



  • 書名:啟航歡樂英語樂園:托班
  • ISBN:7508239865、9787508239866
  • 頁數:102頁
  • 出版社:金盾出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2007年1月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


外語教學從兒童開始效果最好,這是國內外教育專家的共識。北京啟航歡樂英語教育研究中心策劃、編寫了這套《啟航歡樂英語樂園》,旨在推行幼稚園健康、科學、社會、語言和藝術五大領域的英漢雙語教育教學活動。 本套書是根據北京啟航歡樂英語教育研究中心各位英語老師多年積累的教學材料編輯而成,因此具有極強的實用價值。本套書以“遊戲化教學”為主,通過豐富多彩的室內外遊戲來學習辭彙、兒歌、口語等,真正體現了“玩中學、學中玩”的教育理念。本套書分托班、小班、中班和大班四冊。每冊又分上、下兩個分冊,上分冊兒童使用,下分冊可用作教師和家長的教學參考書。 本書為小托。有助於使兒童從小就學到比較純正的美式英語,為以後的學習打下堅實的基礎。


托班上冊 兒童用書
Unit One Myself
Lesson One My name
Lesson Two My face
Lesson me My hands
Lesson Four My feet.
Lesson Five My body.
Unit Two Mv home
Lesson One My family.
Lesson Two My relatives
Lesson Three My house
Lesson Four My bedroom
Unit Three My kindergarten
Lesson One Good morning,teacher!
Lesson Two My new home.
LessonThree Wearegoodfriends
Lesson Four Little toys.I love you
Lesson Five Keep healthy
LessonSix Wearehappy children
Unit Four Nature
Lesson One Fruit is missing.
Lesson Two Weather
Lesson Three Wind and leaves
Lesson Four Ice and snow.
Unit Five The secret of spring
Lesson One Spring is coming
Lesson Two Happy animals.
Lesson Three Pretty children
Lesson Four The colour of spring.
Lesson Five Bee and butterfly.
Unit Six We like doing labour.
Lesson One I can have a meal myself.
Lesson Two I can study.
Lesson Three I go to bed myself.
Lesson Four I Can do my own things myself.
Lesson Five I’m a hardworking child
Unit Seven Happy Children’s Day
Lesson One June 1 iS coming
Lesson Two My favourite food.
Lesson Three My favourite song
Lesson Four My favourite game.
Lesson Five My favourite Car
Unit Eight Lovely summer
Lesson One Delightful clothes
Lesson Two AU kinds ofanimals
Lesson me A hen and a goose
Lesson Four What insect Can crawl?
Lesson Five The sun.the moon and the stars.
Unit One Myself(我自己)
Lesson One My name(我的名字)
Lesson Two My face(我的臉)
Lesson Three My hands(我的手)
Lesson Four My feet(我的腳)
Lesson Five My body(我的身體)
Unit Two My home(我的家)
Lesson One My family(我的家庭)
Lesson Two My relatives(我的親屬)
Lesson Three My house(我的房子)
Lesson Four My bedroom(我的臥室)
Unit Three My kindergarten(我的幼稚園)
Lesson One Good morning,teacher!(老師,早上好!)
Lesson Two My new home(我的新家)
Lesson Three We are good friends.(我們是好朋友。)
Lesson Four Little toys,I love you.(小玩具,我愛你。)
Lesson Five Keep healthy(講衛生)
Lesson Six We are happy children.(我們是開心乖寶寶。)
Unit Four Nature(大自然)
Unit Five The secret of spring(春天的秘密)
Lesson One Spring is coming.(春天來了。)一
Lesson Two Happy animals(快樂的小動物)
Lesson Three Pretty children(漂亮的小朋友)
Lesson Four The colour of spring(春天的色彩)
Lesson Five Bee and butterfly(蜜蜂和蝴蝶)
Unit Six We like doing labour.(我們愛勞動。)
Lesson One I can have a meal myself.(我會吃飯。)
Lesson Two I can study.(我會學習。)
Lesson Three I go to bed myself.(我自己上床睡覺。)
Lesson Four Ican domyownthingsmyself.(我自己的事自己做。)
Lesson Five I’m a hardworking child.(我是—爪勤勞的孩子。)
Unit Seven Happy Children’S Day(快樂的兒童節)
Lesson One June l is coming.(六一到。)
Lesson Two My favourite food(我最愛吃的食物)
Lesson Three My favourite song(我最喜歡的歌曲)
Lesson Four My favourite game(我最愛玩的遊戲)
Lesson Five My favourite car(我最喜歡的車)
Unit Eight Lovely summer(可愛的夏天)


