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  • 中文名:喬雪
  • 畢業院校:美國愛荷華州立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:經濟學




主持國家自然科學基金項目"失業保險對勞動力市場的影響及其最優設計",在Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economics等國際英文期刊和《經濟研究》、《金融研究》、《世界經濟》、《南方經濟》等國內中文期刊上發表論文。
為加拿大經濟學會,英國皇家經濟學會和中西部經濟協會會員,並擔任Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Population Economics, Public Finance Review, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economics, China Economic Review, Journal of Family and Economic Issue 等期刊的匿名審稿人。



[1]"The King Can Do No Wrong: On Criminal Immunity of Leaders" (with Jiahua Che and Kim-Sau Chung),Journal of Public Economics, 170(2019), 15-26.
[2] "Fertility and Old-age Labor Supply in Aging China" (with Lili Wang),accepted,China Economic Review
[3] "Skill Complementarities and Returns to Higher Ecucation: Evidence from China's College Enrollment Expansion," (with Hongbin Li, Yueyuan Ma, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi),China Economic Review, 46 (2017): 10-26.
[4]"Endogenous Borrowing Constraint and Wealth Inequality" (with Joydeep Bhattacharya and Min Wang),Macroeconomic Dynamics,20(6) (2016): 1413-1431.
[5]"Job Creation and Job Destruction in China during 1998-2007" (with Hong Ma and Yuan Xu),Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(4)(2015): 1085-1100.
[6] "Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: Macro-level Evidence from China between 1997 and 2008" (with Binzhen Wu and Qiong Zhang),Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,20(2)(2015): 290-329.
[7] "The Good, the Bad and the Civil Society" (with Jiahua Che and Kim-Sau Chung),Journal of Public Economics,106(2013), 68-76.
[8] "Unsafe Sex, AIDS, and Development,"Journal of Economics, 105(3)(2012):263-279.
[9] "Economic Development, Risky Sexual Behavior and AIDS Epidemic" (with Xiaohan Zhong and Sung Sin)Frontiers of Economics in China,7(3)(2012): 407-433.
[10] "Public and Private Expenditure on Health in a Growth Model" (with Joydeep Bhattacharya)Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(8)(2007): 2519-2535.
[11] "Endogenous Lifetime and Economic Growth Revisited" (with Helle Bunzel),Economic Bulletin, 15(8)(2005): 1-8.
[14]馬弘、喬雪、徐嫄,中國製造業的就業創造與就業消失,《經濟研究》, 2013年12月刊,第68-80頁。
[15]吳斌珍、張瓊、喬雪,對藥品市場降價政策的評估—來自中國1997~2008年的證據,《金融研究》, 2011年第6期,第168-180頁。


[1]"Career Concern: Beijing Style?" (wth Jiahua Che and Kim-Sau Chung),R&R,International Economic Review.
[2] "On the Paradox of Mediocracy" (with Qiang Fu andMing Li), under review
[3]"Chasing or Cheating? Theory and Evidence on the Reliability of China's GDP" (with Shuo Chen and Zhitao Zhu)
[4]"Labor Market Distortion and China-US Gap in Agricultural Productivity" (with Lili Wang)
[5]"International Competition and Job Reallocation: Evidence from China" (with Hong Ma and Yuan Xu), 2013.
[6] "Environmental Tax, Double Dividend and Golden Rule – An OverlappingGeneration Model Analysis" (with Jing Cao), 2009.
[7] "Unemployment Insurance in a Dynamic Economy with Endogenous Layoffs", 2011


"On the Paradox of Mediocracy," presented at 2019 Workshop on Political Selection, Peking University, June 5, 2019; 2018 INFER Annual Conference at Gottingen, Germany; University of International Business and Economics, China, 2017; China Meeting of Econometric Society, Wuhan, 2017; Asian Meeting of Econometric Society, Hong Kong, 2017; the 2017 Symposium of Development and Institutional Economics,Kaifeng; the 5th Chinese Conference on Organization Economics, Shanghai.
"The King Can Do No Wrong: On Criminal Immunity of Leaders", previously circulated as"To Punish or to Forgive: Accountability in a Dynamic Hierarchy," presented at University of Rochester, 2018; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2016; University of Hong Kong, 2014; Hanqing Advaned Institute, Renmin University; the 2nd Chinese Conference on Organization Economics.
"Skill Complementarities and Returnto Higher Education Evidence from China's College Enrollment Expansion," presented at National University of Singapore Business School, Singapore, 2015.
"Endogenous Borrowing Constraint and Wealth Inequality," presented at the workshop on "Wealth and Income Inequality in China and Singapore", Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, June 2014.
"Career Concern: Beijing Style," presented at National School of Development, Peking University, Sep 2014; the 2013 Conference on Chinese Economy, Dec 2013.
"Job Creation and Job Destruction in China," presented at the 2nd Conference on Chinese Economy, Dec 19, 2011; the 3rd Tsinghua Workshop in Macroeconomics, Aug 16, 2011.
"The Costs and Benefits of Autocracy," presented at the Inaugural China Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2013;the National Yokohama University, Japan, Feb 2012; Renmin University, Dec 14, 2011; Zhejiang University, Dec 7, 2011; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Dec 2, 2011; Fudan University, Dec 1, 2011;XVIth IEA World Congress 2011, the Conference on Chinese Economy (invited) in Shanghai, Dec 11, 2010; the 10th SAET conference in Singapore, August 13, 2010.
"Unemployment Insurance in a Dynamic Economy with Endogenous Layoffs," presented atTsinghua Macro Workshop, Beijing, China, June 2010;Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, HongKong, Dec 2008; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China, Nov 2008; FudanUniversity, Shanghai, China, Nov 2008; Canadian Economic Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver,Canada, June 2008; The Chinese Economists Society (CES) Annual Meeting, Tianjin, China, April 2008;The Society of Economic Dynamics (SED) Summer Meeting, Prague, Cezch Republic, July 2007; MidwestMacroeconomic Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cleveland, USA, April 2007
"Environmental Tax, Double Dividend and Golden Rule – An Overlapping Generation Model Analysis," with Jing Cao, presented at Workshop on ―Trade, Growth and Environment, Venice International University, Italy, June 2008; The Chinese Economists Society (CES) Annual Meeting, Tianjin, China, April 2008
"Dynamic Inefficiency, Environmental Tax and Climate Change," with Jing Cao, presented at the 2009 APJAE Symposium on ―Trade, Environment and Resources, invited speaker, May 18-20, CityUniversity of Hong Kong.



[1] 2015/01-2018/12,國家自科面上基金項目,“老齡化和人口政策對我國教育和人力資本積累、養老保障和經濟成長的影響。
[2] 2013-2015,北京高校“青年英才計畫”,“貿易條件對我國就業流動的影響及就業流動如何影響生產率和經濟發展”。




