


  • 中文名
  • 外文名
  • 作者蔡東藩
  • 譯者李正栓
  • 題材
  • 語言
  • 出版時間
  • 出版社
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  • ISBN
  • 類別
  • 原作品唐史通俗演義
  • 定價



Li Mi Lost the War and Fled to Guanzhong
The Prince of Qin Applied Clever Plan and Pacified Longyou
第五回 李密敗績入關中 秦王出奇平隴右
Chapter 6 / 071
Sheng Yanshi Ambushed and Killed the Traitor
Dou Jiande Raised an Army and Killed the Bandits
第六回 盛彥師設伏斃叛徒 竇建德興兵誅逆賊
Chapter 7 / 085
Zhu Can a Cannibal Cooked and Ate Envoy Duan
Li Shimin Attacked the Head of Bandits and Defeated Liu Wuzhou
第七回 啖人肉烹食段欽使 討亂酋擊走劉武周
Chapter 8 / 098
Dou Jiande Made Peace in Heshuo and Returned the Prisoners
The Soldiers of Zheng Were Defeated and Defended a Lone City
第八回 河朔修和還舊俘 鄭兵戰敗保孤城
Chapter 9 / 111
Capturing the Heads of Bandits, Li Shimin Showed His Power in the East Capital
Returning to the Court Victoriously, the Prince of Qin Presented Prisoners to the
Ancestral Temple
第九回 擒渠殲敵耀武東都 奏凱還朝獻俘太廟
Chapter 10 / 124
Xiao Xian of the Liang State Was Defeated in the Jiangdong Area
Liu Heita Lost His Army in Mingnan
第十回 下江東梁蕭銑亡國 戰洺南劉黑闥喪師
Chapter 11 / 138
The Heir Apparent Sent Troops to Pacify the Enemy
Commissioner Li Capitalised on the Victory in Danyang
第十一回 唐太子發兵平山左 李大使乘勝下丹陽
Chapter 12 / 151
Fu Gongyou was Killed and His Head Was Sent to Chang’an
The Tang Dynasty Rejected the Khagan and Made Peace with Turkic
第十二回 誅文乾傳首長安 卻頡利修和突厥
Chapter 13 / 166
Brothers Were Assassinated at the Xuanwu Gate
The Rebellious Prince of Lujiang Rebelled and Was Killed
第十三回 玄武門同胞受刃 廬江王謀反被誅
Chapter 14 / 179
The Emperor Violated Kinship by Marrying His Brother’s Wife
The Tang Dynasty Allied with the Barbarian Invaders
第十四回 納弟婦東宮瀆倫 盟胡虜便橋申約
Chapter 15 / 189
A Truce was Declared and Rulers Discussed Governance
The Focus Shifted from Peace to War, with Commanders Showcasing Their Skills
第十五回 偃武修文君臣論治 易和為戰將帥揚鑣
Chapter 16 / 203
The Enemy Chief was Captured and the Eastern Turkic Threat Was Eliminated
The Mighty Army Advanced Deep into the Territory of the Tuyuhun
第十六回 獲渠魁掃平東突厥 統雄師深入吐谷渾
Chapter 17 / 216
Empress Zhangsun Gave a Final Counsel
Wu Meiniang Answered the Imperial Summons
第十七回 長孫後臨終箴主闕 武媚娘奉召沐皇恩
Chapter 18 / 229
The Subjugation of the Qocho Kingdom and Presentation of Captives at the Guande Hall
Expulsion of the Zhenzhu Khan and Defeat of the Xueyantuo Tribe
第十八回 滅高昌獻俘觀德殿 逐真珠擊敗薛延陀
Chapter 19 / 240
The Mighty Foreign Tribe was Plagued by Internal Turmoil and Factional Disputes
Disturbingly, News Emerged of the Heir Apparent’s Deposition, Defying
第十九回 強胡內亂列部紛爭 逆跡上聞儲君被廢
Chapter 20 / 253
The Emperor Changed the Heir Apparent and Gave Royal Instructions
The Expedition against Goryeo Broke the Enemy’s Offensive Successively
第二十回 易東宮親授御訓 征高麗連破敵鋒
Chapter 21 / 266
In the East, the Army Returned Empty-Handed
In the North, the Wild Tribes Submitted Utterly
第二十一回 東略無功全軍歸國 北荒盡服群酋入朝
Chapter 22 / 276
Subduing Rebellious Chieftains in Thindu
Conquering Kucha and Capturing Their King
第二十二回 使天竺調兵擒叛酋 征龜茲入穴虜名王
Chapter 23 / 287
A Wise Emperor’s Light Faded and a Beauty Left the Throne
A Princess Plotted in Secret and Rebellion’s Seeds Were Sown
第二十三回 出嬌娃英主升遐 逞姦情帝女謀變
Chapter 24 / 298
Wu Zetian Returned to Imperial Palace and Reclaimed Favour
Chu Suiliang Displays Loyalty at the Imperial Court
第二十四回 武昭儀還宮奪寵 褚遂良伏闕陳忠
Chapter 25 / 309
Queen Wang Was Killed with Ruthless Means
