



  • 中文名:嚴正權
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:安徽六安
  • 出生日期:1970年 
  • 職業:碩士研究生導師
  • 畢業院校:新加坡南洋理工大學和香港城市大學


光電材料及其在光感測器和相關係統中的套用;主要從事有機、高分子超分子、有機-無機雜化光電材料的設計、製備及其在環境分析感測、太陽能光伏鋰電池等領域上套用等研究,近5年以第一作者或通訊作者發表SCI論文20餘篇,申請國家發明專利7項(已授權6項);研究成果先後在國內外重要學術期刊,如Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,Nanoscale,J.Phys. Chem. C,Sensor Actuat B-Chem.,Analyst,Dyes Pigm.,ChemElectroChem等上發表。2013年先後獲得“上海市研究生優秀成果(博士學位論文)”和“安徽省大學生‘挑戰杯’科技創新競賽‘優秀指導教師’”等,正主持石墨烯光電複合材料製備及套用方面國家自然科學基金面上項目1項。


2016.01-: 曲阜師範大學化學化工學院,碩士研究生導師
2014.07-2015.12: 在安徽振興光伏新能源有限公司掛職(安徽省第三批高校專業技術人才到基層企業掛職鍛鍊,從事太陽能產品開發)
2011.10-2015.12: 皖西學院材料與化工學院副教授
2013.01-2014.04: 香港城市大學博士後
2012.06-2012.12: 新加坡南洋理工大學博士後


2008.03-2011.08: 東華大學材料科學與工程學院,攻讀並獲得材料科學與工程專業工學博士學位
2001.09-2004.07: 安徽師範大學化學與材料科學學院,攻讀並獲得分析化學專業理學碩士學位


