

已在Lancet, Health Policy and Planning, Health Economics等SSCI/SCI期刊發表英文研究10篇,在世界衛生經濟會議等國際學術會議報告論文12次。主持國家自然科學基金和中央高校科研項目各一項,參與多箇中國、澳大利亞科研項目。Researchgate研究之門網站科研影響力排名列廣州大學第75位(含所有理工社科類)。



  • 中文名:唐程翔
  • 畢業院校:新南威爾斯大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:衛生和環境經濟學、政策評估、選擇建模
  • 職稱:副教授


經濟學博士, 新南威爾斯大學, 澳大利亞, 2012 – 2015
社會醫學與衛生事業管理碩士, 福建醫科大學, 2008 - 2011
工商管理學士, 西南大學, 2006
食品科學與工程學士, 西南大學, 2006


新南威爾斯大學研究生支持計畫, 新南威爾斯大學. 2015
中國優秀非公派留學生獎學金, 中國留學基金委. 2014
國際衛生系統私立部門論壇獎學金, 衛生系統論壇. 2013
新南威爾斯大學國際研究生全額獎學金, 新南威爾斯大學. 2012-2015
全公費研究生, 福建醫科大學. 2008-2011


1、唐程翔, D. Tang, "The Trend and Features of Physician Workforce Supply in China: After National Medical Licensing System Reform" Human Resources for Health , 2018; 16:18 (SSCI一區收錄,IF =2.416)
2、唐程翔, H. Wu, Y. Xiong, J. Xu, (2018)"Adaptation and Assessments of the Chinese Version of the ICECAP-A Measurement " Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2018; 16:45 (SSCI二區收錄,IF =2.143)
3、H. Wang, 唐程翔, S. Zhao, (2017) "Job satisfaction among health-care staff in township health centers in rural China: Results from a latent class analysis" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017.10.3390/ijerph14101101 (SSCI二區收錄,IF =2.101)
4、唐程翔, D. Tang, (2017) "The trend and features of the doctor workforce supply in China after the national medical licensing system reform from 2005-15: a longitudinal analysis " The Lancet, 2017;390:S46 (Abstr,SCI一區收錄,IF =44.002)
5、B. Greiner, L. Zhang, 唐程翔, (2017)" Separation of Prescription and Treatment in Health Care Markets - A Laboratory Experiment" Health Economics, DOI: 10.1002/hec.3575 (SSCI一區收錄,IF =2.690)
6、唐程翔, J. Xu, & M. Zhang, (2016)"The Choice and Preference for Public-Private Health Care among Urban Residents in China: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment" BMC Health Services Research 16 (1): 580. (SCI二區收錄,IF =1.827)
7、唐程翔, D. Liang, (2016)"The Specialty Choices of Medical Students in China: A Stated Preference Experiment" BMC Medical Education 16 (1): 107. (SSCI/SCI二區雙收錄,IF =1.572)
8、唐程翔, Yucheng Zhang, (2015) "Using discrete choice experiments to value preferences for air quality improvement: The case of curbing haze in urban China" Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59 (8): 1473-1494. (SSCI二區收錄,IF =1.710)
9、唐程翔, 等. (2014) "The Growth of Private Hospitals and Their Health Workforce in China: A Comparison with Public Hospitals," Health Policy and Planning 29 (1): 30 -41. (SSCI/SCI一區雙收錄,IF =3.452)
10、R. McCollum, L. Chen, 唐程翔, 等. (2014). "Experiences with Primary Healthcare in Fuzhou, Urban China, in the Context of Health Sector Reform: A Mixed Methods Study." The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 29 (2): e107-e126. (SSCI三區收錄,IF =1.241)


