周連群,男,獲法國Université de Franche-Comté 大學科學工程專業(Sciences pour l'ingnieur)博士學位和中科院研究生院工學博士學位。
- 中文名:周連群
- 性別:男
- 職稱: 研究員
- 學 歷:博士
通訊地址: 蘇州高新區科技城科靈路88號
1. L. Zhou, J-F. Manceau, F. Bastien. Influence of gases on Lamb waves propagations in resonator. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2009, 95, 223505-223508.
2. L. Zhou, J.-F. Manceau, F. Bastien, Interaction between gas flow and a Lamb waves based microsensor, Sens. Actuators, A, 181 (2012) 1-5.
3. L. Zhou, Y. Wu, M. Xuan, J.-F. Manceau, F. Bastien, A Multi-Parameter Decoupling Method with a Lamb Wave Sensor for Improving the Selectivity of Label-Free Liquid Detection, Sensors, 12 (2012) 10369-10380.
4. H He,L. Zhou*, Y Wang, C Li, J Yao, WZhang, Detection of trace microcystin-LR on a 20 MHz QCM sensor coated with in situ self-assembled MIPs,Talanta, 2015, 131, 8-13.
5. Z Guo,H Li,L Zhou,D Zhao,Large-Scale Horizontally Aligned ZnO Microrod Arrays with Controlled Orientation, Periodic Distribution as Building Blocks for Chip-in Piezo-Phototronic LEDs,Small.2015, 11(4):438-45.
6. Z Guo,Z Zhang,W Zhang,L Zhou,H Li,Caroline Andreazza-Vignolle,Pascal Andreazza,Dongxu Zhao,Yihui Wu,Quanlong Wang,Tao Zhang,Keming Jiang, Color-Switchable, Emission-Enhanced Fluorescence Realized by Engineering C-dot@C-dot Nanoparticles,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014,6(23):20700-20708.
7. Z Zhang, H Li, F Zhang, Y Wu, Z Guo,L Zhou, Investigation of Halide-Induced Aggregation of Au Nanoparticles into Spongelike Gold.Langmuir, 2014, 30, 2648-2659.
8. X Bi, Y Wu, J Wu, H Li,L Zhou. A model for longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient measurement of the aluminum nitride thin films.J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,2014, 25,6,2435-2442.
9. L. Zhou, Y. Wu, M. Xuan, J.-F. Manceau, F. Bastien, MULTI-PARAMETERS DECOUPLING METHOD WITH LAMB WAVE SENSOR ,Transducers’11, Beijing, China, June 5-9, 2011/IEEE.
10. H. kong, L. Zhou, C Li, J Yao, W Zhang, Highly sensitive measurements of the pressure and flow velocity with one micro Lamb wave resonatorSPAWDA2015/IEEE.