[1] Wenli Yao, Yong Liu, Qinian Dai, Qian Zhang, Yinhong Yu, Zhengquan Yan, Microwave-assisted synthesis of sheet-shaped Co3O4 for reversible Li-storage: Regulation of structure and performance, ChemElectroChem, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/celc.201700096
[2] Li Nie, Qiang Zhang, Lei Hu, Yuemin Liu, Zhengquan Yan, Modified hydrazone derivatives for ratiometric and colorimetric recognition of F: Relationship between architectures and performances, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem., 2017, 245, 314–320
[3] Zhengquan Yan, Lei Hu, Li Nie, Maojin You, One-pot preparation of graphene-Ag nano composite for selective and environmentally-friendly recognition of trace mercury(II), RSC Adv., 2016, 6: 109857–109861
[4] Zhengquan Yan, Lei Hu, Jinmao You, Sensing materials developed and applied for bioactive Fe recognition in water environment, Anal. Methods, 2016, 8(29): 5738–5754
[5] Zhengquan Yan, Wenli Yao, Lei Hu, Dandan Liu, Chundong Wang, Chun-Sing Lee, Progress in preparation and application of 3D graphene-based porous nano composites, Nanoscale, 2015, 7(13): 5563–5577
[6] Wenli Yao, Qinan Dai, Peng Chen, Shengwen Zhong, Zhengquan Yan, Influence of electrolyte additives on the cobalt oxide-based anode’s electrochemical performance and their action mechanism, RSC Adv., 2015, 5(25): 19145–19151
[7] Lei Hu, Hua Yuan, Qinqin Li, Juncheng Jin, Wengui Chang, Zhengquan Yan, Spectral properties of a water-soluble squaraine and its application in cell fluorescence imaging, J. Appl. Spectrosc., 2015, 82(4): 665–668
[8] Lei Hu, Hong Lv, Chenggen Xie, Wengui Chang, Zhengquan Yan, Preparation and absorption spectral property of a multifunctional water-soluble azo compound with D-π-A structure, 4-(4-hydroxy-1-naphthylazo) benzoic acid, J. Appl. Spectrosc., 2015, 82(3): 435–439
[9] Zhengquan Yan, Hongtao Xue, Karsten Berning, Yun-Wah Lam, Chun-Sing Lee, Identification of multi-functional graphene-gold nano composite for environment-friendly enriching, separating and detecting Hg simultaneously, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6(24): 22761–22768
[10] Zhengquan Yan, Muk-Fung Yuen, Lei Hu, Peng Sun, Chun-Sing Lee, Advances for colorimetric detection of Hg in aqueous solution, RSC Adv., 2014, 4(89): 48373–48388
[11] Lei Hu, Li Nie, Guangnian Xu, Han Shi, Xiaoqing Xu, Xiangzhong Zhang, Zhengquan Yan, Spectral properties of 4-(4-hydroxy-1-naphthylazo)benzene- sulfonic acid and its application on colorimetric recognition to Fe in aqueous, RSC Adv., 2014, 4(37): 19370–19374
[12] Zhengquan Yan, Shanyi Guang, Hongyao Xu, Xiangyang Liu, Quinoline-based azo derivative assembly: Optical limiting property and enhancement mechanism, Dyes Pigm., 2013, 99(3): 720–726
[13] Zhengquan Yan, Shanyi Guang, Hongyao Xu, Xinyan Su, Xiaoli Ji, Xiangyang Liu, Supramolecular self-assembly structures and properties of zwitterionic squaraine molecules, RSC Adv., 2013, 3(21): 8021–8027
[14] Lei Hu, Zhengquan Yan, Hongyao Xu, Advance in syntheses and applications of near-infrared absorbing squaraine dyes, RSC Adv., 2013, 3(21): 7667–7676
[15] Juncheng Jin, Wenquan Tong, Chenggen Xie, Wengui Chang, Guangnian Xu, Ju Wu, Lingang Li, Zhengquan Yan, Yaoyu Wang, Two new zinc(II) metal-organic frameworks based on 1,4-bis (2-methyl-imidazol-1-yl)butane: synthesis, structures, and properties, J. Coord. Chem., 2013, 66(21): 3697–3705
[16] Lei Hu, Yafei Zhang, Li Nie, Chenggen Xie, Zhengquan Yan, Colorimetric detection of trace Hg with near-infrared absorbing squariane functionalized by dibenzo-18-crown-6 and its mechanism, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2013, 104: 87–91
[17] Zhengquan Yan, Hongyao Xu, Shanyi Guang, Xian Zhao, Weiliu Fan, Xiangyang Liu, A convenient organic-inorganic hybrid approach toward highly stable squaraine dyes with reduced H-aggregation, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2012, 22(2): 345–352
[18] Zhengquan Yan, Shanyi Guang, Xinyan Su, Hongyao Xu, Near-infrared absorbing aquaraine dyes for solar cell: Relationship between architectures and performances, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116 (16): 8894–8900
[19] Zhengquan Yan, Shanyi Guang, Hongyao Xu, Xiangyang Liu, An effective real-time colorimeteric sensor for sensitive and selective detection of cysteine under physiological condition, Analyst, 2011, 136(9): 1916–1921
[20] Zhengquan Yan, Lei Hu, Li Nie, Hong Lv, Preparation of 4,4’-bis-(carboxyl azobenzene)-dibenzo-18-crown-6 dye and its application on ratiometric colorimetric recognition to Hg, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2011, 79(3): 661–665
[21] Hongyao Xu, Zhengquan Yan, Chao Zhang, Xinyan Su, Shanyi Guang, Study on nanometer hybrid low dielectric constant materials from polyhedral oligosilsesquioixanes (POSS), Chem. J. Chin. Univ.,(高等學校化學學報), 2011, 32(9): 1962–1969
[22] Zhengquan Yan, Yufeng Chen, Hongyao Xu, Shanyi Guang, Linfeng Li, Preparation and properties of a functional polyacetylene with quinoline-based heterocyclic azo pendants, Polym. Sci., Ser. B, 2011, 53(9-10): 535–539


