



  • 又名:Essentials of Business Statistics(Third Edition
  • ISBN:9787302277941
  • 頁數:670
  • 定價:125.00元
  • 出版時間:2012-1
  • 裝幀:平裝




Chapter 1
An Introduction to Business Statistics
1.1 Populations and Samples 3
1.2 Selecting a Random Sample 4
1.3 Ratio, Interval, Ordinal, and Nominative Scales
of Measurement (Optional) 17
1.4 An Introduction to Survey Sampling (Optional) 18
1.5 More About Data Acquisition and Survey
Sampling (Optional) 20
MINITAB, Excel, and MegaStat for Statistics 29
Appendix 1.1 Getting Started with MINITAB 29
Appendix 1.2 Getting Started with Excel 36
Appendix 1.3 Getting Started with MegaStat 41
Appendix 1.4 Introduction to Internet Exercises 46
Chapter 2
Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Methods
2.1 Graphically Summarizing Qualitative Data 49
2.2 Graphically Summarizing Quantitative Data 56
2.3 Dot Plots 68
2.4 Stem-and-Leaf Displays 70
2.5 Crosstabulation Tables (Optional) 75
2.6 Scatter Plots (Optional) 81
2.7 Misleading Graphs and Charts (Optional) 84
Appendix 2.1 Tabular and Graphical Methods Using MINITAB 94
Appendix 2.2 Tabular and Graphical Methods Using Excel 102
Appendix 2.3 Tabular and Graphical Methods Using MegaStat 110
Chapter 3
Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods
3.1 Describing Central Tendency 115
3.2 Measures of Variation 125
3.3 Percentiles, Quartiles, and Box-and-Whiskers Displays 136
3.4 Covariance, Correlation, and the Least Squares Line (Optional) 144
3.5 Weighted Means and Grouped Data (Optional) 150
3.6 The Geometric Mean (Optional) 154
Appendix 3.1 Numerical Descriptive Statistics Using MINITAB 162
Appendix 3.2 Numerical Descriptive Statistics Using Excel 164
Appendix 3.3 Numerical Descriptive Statistics Using MegaStat 168
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Table of Contents vii
Chapter 4
4.1 The Concept of Probability 171
4.2 Sample Spaces and Events 173
4.3 Some Elementary Probability Rules 180
4.4 Conditional Probability and Independence 187
4.5 Bayes’ Theorem (Optional) 198
Chapter 5
Discrete Random Variables
5.1 Two Types of Random Variables 207
5.2 Discrete Probability Distributions 208
5.3 The Binomial Distribution 219
5.4 The Poisson Distribution (Optional) 230
Appendix 5.1 Binomial and Poisson Probabilities Using MINITAB 238
Appendix 5.2 Binomial and Poisson Probabilities Using Excel 239
Appendix 5.3 Binomial and Poisson Probabilities Using MegaStat 241
Chapter 6
Continuous Random Variables
6.1 Continuous Probability Distributions 243
6.2 The Uniform Distribution 245
6.3 The Normal Probability Distribution 248
6.4 Approximating the Binomial Distribution by Using the Normal Distribution
(Optional) 266
6.5 The Exponential Distribution (Optional) 270
6.6 The Normal Probability Plot (Optional) 273
Appendix 6.1 Normal Distribution Using MINITAB 279
Appendix 6.2 Normal Distribution Using Excel 281
Appendix 6.3 Normal Distribution Using MegaStat 282
Chapter 7
Sampling Distributions
7.1 The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean 285
7.2 The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Proportion 298
Appendix 7.1 Simulating Sampling Distributions Using MINITAB 307
Chapter 8
Confidence Intervals
8.1 z-Based Confidence Intervals for a Population Mean: s Known 309
8.2 t-Based Confidence Intervals for a Population Mean: s Unknown 317
8.3 Sample Size Determination 325
8.4 Confidence Intervals for a Population Proportion 329
8.5 A Comparison of Confidence Intervals and Tolerance Intervals (Optional) 336
Appendix 8.1 Confidence Intervals Using MINITAB 342
Appendix 8.2 Confidence Intervals Using Excel 344
Appendix 8.3 Confidence Intervals Using MegaStat 345
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viii Table of Contents
Chapter 9
Hypothesis Testing
