



  • 中文名:喬泊
  • 畢業院校:法國土魯斯大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:光電子材料與器件、發光與顯示
  • 任職院校:北京交通大學


  • 2012-2015:博士,土魯斯大學,土魯斯,法國;
  • 2010-2012:碩士,北京交通大學,北京,中國;
  • 2006-2010: 學士,北京交通大學,北京,中國。


  • 光電子材料與器件
  • 發光與顯示


"Solid Materials and Nano Devices".



  • 北京市科委: 基於螢光編碼上轉換髮光納米材料的多重均相免疫檢測技術研究與食品安全檢測套用, 2019-2021
  • 北京交通大學: 綠光雙主體及新型OLED材料的開發, 2019-2022
  • 北京交通大學: 電致變色玻璃研發4, 2019-2020
  • 其它部市: 高效單晶PERC光伏組件數位化車間, 2016-2020
  • 北京交通大學: 電致變色玻璃研發3, 2018-2022
  • 科技部: 印刷OLED顯示器件與製程工藝研究, 2017-2022
  • 北京交通大學: 無鎘鹵素鈣鈦礦量子點材料開發, 2017-2019
  • 基本科研業務費: 有機光電子材料性質和器件穩定性研究, 2017-2018
  • 基本科研業務費人才基金: 無機鈣鈦礦納米晶及其發光穩定性研究, 2017-2019
  • 國家自然科學基金"青年基金": 有機電致發光器件界面電荷存儲對電老化的影響及其套用, 2018-2020
  • 國家自然科學基金“面上”: 有機金屬鹵素鈣鈦礦發光二極體老化機制研究及器件最佳化, 2018-2021
  • 基本科研業務費: 新型光電材料與器件研究, 2017-2019
  • 國家重點研發計畫: 印刷OLED顯示材料產業化關鍵技術機器套用示範, 2016-2020
  • 北京交通大學: 電致變色玻璃研發2, 2017-2020
  • 北京交通大學: 清潔能源海上風電用乾式變壓器技術研發, 2016-2019
  • 北京交通大學: 平板顯示前沿技術工藝開發平台及驗證測試環境, 2016-2017
  • 基本科研業務費: 無機鈣鈦礦量子點的製備及其電致發光 , 2016-2017


