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  • 中文名:周軍
  • 國籍中國 




1、Zhou Jun, Song Jun, Yuan Hao and Zhang Bo. The statistical properties of a new type of photon-subtracted squeezed coherent state[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(5): 050301;
2、Jun Zhou, Hong-Yi Fan and Jun Song. Photon-subtracted two-mode squeezed thermal state and its photon-number distribution[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2012, 51(5): 1591-1599;
3、Jun Zhou, Shuai Wang, Jun Song and Hong-Yi Fan. Photon-number distribution and Wigner unction of generalized photon-modulated coherent states[J]. Modern Physics Letters A, 2012, 27(6): 1250013;
4、Jun Zhou, Hong-Yi Fan and Jun Song. On the photon distribution of the two-mode squeezed chaotic state[J]. Physica Scripta, 2011, 84(4): 045005;
5、Jun Zhou, Hong-Yi Fan and Jun Song. New approach for solving the Lindblad equation of the density operator for a harmonic oscillator interacting with an electromagnetic field[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2011, 50(10): 3149-3157;
6、周軍,袁好,宋軍. 相位擴散通道中密度算符相關態的時間演化 (The time evolution of relative density operator in phase diffusion channels)[J]. 物理學報 (Acta Physica Sinica),2012,61(3): 030302;
7、Zhou Jun, Fan Hong-Yi and Song Jun. A new type of photon-added squeezed coherent state and its statistical properties[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(7): 070301;
8、Jun Zhou and Hong-Yi Fan. Quantum state for the two-variable Hermite polynomial-Gaussian laser modes of the electromagnetic field[J]. Optik, 2012, 123: 1212-1217;
9、Jun Zhou, Jun Song, Hao Yuan and Hong-Yi Fan. Evolution of the photon-added coherent state in a laser channel[J]. Canadian Journal of Physics, 2012, 90(6): 593-598;
10、Jun Zhou, Jun Song, Hao Yuan, Bo Zhang, Chuan-Mei Xie and Hong-Yi Fan. Photon-number distribution and Wigner function of generalized squeezed thermal state[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2012, 51(9): 2681-2689;
11、Jun Zhou, Hong-Yi Fan,Jun Song. Deriving new identities of Hermite-polynomial operators and Laguerre-polynomial operators by using representation theory and operator-ordering technique[J]. Optik, 124 (2013): 911–914;
12、 Jun Zhou, Jun Song, Hao Yuan. Simple approach to deriving operator identities and mathematical formulas regarding to two-variable Hermite polynomials[J]. Optik, 125 (2014): 3190–3194;
13、Jun Zhou, Hong-yi Fan, Jun Song, Ke-yue Wu, Guo-zhu Pan, Bo Zhang. Squeezing of Dirac's inverse operator in Fock space and the squeezed creation operator's eigenket[J]. Optik, 127 (2016):773–775;
14、Jun Zhou,Hong-yi Fan. From the classical diffusion equation to quantum master equation for describing optical diffusion[J].Optik, 164 (2018): 455-459;
15、Jun Zhou, Hong-yi Fan, Jun Song. A new two-mode thermo- and squeezing-mixed optical field[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(7): 070301;
16、Jun Zhou, Hong-yi Fan. A Possible Generalization of Dirac’s Phase Operator and its Relation to Paul’s Phase Operator[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017, 56(2): 514-520。