9.1 The Null and Alternative Hypotheses and Errors in Hypothesis Testing 347
9.2 z Tests about a Population Mean: s Known 353
9.3 t Tests about a Population Mean: s Unknown 366
9.4 z Tests about a Population Proportion 371
9.5 Type II Error Probabilities and Sample Size Determination (Optional) 376
9.6 The Chi-Square Distribution (Optional) 382
9.7 Statistical Inference for a Population Variance (Optional) 383
Appendix 9.1 One-Sample Hypothesis Testing Using MINITAB 389
Appendix 9.2 One-Sample Hypothesis Testing Using Excel 391
Appendix 9.3 One-Sample Hypothesis Testing Using MegaStat 392
Chapter 10
Statistical Inferences Based on Two Samples
10.1 Comparing Two Population Means by Using Independent Samples:
Variances Known 395
10.2 Comparing Two Population Means by Using Independent Samples:
Variances Unknown 401
10.3 Paired Difference Experiments 409
10.4 Comparing Two Population Proportions by Using Large, Independent Samples 417
10.5 Comparing Two Population Variances by Using Independent Samples 423
Appendix 10.1 Two-Sample Hypothesis Testing Using MINITAB 434
Appendix 10.2 Two-Sample Hypothesis Testing Using Excel 437
Appendix 10.3 Two-Sample Hypothesis Testing Using MegaStat 438
Chapter 11
Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance
11.1 Basic Concepts of Experimental Design 441
11.2 One-Way Analysis of Variance 444
11.3 The Randomized Block Design 455
Appendix 11.1 Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance Using MINITAB 466
Appendix 11.2 Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance Using Excel 467
Appendix 11.3 Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance Using MegaStat 468
Chapter 12
Chi-Square Tests
12.1 Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Tests 471
12.2 A Chi-Square Test for Independence 480
Appendix 12.1 Chi-Square Tests Using MINITAB 490
Appendix 12.2 Chi-Square Tests Using Excel 493
Appendix 12.3 Chi-Square Tests Using MegaStat 495
Chapter 13
Simple Linear Regression Analysis
13.1 The Simple Linear Regression Model and the Least Squares Point Estimates 499
13.2 Model Assumptions and the Standard Error 514
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13.3 Testing the Significance of the Slope and y-Intercept 517
13.4 Confidence and Prediction Intervals 525
13.5 Simple Coefficients of Determination and Correlation 530
13.6 Testing the Significance of the Population Correlation Coefficient (Optional) 536
13.7 An F Test for the Model 537
13.8 Residual Analysis (Optional) 540
13.9 Some Shortcut Formulas (Optional) 554
Appendix 13.1 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Using MINITAB 563
Appendix 13.2 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Using Excel 564
Appendix 13.3 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Using MegaStat 566
Chapter 14
Multiple Regression and Model Building
14.1 The Multiple Regression Model and the Least Squares Point Estimates 569
14.2 Model Assumptions and the Standard Error 581
14.3 R2 and Adjusted R2 583
14.4 The Overall F Test 585
14.5 Testing the Significance of an Independent Variable 587
14.6 Confidence and Prediction Intervals 591
14.7 Using Dummy Variables to Model Qualitative Independent Variables 594
14.8 Model Building and the Effects of Multicollinearity 606
14.9 Residual Analysis in Multiple Regression 614
Appendix 14.1 Multiple Regression Analysis Using MINITAB 625
Appendix 14.2 Multiple Regression Analysis Using Excel 627
Appendix 14.3 Multiple Regression Analysis Using MegaStat 629
Appendix A
Statistical Tables 632
Appendix B
Counting Rules 653
Appendix C
The Hypergeometric Distribution 655
Answers to Most Odd-Numbered Exercises 656
References 662
Photo Credits 664
Index 665
Chapter 15 Process Improvement Using Control Charts On Website
Appendix D Two-Way Analysis of Variance On Website