  • 鄭偉業,徐征,宋丹丹,趙謖玲,喬泊,陳俊妃,王鵬,鄭旭剛.Enhancing the efficiency and the luminance of quantum dot light-emitting diodes by inserting a leaked electron harvesting layer with thermal-activated delayed fluorescence material.ORGANIC ELECTRONICS,2019,None(65)
  • 李楊,徐征,趙謖玲,宋丹丹,喬泊,朱友勤,孟娟.Benefits of the Hydrophobic Surface for CH3NH3PbI3 Crystalline Growth towards Highly Efficient Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells.MOLECULES,2019,10(24)
  • 申朝暉,宋鵬傑,喬泊,曹婧玥,白瓊宇,宋丹丹,徐征,趙謖玲,張高倩,吳元均.Impeding anion exchange to improve composition stability of CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br) nanocrystals through facilely fabricated Cs4PbX6 shell.CHINESE PHYSICS B,2019,8(28)
  • 岳煥新,宋丹丹,趙謖玲,徐征,喬泊,吳淞全,孟娟.Highly bright perovskite light-emitting diodes based on quasi-2D perovskite film through synergetic solvent engineering.RSC ADVANCES,2019,15(9)
  • 吳啟曉,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,張俊傑,左鵬飛.高濃度敏化劑摻雜的NaYF4∶Yb^3+,Er^3+納米材料的合成及發光性能研究.光譜學與光譜分析,2019,5(39)
  • 王浩,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,王鵬,鄭偉業,魏鵬.深陷阱對有機磷光雙摻雜體系電致發光器件效率衰退的影響.光譜學與光譜分析,2019,4(39)
  • 申朝暉,喬泊,徐征,宋丹丹,高迪,宋鵬傑,曹婧玥,白瓊宇,Wu,趙謖玲.The luminescence properties of CsPbxM1-xBr3 perovskite nanocrystals transformed from Cs4PbBr6 mediated by various divalent bromide MBr2 salts.NANOSCALE,2019,9(11)
  • 王鵬,黃清雨,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,鄭偉業,陳俊妃,閆光.Investigation of excited-state dynamics upon both photo-excitation and electro-excitation of thermally activated delayed fluorescent molecules.JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY,2018,12(26)
  • 楊劍,宋丹丹,趙謖玲,喬泊,徐征,王鵬,魏鵬.Highly efficient and bright blue organic light-emitting devices based on solvent engineered, solution-processed thermally activated delayed fluorescent emission layer.ORGANIC ELECTRONICS,2019,None(71)
  • 申朝暉,宋鵬傑,喬泊,曹婧玥,白瓊宇,宋丹丹,徐征,趙謖玲,張高倩,吳元均.Impeding anion exchange to improve composition stability of CsPbX3(X=Cl,Br)nanocrystals through facilely fabricated Cs4Pb6 shell.中國物理B:英文版,2019,8(28)
  • 魏鵬,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,王鵬,楊劍.Improved carrier injection and balance in solution-processed blue phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes based on mixed host system and their transient electroluminescence.SYNTHETIC METALS,2019,None(252)
  • 王鵬,黃清雨,趙謖玲,秦梓倫,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊.Investigating the evolution of excitons in polymer light-emitting diodes by transient measurement.ORGANIC ELECTRONICS,2019,None(68)
  • 李紫奼,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊.Improving charge transport by the ultrathin QDs interlayer in polymer solar cells.RSC Advances,2018,8(8)
  • 秦梓倫,趙謖玲,宋丹丹,喬泊,徐征.Enhanced Detectivity and Response Time of Perovskite Photodetector by Modifying PEDOT:PSS with Dimethyl Sulfoxide-Flushing.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2018,18(18)
  • 左鵬飛,趙謖玲,宋丹丹,喬泊,徐征.Enhancement of Upconversion Emissions of NaYF4:Yb3+, Tm3+ Nanoparticles by Ba2+ Co-Doping.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2018,18(18)
  • 朱友勤,趙謖玲,喬泊,宋丹丹.Improving the Charge Carrier Transport and Suppressing Recombination of Soluble Squaraine-Based Solar Cells via Parallel-Like Structure.materials,2018,11(9)
  • 宋鵬傑,趙謖玲,喬泊,宋丹丹,徐征.Colour- and structure-stable CsPbBr3-CsPb2Br5 compounded quantum dots with tuneable blue and green light emission.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018,767(767)
  • 吳淞全,宋丹丹,喬泊,趙謖玲,徐征.Highly bright and stable all-inorganic perovskite light-emitting diodes with methoxypolyethylene glycols modified CsPbBr3 emission layer.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,2018,113(113)
  • 張俊傑,趙謖玲,喬泊,徐征.Near-infrared light-induced photocatalysis of NaYF4:Yb, Tm@Cu2O coreshell nanocomposites.Optical Materials,2018,84(84)
  • 趙蛟,趙謖玲,宋丹丹,喬泊,徐征.Regulating the polymer crystallize behavior via the synergistic additives towards high-performance bulk heterojunction solar cells.Organic Electronics,2018,58(58)
  • 張俊傑,喬泊,梁志琴,左鵬飛,吳啟曉,徐征,趙謖玲.Near-infrared light-induced photocatalysis of NaYF4:Yb, Tm@Cu2O core-shell nanocomposites.OPTICAL MATERIALS,2018,None(84)
  • 朱友勤,劉敬麗,趙蛟,李楊,喬泊,宋丹丹,徐征,趙謖玲,徐敘瑢.Improving the Charge Carrier Transport and Suppressing Recombination of Soluble Squaraine-Based Solar Cells via Parallel-Like Structure.MATERIALS,2018,5(11)
  • 趙蛟,宋丹丹,喬泊,徐征,黃迪,李楊,朱友勤,趙謖玲.Regulating the polymer crystallize behavior via the synergistic additives towards high-performance bulk heterojunction solar cells.ORGANIC ELECTRONICS,2018,None(58)