[1] 嚴正權, 胡蕾, 徐光年, 聶麗, 劉丹丹, 張向忠, 一種比色法檢測水環境中Fe含量的新方法, 授權專利號: ZL201410065102.1, 專利授權日: 2016-6-15
[2] 胡蕾, 嚴正權, 聶麗, 徐光年, 孫鵬, 一種比色法檢測、富集與分離水環境重金屬Hg 的方法, 授權專利號: ZL201310752506.3, 專利授權日: 2016-8-24
[3] 榮文清(本科生), 嚴正權, 胡傳明, 王又兵, 新型太陽能電池陽光追蹤裝置, 授權專利號:ZL201520490640.5, 專利授權日: 2015-7-7
[4]嚴正權, 晁曉琪, 周照偉, 一種新型高效太陽能光伏熱水器的設計製備,專利申請號:201510137149.9, 專利申請日: 2015.3.27
[5] 徐洪耀, 嚴正權, 光善儀, 一種POSS雜化方酸菁近紅外吸收染料及其製備方法, 授權專利號: ZL201010203753.4, 專利授權日: 2009-4-27
[6] 徐洪耀, 嚴正權, 光善儀, 柯福佑, 一種比色法即時檢測半胱氨酸含量的方法, 授權專利號: ZL201010221020.3, 專利授權日: 2013-10-9
[7] 徐洪耀, 嚴正權, 陳玉風, 光善儀, 喹啉類水溶性近紅外發光方酸菁染料及其製備和套用, 授權專利號: ZL 200910050048.2, 專利授權日: 2013-11-13


[1] 2013年上海市研究生優秀成果 (學位論文)
[2] 2013年獲得由團安徽省委、安徽省教育廳、安徽省科協、安徽省學聯聯合頒發挑戰杯“優秀指導教師”稱號


[1] 2013年10月,指導本科生參加<第十三屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽>獲“國家級三等獎”
[3] 指導國家級大學生創新課題1項:“小型實用太陽能電池的製作”,以優秀等級結題


[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目(NO: 21277103), 基於石墨烯協同增強近紅外吸收比色感測材料的構築及套用, 2013.01-2016.12, 80萬,主持人
[2] 安徽省自然科學基金項目(No: 1508085QB35), 三維石墨烯多孔複合材料及其富集檢測與分離水污染物的套用研究, 2015.1-2016.12, 8.0萬, 第一參與人
[3] 山東省自然科學基金項目(No: ZR2016BQ13),環糊精-方酸菁-冠醚三元近紅外吸收感測材料及其對鉛鎘汞污染的比色回響研究, 2016.7-2018.7, 15.0萬, 第一參與人
[4] 東華大學博士創新課題( No: BC200902), 寬波段吸收太陽能敏化雜化染料的合成、器件製備及性能研究, 2009.9-2010.12, 項目主持人, 已結題(優秀等級)
[5] 安徽省高校青年教師科研資助項目( No: 2005jq1161), 螢光試劑N-9-吖啶胺基酸及其酯的合成、表征和套用, 2005.1-2006.12, 項目主持人, 已結題


[1] 第一次山東省材料大會暨山東省高等學校材料學科第十三次會議, 納米協同增強光電複合材料的構築及套用研究(Oral Report), 中國煙臺, 2016, 7, 23–24
[2] Lei Hu, Fangkuo Wang, Hua Yuan, Qinqin Li, Zhengquan Yan, A newmethod for colorimetric detection, enrichment and separation of Hg inaqueous based on graphene-Aunano composites, 2014 International Conference on FunctionalMaterials (Oral Report) , Shanghai China, 2014,9, 24–27
[3] Lei Hu, YafeiZhang, Fangkuo Wang,Zhengquan Yan. A novel multifunctional near-infrared absorbing dye for Hgrecognition, 2012年中國功能材料科技與產業高層論壇-暨功能材料學會第六屆理事會成立大會(Poster) , 中國昆明, 2012,11, 9–12
[4] Zhengquan Yan, Hongyao Xu, Shanyi Guang, Jin Huang, Self-assemblyoptical functional nanofibre soft materials: Architecture and controllablepreparation, 2011 International Conference on Advanced Fibers and PolymerMaterials, Shanghai China (Poster), Aug. 15-17,2011:480–483
[5] 嚴正權, 龔明明, 徐洪耀, POSS基近紅外吸收雜化材料的製備及聚集效應研究, 全國第十五屆大環化學暨第七屆超分子化學學術討論會(InvitedReport), 中國重慶, 2010, 8,368–371
[6] 嚴正權, 周美芳, 馮益虎, 光善儀, 徐洪耀, 新型紅外吸收半胱氨酸分子感測器材料的製備及性能,第七屆中國功能材料及其套用學術會議(Poster),中國長沙, 2010, 8, 319–320


