



  • 書名:商務英語開口就會說
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年9月1日
  • 頁數:222 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787030255662




Chapter 1 Job Interview求職面試
Unit 1 Self-introduction個人介紹
Unit 2 Education Background教育背景
Unit 3 Work Experience工作經驗
Unit 4 Reasons for Leaving離職原因
Unit 5 Reasons for Interview面試原因
Unit 6 Interview Result面試結果
Chapter 2 Office Routine辦公慣例
Unit 1 Meeting and Greeting見面問候
Unit 2 0ffice Equipment辦公設備
Unit 3 Working Overtime加班加點
Unit 4 Asking for Leave申請事假
Unit 5 Rules ofBusiness Trip出差制度
Chapter 3 Salary and Benefits工薪待遇
Unit 1 Salary薪酬待遇
Unit 2 Promotion and Raise升遷加薪
Unit 3 Personnel Transfer人事調動
Unit 4 Annual Performance Evaluation年終考核
Unit 5 Benefits福利待遇
Unit 6 Award Celebration獲獎慶功
Chapter 4 Installation到任入職
Unit 1 New Comer新人報到
Unit 2 Working Environment辦公環境
Unit 3 StaffInvestigation員工調查
Unit 4 StaffTraining員工培訓
Unit 5 With Colleagues同事之間
Unit 6 Team Spirit團隊精神
Chapter 5 Business Meeting商務會議
Unit 1 Preparation for Meeting會議籌備
Unit 2 Beginning ofMeeting會議開始
Unit 3 Discipline ofMeeting會場秩序
Unit 4 Exchanging Opinions交換意見
Unit 5 Summarizing Opinions整合意見
Unit 6 Proposal and Vote提議與表決
Unit 7 Adjournment and Resumption休會與繼續
Chapter 6 Business Reception商務接待
Unit 1 Airport Reception機場接待
Unit 2 CustomerArrival外賓到達
Unit 3 Program Arrangement活動安排
Unit 4 DiIlIler Party邀請赴宴
Unit 5 Farewell Before Leaving離別辭行
Chapter 7 Business Trip商務旅行
Unit 1 Preparation forTrip旅行準備
Unit 2 Business Dress商務著裝
Unit 3 Applying forVisa出國簽證
Unit 4 Customs Formalities海關手續
Unit 5 Booking the Flight預訂航班
Unit 6 Booking the Room預訂房間
Unit 7 Checking Out結賬離店
Chapter 8 Business Marketing商務行銷
Unit 1 Market Investigation市場調研
Unit 2 Product Development產品開發
Unit 3 Attending Fair參加展會
Unit 4 Advertising媒體廣告
Unit 5 Merchandise Promotion推銷商品
Unit 6 After—sales Service售後服務
Chapter 9 Commercial Trade商務貿易
Unit 1 Business Relation業務聯繫
Unit 2 Appointment ofAgent指定代理
Unit 3 Ordering Goods訂購貨物
Unit 4 Inspection商品檢驗
Unit 5 Ways ofPacking包裝方式
Unit 6 Shipment貨物運輸
Unit 7 Terms of Payment支付條件
Unit 8 Signing Contracts簽訂契約
Chapter 10 Handling the Unexpected意外處理
Unit 1 Lodging a Complaint產品投訴
Unit 2 Lodging a Claim貨物索賠
Unit 3 Commercial Insurance商業保險