  • 袁彬彬,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,李楊,秦梓倫,孟娟,徐敘瑢.Improving the photovoltaic performance of planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells by mixed solvent vapor treatment.RSC ADVANCES,2018,21(8)
  • 李紫奼,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,趙蛟,劉敬麗,袁彬彬,徐新宇.Improving charge transport by the ultrathin QDs interlayer in polymer solar cells.RSC ADVANCES,2018,32(8)
  • 黃清雨,趙謖玲,王鵬,秦梓倫,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,徐敘瑢.Investigating the evolution of exciplex states in thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes by transient measurement.JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE,2018,None(201)
  • 宋鵬傑,喬泊,宋丹丹,梁志琴,高迪,曹婧玥,申朝暉,徐征,趙謖玲.Colour- and structure-stable CsPbBr3-CsPb2Br5 compounded quantum dots with tuneable blue and green light emission.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2018,None(767)
  • 趙蛟,趙謖玲,徐征,宋丹丹,喬泊,黃迪,朱友勤,李楊,李紫奼,秦梓倫.Highly Efficient and Operational Stability Polymer Solar Cells Employing Nonhalogenated Solvents and Additives.ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2018,28(10)
  • 喬泊,宋鵬傑,曹婧玥,趙謖玲,申朝暉,高迪,梁志琴,徐征,宋丹丹,徐敘瑢.Water-resistant, monodispersed and stably luminescent CsPbBr 3 /CsPb 2 Br 5 core–shell-like structure lead halide perovskite nanocrystals.Nanotechnology,2017,28(44)
  • 高迪,喬泊,徐征,宋丹丹,宋鵬傑,梁志琴,申朝暉,曹婧玥,張俊傑,趙謖玲.Postsynthetic, Reversible Cation Exchange between Pb2+ and Mn2+ in Cesium Lead Chloride Perovskite Nanocrystals.Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2017,121(37)
  • 張成文,喬泊.Transient analysis on stored charges in organic light-emitting diodes and their application in alternating current driven electroluminescence.Organic Eletronics,2016,39(1)
  • 梁志琴,趙謖玲,徐征,喬泊.Shape-Controlled Synthesis of All-Inorganic CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals with Bright Blue Emission .ACS applied materials & interfaces,2016,8(42)
  • 梁志琴,趙謖玲,徐征,喬泊.Controllable synthesis of tetragonal LiScF4:Yb3+, Er3+ nanocrystals and its upconversion photoluminescence properties:Lithium scandium fluoride nanocrystals.Optical materials,2016,62(62)
  • 王鵬,趙謖玲,徐征,喬泊,龍志娟,黃清雨.The Electroluminescence Mechanism of Solution-Processed TADF Emitter 4CzIPN Doped OLEDs Investigated by Transient Measurements.Molecules,2016,21(10)
  • 喬泊,趙謖玲,徐征,徐敘瑢.Synthesis of ZnO quantum dots and their agglomeration mechanisms along with emission spectra based on ageing time and temperature.Chinese Physics B,2016,25(9)
  • 喬泊.Uncover the electroluminescence in wide band gap polymers.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2015,48(40)
  • 喬泊.Evidence of Exciton Formation in Thin Polypropylene Films under AC and DC Fields and Relationship to Electrical Degradation.IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials,2015,136(2)
  • 喬泊.Electroluminescence and cathodoluminescence from polyethylene and polypropylene films: Spectra reconstruction from elementary components and underlying mechanisms.Journal of Applied Physics,2016,119(2)
  • 喬泊.AC Electroluminescence spectra of Polyethylene Naphthalate: impact of the nature of electrodes.IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena,2013
  • 喬泊.Evidence of exciton formation in thin polypropylene films under AC and DC fields and relationship to electrical degradation.IEEE International symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials,2014
  • 喬泊.Field and electron beam-induced luminescence phenomena in polypropylene thin films.IEEE International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials,2015
  • 喬泊.The significance of electroluminescence in polyolefins.IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics,2016
  • 趙蛟,趙謖玲,徐征,喬泊,黃迪,李楊,朱友勤,王鵬.Revealing the Effect of Additives with Different Solubility on the Morphology and the Donor Crystalline Structures of Organic Solar Cells.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2016,28(8)
  • 李楊,徐征,趙謖玲,喬泊,黃迪,趙蛟,王鵬,朱友勤,李祥高,劉西成,徐敘瑢.Highly Efficient p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells Utilizing Novel Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Hole Transport Materials with Linear π-Conjugated Structure.Small,2016,35(12)


"Principles and Applications of Up-converting Phosphor Technology", Springer, 2019


  • 一種全無機鈣鈦礦薄膜的製備方法及套用,專利號:201910115717.3
  • 鉛鹵鈣鈦礦量子點材料的製備方法,專利號:201710348992.0
  • 鉛鹵鈣鈦礦量子點材料的陽離子交換的實現方法,專利號:201710348984.6
  • 一種電致發光器件及其製備方法、顯示面板、顯示裝置,專利號:201711349428.7
  • 一種用於絲網印刷用量子點材料的製備方法,專利號:201710438142.X
  • 一種具有核殼結構的白光紅外上轉換複合發光材料,專利號:201710436189.2
  • 太陽能電池的起電時間參數的測量方法,專利號:201710833625.X
  • 一種LED陣列吊燈,專利號:201610065141.0.


  • 2018年度中國稀土科學技術獎二等獎。

