


  • 中文名:唐曉雨
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:注意及多感覺整合間互動作用的神經機制
  • 任職院校:遼寧師範大學


2012年-2015年留學日本, 獲博士學位,2015年10月至2016年03月為日本岡山大學研究員


1. 實驗心理學、認知神經科學、心理學基礎(本科)
2. 科研方法與論文寫作(碩士研究生




1. 2019年,Xiaoyu Tang*#, Yulin Gao#, Weiping Yang, Yanna Ren, Jinglong Wu, Ming Zhang*, Qiong Wu*. Bimodal divided attention attenuates inhibition of return with audiovisual targets[J]. Experimental Brain Research.
2. 2019年,彭姓, 常若松, 李奇, 王愛君*, 唐曉雨*. (in press). 不同SOA下視覺返回抑制對視聽整合的調節作用[J].心理學報.
3. 2018年, 張明#*, 唐曉雨#, 於薇, 寧波, 王智楠, 王愛君*. 基於通道的內源性注意對聲音誘發閃光錯覺的影響[J]. 心理學報.
4. 2018年, 陳艾睿, 王愛君, 王天琪, 唐曉雨*, 張明*. 初級視覺皮層在注意震盪中的作用[J]. 心理學報.
5. 2018年, 彭姓, 常若松, 任桂琴, 王愛君*, 唐曉雨*. 外源性注意與多感覺整合的互動關係[J]. 心理科學進展.
6. 2018年, 魯柯, 王愛君, 羅琴, 韓勝傑, 唐曉雨, 張明*. 內源性空間注意對聲音誘發閃光錯覺的影響[J]. 心理科學.
7. 2017年, Airui Chen, Aijun Wang, Tianqi Wang, Xiaoyu Tang*, Ming Zhang*. Behavioral Oscillations in Visual Attention Modulated by Task Difficulty[J]. Frontiers in Psychology.王愛君, 劉曉樂, 唐曉雨*, 張明*.三維空間中不同視野深度位置上的返回抑制. 心理學報. 2017, 49(6): 723-732 (2017,6,25)
8. 2017年, 陳艾睿#, 唐曉雨#, 王愛君*, 張明*.視覺注意離散性的實驗範式[J]. 心理科學進展.
9. 2017年, 常若松, 彭姓, 符明弘, 張長路, 唐曉雨#. 高職生現在宿命觀與手機成癮傾向的關係研究[J]. 遼寧師範大學學報(社會科學版).
10. 2016年, Xiaoyu Tang, Jinglong Wu*, and Yong Shen, The interactions of multisensory integration with endogenous and exogenous attention[J], Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
11. 2015年, Xiaoyu Tang, Chunlin Li, Qi Li, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Ishikawa Soushirou, Satoshi Takahashi, Jinglong Wu, Effect of spatial and temporal attention on audiovisual integration: an event-related potentials study[C], The 9th International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 48-49, Okayama, Japan. (IEEE conference paper)
12. 2015年, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Yulin Gao, Xiaoyu Tang, Yanna Ren, Satoshi Takahashi, Jinglong Wu*, Effects of sound frequency on audiovisual integration: an event-related potential study[J], PLoS One.
13. 2014年, Xiaoyu Tang, Chunlin Li, Qi Li, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Soushirou Ishikawa, Satoshi Takahashi, Jinglong Wu, Effect of spatial and temporal attention on visual stimulus processing: an event-related potentials study[C], ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 157-162, Taipei, Taiwan(EI, Best Student Paper).
14. 2014年, Yulin Gao, Qi Li, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Xiaoyu Tang, Jinglong Wu*, Effects of ipsilateral and bilateral auditory stimuli on audiovisual integration: a behavioral and event-related potential study[J], NeuroReport.
15. 2013年, Xiaoyu Tang, Chunlin Li, Qi Li, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Soushirou Ishikawa, Jinglong Wu*, Modulation of Auditory Stimulus Processing by Visual Spatial or Temporal Cue: An Event-Related Potentials Study[J], Neuroscience Letters.
16. 2013年, Ming Zhang*, Xiaoyu Tang, Jinglong Wu*, Blocking the Link between Stimulus and Response at Previously Attended Locations: Evidence for Inhibitory Tagging Mechanism[J], Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering.