A Large Army Was Sent to Capture Shaboluo
第二十五回 下辣手害死王皇后 遣大軍擒歸沙缽羅
Chapter 26 / 317
Xu Jingzong Schemed to Frame Three Families
Liu Rengui Pacified the Kingdom of Baekje
第二十六回 許敬宗構陷三家 劉仁軌蕩平百濟
Chapter 27 / 328
Xue Li Shot Three Arrows and Established Control over Tianshan Mountain
Li Ji Leads Six Troops to Defeat Goguryeo
第二十七回 發三箭薛禮定天山 統六師李勣滅高麗
Chapter 28 / 337
In Battling the Qiang Tribe, Tang’s Forces Faced Continuous Defeat
In a Change of Heir Apparent Princes Were Twice Wronged
第二十八回 伐西羌連番敗績 易東宮兩次蒙冤
Chapter 29 / 346
General Pei Triumphed in Multiple Expeditions
Emperor Gaozong Fell Ill and Passed Away
第二十九回 裴總管出師屢捷 唐高宗得病告終
Chapter 30 / 357
Deposed and Replaced, the Prince of Luling Was Exiled
Going Against Wise Counsel, Xu Jingye Met His Waterloo
第三十回 被廢立廬陵王坐徙 違良策徐敬業敗亡
Chapter 31 / 367
Conniving Rampant Abuse of Severe Punishments
Plotting for Rectification Leads to Great Disaster
第三十一回 敕告密濫用嚴刑 謀匡復構成大禍
Chapter 32 / 378
Wu Zetian Proclaimed Herself Ruler
Di Renjie Was Released by Order
第三十二回 武則天革命稱尊 狄仁傑奉制出獄
Chapter 33 / 388
An Jinzang Revealed His Heart of Devotion
Monk Huaiyi Got Retribution for Evil
第三十三回 安金藏剖心明信 僧懷義稔惡受誅
Chapter 34 / 398
Launching Multiple Military Expeditions to Quell Rebel Chieftains
Seizing Opportunities in Dreams and Offering Loyal Zeal Repeatedly
第三十四回 累次發兵才平叛酋 借端詳夢迭獻忠忱
Chapter 35 / 409
Mochuo Khan Broke the Engagement and Invaded
Di Renjie Fulfilled His Duty and Returned to Heaven
第三十五回 默啜汗悔婚入寇 狄梁公盡職歸天
Chapter 36 / 419
Proving Wrongful Accusations, Zhang Shuo Defended Against False Charges
Punishing Corrupt Officials, Emperor Zhongzong Got Reinstated
第三十六回 證冤獄張說辨誣 誅淫豎中宗復位
Chapter 37 / 430
The Empress indulged in Sexual Pleasure with Wu Sansi
Conspiracy of the Five Princes and the Eunuchs to Commit Crime
第三十七回 通三思正宮縱慾 竄五王內使行兇
Chapter 38 / 439
The Heir Apparent Raised an Army to Eliminate Evil
Shangguan, Relying on Favour, Engaged in Illicit Relations with Courtiers
第三十八回 誅首惡太子興兵 狎文臣上官恃寵
Chapter 39 / 450
At the Night Feast, Ministers Presented Their Exquisite Amusing Poems
The Emperor Ate a Poisoned Cake Mistakenly and Died in the Shenlong Hall
第三十九回 規夜宴特獻回波辭 進毒餅枉死神龍殿
Chapter 40 / 458
Empress Wei Was Killed and Purged of Her Filth
The Prince of Qiao was Pacified and Two Traitors Were Killed
第四十回 討韋氏掃清宿穢 平譙王駢戮叛徒
Chapter 41 / 469
In Response to the Celestial Signs, Emperor Ruizong Abdicated the Throne
The Treacherous Plot Was Exposed and the Princess Lost Her Life
第四十一回 應星變睿宗禪位 泄逆謀公主殺身
Chapter 42 / 481
Zhang Shuo Presented a Beautiful Woman and Received Generous Rewards
Wang Jun Defeated the Formidable Enemy and Achieved Remarkable Feats
第四十二回 贈美人張說得厚報 破強虜王晙立奇功
Chapter 43 / 493
Appointing an Outstanding Prime Minister Began Good Governance and a New Era
Reviewing the Border Defence, Civilian Officials Pacified Rebellious Invaders
第四十三回 任良相美政紀開元 閱邊防文臣平叛虜
Chapter 44 / 504
Trusting the Words of a Concubine, the Empress was Deposed
Acting Bravely Against Enemies, the Loyal Envoy Met a Tragic End
第四十四回 信妾言皇后被廢 叢敵怨節使遭戕
Chapter 45 / 514
Zhang Shougui Lured the Enemy and Captured Their Leader
Li Linfu’s Treacherous Plot Harmed the Heir Apparent
第四十五回 張守珪誘番得虜首 李林甫毒計害儲君
Chapter 46 / 524
Declining the Emperor’s Favour, Zhang Guo Returned to the Mountain
A Grand Banquet Set, Consort Mei Performed Her Skills with Grace
第四十六回 卻隆恩張果老歸山 開盛宴江梅妃獻技




