.
Presided : City Information Security from the Perspective of Non-traditional Security, sponsored by Fudan University, 2011/5-2014/4.
Presided : Strategy on Improving the Effectiveness of Anti-money Laundering Supervision in Chinese Banking Industry, sponsored by the Shanghai Education Department as an innovation project, 2011/08-2013/09
Presided : Money Laundering and Channels of Dirty Money Transfer by the Corrupted Officials and Its Countermeasures, sponsored by The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection as a specialty research project, 2014/05-2014/10.
11、主持國家反恐怖融資風險評估項目一項(密) (2013/09-2014/07)
Presided : Risk Evaluation of Terrorist Financing in China (classified), 2013/09-2014/07.
Presided : Importable Resources in the Countries along the Yiwu-Europe Freight Train Route and Measures for the Import Promotion, sponsored by Yiwu Bureau of Commerce, 2015/03-2015/10.
Presided : Cloud Security System by Online Banking—Ways and Approaches of Managing Accounts and Capital Risks, sponsored by Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission, 2016/06-2016/09.