17. 2013年, Weiping Yang, Qi Li, Tatsuya Ochi, Jingjing Yang, Yulin Gao, Xiaoyu Tang, Satoshi Takahashi, Jinglong Wu*, Effects of Auditory Stimuli in the Horizontal Plane on Audiovisual Integration: An Event-Related Potential Study[J], PLoS One.
18. 2013年, Xiaoyu Tang, Chunlin Li, Qi Li, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Jingjing Yang, Soushirou Ishikawa, Satoshi Takahashi, Jinglong Wu, Effect of cue-target interval on audiovisual stimuli processing in endogenous spatial attention: an event-related potentials study[C], Proceedings of 2013 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 656-661, Beijing, China(EI).
19. 2012年, 唐曉雨,王凌雲,張明*,掩蔽線索引發的注意定向——易化和抑制[J],套用心理學.
20. 2012年, Xiaoyu Tang, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Chunlin Li, Jingjing Yang, Soushirou Ishikawa, Ming Zhang, Jinglong Wu, Effect of cue-target interval on endogenous attention in Go/No-Go task: evidence from an event-related potentials study[C], Proceedings of 2012 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 669-672, Kobe, Japan. (EI)
1. Xiaoyu Tang, Yulin Gao, Weiping Yang, Ming Zhang, Jinglong Wu, Audiovisual Integration of Natural Auditory and Visual Stimuli in the Real-World Situation. In Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare: Interdisciplinary Applications, J. Wu, Ed., Medical Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global): Hershey, 2012, Chapter 35, 337-344, 200千字. (著書)
2. 張明譯著,唐曉雨(參與譯著第9、10章).《感覺與知覺》,中國輕工業出版社,2018.02,46.5萬字, ISBN: 978-7-5184-1760-5
3. 張明(主編),唐曉雨(副主編),韓麗(副主編).《破解兒童情緒障礙的難題》,科學出版社,2018.01,18萬字, ISBN:978-7-03-054927-3
4. 張明(主編),唐曉雨(副主編),劉寧(副主編).《走出兒童閱讀障礙的困境》,科學出版社,2018.01,20萬字,ISBN: 978-7-03-054926-6
5. 張明(主編),唐曉雨(副主編),李海靜(副主編).《找尋注意缺陷多動障礙的對策》,科學出版社,2017.08,20萬字,ISBN:978-7-03-053737-9
6. 張明(主編),唐曉雨(副主編),劉蘇(副主編).《探索言語障礙兒童的世界》,科學出版社,2017.08,20萬字,ISBN:978-7-03-053759-1
1. 2017年01月至2019年12月,外源性注意調節視聽覺整合的時程機制(31600882),國家自然科學基金面上項目.
2. 2013.04-2014.03,Effect of spatial or temporal endogenous attention on visual and auditory stimulus processing,已結題,Research Grant for Encouragement of Students,日本國立岡山大學.
3. 2014/02-2014/06,Effects of spatial and temporal attention on visual stimulus processing: an event-related potentials study,已結題,國際交流助成項目,日本一般財団法人丸文財団.


1.2017年,《The interactions of multisensory integration with endogenous and exogenous attention》榮獲遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎(學術論文類),一等獎,遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎評審委員會.
2. 2015年,《on Mechanisms of Visual and Auditory Attention in Temporal or Spatial Cueing Paradigm》榮獲日本國立岡山大學,優秀博士論文獎,最優獎.
3.2014年,《Effects of spatial and temporal attention on visual stimulus processing: an event-related potentials study》Finalist Best Student Paper Award,IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering.
2. 2016年,遼寧師範大學2016年度科研先進個人。


